Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Announcements of Births, and Marriage A- nouncements with No Cards attached, are charged as Advertisements. BIRTHS. HILL-1st inst., at Buxhall Lodge the wife of the Rev. H. Hill, of a son. ALEXANDER-4th inst., at Ipswich, the wife of Samuel Alexander, of a daughter.' MARRIAGES. FITZGERALD-GREEN.-24th ult., .at Great Yarmouth, Mr. Thomas Fitzgerald, of Islington, to Francis Mary, youngest ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Obituiary Of flistinlguiaiae PersiOna. We. have to ?? the death (it tilie hem[ ?? Clhiciuonteley ilt chcildbii'th. ii caliiaemliaiice oif thle laicceicted iady'c deathI tule Lord Laid Lady Egertoni af Tattoccas party, at their scat icc Chesihire, is put atf. MlAJOR-GL-qER1~f 611S W'ILLIAII JUicV ItDLceY,IC.G- We have to ainonne111e thle -sadden death at Major-GenerllSrW. dhrieY, Which took ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BURiET.Onth It oeBIRTHiS. BIIRNTT~nthe lt Deember, at Scotby Parsonage Carlisle, thle wife of tile 11ev. George Burnett, of twins, boys. LUBBOCK.-.On tile -J'rth November, at High Elois, tile wife of sir john Lubbock, Bart., ?? of a daughter PNROSE-ots the 20t November, at Colkbyiiuld, Wimbledon, Dlrs. F. C. Penrose, of at daoghiter. I'EiCVAL-1., of the s2th Novemiber, at Z3 Poterharim ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS,. MARRIAGES, 4AND DEATHS. The Charge for the insertion of anounooments of Births is 2i 6d eah.h Announcements of Marriages and Death., properly authenticated, are inserted gratuitously, except where aspeci61 inztimaios such aslo cards, or Friends will, please accept tlhi notice, are added, inwvhich caaethe clargewil e 2~ v2 Bawkr-WoodalL-November 26th, at Holy Trini Church Hull, by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... o* No Notic ot Bih, Marriage, or Death can be inserte unless an theticatd .b the namead addreee of the sender. The words ocards, or any similar addition to the sinple announcement of a marriago or death, aubjeoct it to payment as for an advertisoment. BIRTHS. BUJiNETT-Dec. 1, at Sotby Parsonage, Carlisle, the wife of the Rer. George Barnett, of twin sona. DRAKE-Deo. 1, at 24, Everton-road, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * No Notlee of Blrtb, rige, or leath cn lee insetted unless authenticated by the name snd address of the eender. The words No ard oranysimar addition to the simsple announeement of a yarrisge or death eubfcet It to payment as for an adverisement. BIRTHS. BEV.VRLIy-Dec. 3, at 38, Derby-road, Bootle, the wife of Mr. E. Beverley, of a dlaughter. BiAcscY-Nov. 27, at 25, Lully-street, thewife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... _qEL EL W ?? ?? - __tA tM ?? , OB t. JbA ,o Wrfgh~~~'~r~the 2th filet., at Dalkelth, by the Rer. M. Wrigt. ?? Mry..Waee Scapsten O ?? Oia the Ut fast, a~ St. Bride's,. Liverpool, by'tlr ?? ~ ~ B~ddoe ohares Jones, sereed eon of the fat. Mays, oldest dmghter at os WOrntatr to Evetilde Elizabutk AzwLozO the Sid ?? H D.l o ierol M' W r, Ge Canew, oBeete, of Cgorlton.uvoc. * Madlook, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * BIRTHS, At 229 West Regent Street, on the 27th inst., Mrs James Brodie; aon. At 22 Bothwell Place, Hillbead, on the 27th inst., the wife of J. B. Macnair, photographic artist; a, son. At 47 Stockwell Street, on the 27th instant, Mrs G. M'Uotnb; a son. At 15 Park Circus, on the 26th instant, Mrs Aler. Stephen - a eon. At 59 AtJames' Street, Kingston, on the 26th inst., Mrs John W. Innes; a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIR-THS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATRy The Charge for the insertion of announcements Births is 2s 6d each. Announcements of Marriages and Deaths, prop, authenticated, are inserted gratuitously, ex where special intimations, such as No eardc or Friends will please accept this notied added, in'which case the charge will be 2s 6f eak MARRIAGES. Cooper-Child. -- December 8th, at the Paivj. Church, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHIS At 29 Kent Street, on the 10th instant, Mrs James Carrick; ,a son. At 125 Alexandra Terrace, Greenbead, on the 10th inst., Mrs Robert Gardner; twin sons. At 188 PollokebawsRoad, on thel0th instant, Mrs John Bryaon ; a eon. At 6 Granby Terrace, on the Oth inst., the wife of Francis Win. Clark, Esq., advocate, S. S., Lanark- shire, a daughter. At Farme, lRutherglen, on the 9th inst., the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... AU Notices of Marriages or Deaths sent from a distatri D,-t ti authenticated by rho cinatcare of one of orr Atautj or by t'bi of a MOum correspondent; those stft at our office, by tar sendr. Amronneorcenta of Births rwe sunbject to a charge of t3. 6d each. are =ast ailso be properly authenticaeac The 'srfs Xs Card,.>! rany addition to the oimjlo announcement of a Marctag2c or D-1 subject it ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MR. WILLIAM RAND, J.P., OF BRADFORD. On Tuesday evening, this gentleman, who was well known and esteemed in Bradford, died at his resi- dence, Kirklanuds, near Baildon. It is only lately that he might have been seen going about in his usual health, bat an affection of the heart had confined him to the house for the past fortnight; the symptoms became alarming within the Past day or ...