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... GENERAL NEWS. It has been determined that the next Conference of the Wesleyan body shall be held at HulL At Alton, in Staffordshire, the overseers have put the names of the female ratepayers as claimants of votes on the church door. A quantity of anthracite coal has recently been purchased- by the authorities at Pembroke Dockyard, in 6rder to make experiments, with the view of using it for the ...

Published: Saturday 08 August 1868
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 4171 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... KXEOUTION OF THE BERVT A T-T COX. SPIRATORS. The account furnished through Renter's agency of the execution of the murderers of Prince Michael ia a terrible record (jf butchery. The prisoners, fourteen in number, were ranged in order on the edge of a freahly-dug trench, each man being bound to a post. Their eyea were bandaged, and their hands bound behind their bacii. Four gendarmes then ...

Published: Saturday 08 August 1868
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 245 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: News 


... The hope expressed very recently by a weekly review, -and generally re-echoed, that we should have more literary men in the new Parliament, seems likely to be realised. At any rate a newspaper correspondent has issued his address. Dr. W. H. Russell, the author of Dr. Brady {recently published in Tinsleys' Magazine), the well-known special of the Times newspaper, the chronicler of the ...

Published: Saturday 15 August 1868
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 768 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... Mr. Grant Duff, M.P., on Saturday, accompanied the candidates for the Isorth Eastern Division of Lanca- shire when they addiessed the electors. In the course of a speech lie said: Ever since the lieform Act of 1832, and, still more, ever since the Anti-Corn Law League agitation, Libeials in other parts of the country- had looked to the manufacturing district of Lancashire as to a political ...

Published: Saturday 15 August 1868
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 406 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... A horrible dread has fallen upon the Advertiser, yhich foresees in the partial discontinuance or shortening of the sermon the extinction of Christianity in the coun- try. The Times is severely rebuked for attempting to subvert the venerable institution of preaching. The ;vorld was converted to Christianity by it, the Reformation was accomplished by it, and it caused ¡he revival of the last ...

Published: Saturday 15 August 1868
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 248 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... The 14th Report of the Postmaster-General, which has just appeared, gives a r&sumc of improvements effected in the conveyance of foreign and colonial mails during the past two years. The changes made during this period com- prise the extension of the half-ounce scale postage to many places between the United Kingdom and foreign countries, the reduction of the British fee on registered letters, ...

Published: Saturday 15 August 1868
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 280 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... Wednesday, Aug. 12, 1868.-Before W. Jenkins, and G. Williams, Eaq. [The following portion of the report was unavoidably omitted in our last issue.] Charge of Obstruction and Assault.—James Gower, ap- parently a labourer, but said he was a mason, was brought up in custody, charged with obstructing theomcials of the Ystrad station in the execution of their duty, and with seriously wounding one ...


... ADDRESSED TO THE EDITOR. The E. tor is not responsible for the opinions of hia C~>V--poudc;Ut3. [The following letter was unavoidably crowded out last week.] SKITTLES VERSUS BILLIARDS. DEAR ME. TELEGRAPH,—In looking over your police re- port a fortnight ago, I find the Red Lion Alley was in jeopardy ;—yes, actually, the active superintendent, in his zeal to suppress a slight attempt at ...


... An inquest was held on Friday, at the Bank o.' England Tavern, Paddington, respecting the death of Frederick Packham, aged seventeen ycrs. The decpased had been employed as a porter at Mr. White- ley's linen draper, in West,bourne-grove, for about three months. He was a steady lad, and no com- plaints whatever had been made respecting him. He ha^penpd to like the housemaid, a girl named Anna ...


... CRAFTY and shameless rumours continue to be industriously circulated regarding the honourable and learned candidate, Mr. Giffard. Amongst the latest Radical inventions are the following —1. That Mr. Giffard has retired. 2 That he has become a Roman Catholic. 3. That he says workmen ought not to earn more than 10s. or 12s. a week. All these allegations are false, and we are authorised to say ...

[No title]

... THE ATLANTIC CABLES.—A letter addressed by Sir Richard Glass, chairman of the Analo-American Telegraph Company, to the secretary of the Stock Exchange, informs us that the cable of 1866 has been found to have failed at Valentia. Sir R. Glass promises a full report after the cable has been tested to discover where the accident occurred. For the pre- sent the whole of the work devolves upon the ...

[No title]

... THE NEW BISHOP FOR NATAL.—It is understood that Dr. Grey, the Metropolitan of South Africa, will leave England in the course of a few days, being accom- panied by the Rev. W. K. Alacrorie, M.A., incumbent of Accrington, and that as soon as possible after their arrival at Cape Town Mr. Macrorie will be consecrated for the diocese of Natal. The Bishop nominate is well known in London, having ...