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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... o* No Notic ot Bih, Marriage, or Death can be inserte unless an theticatd .b the namead addreee of the sender. The words ocards, or any similar addition to the sinple announcement of a marriago or death, aubjeoct it to payment as for an advertisoment. BIRTHS. BUJiNETT-Dec. 1, at Sotby Parsonage, Carlisle, the wife of the Rer. George Barnett, of twin sona. DRAKE-Deo. 1, at 24, Everton-road, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... * No Notlee of Blrtb, rige, or leath cn lee insetted unless authenticated by the name snd address of the eender. The words No ard oranysimar addition to the simsple announeement of a yarrisge or death eubfcet It to payment as for an adverisement. BIRTHS. BEV.VRLIy-Dec. 3, at 38, Derby-road, Bootle, the wife of Mr. E. Beverley, of a dlaughter. BiAcscY-Nov. 27, at 25, Lully-street, thewife of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... _qEL EL W ?? ?? - __tA tM ?? , OB t. JbA ,o Wrfgh~~~'~r~the 2th filet., at Dalkelth, by the Rer. M. Wrigt. ?? Mry..Waee Scapsten O ?? Oia the Ut fast, a~ St. Bride's,. Liverpool, by'tlr ?? ~ ~ B~ddoe ohares Jones, sereed eon of the fat. Mays, oldest dmghter at os WOrntatr to Evetilde Elizabutk AzwLozO the Sid ?? H D.l o ierol M' W r, Ge Canew, oBeete, of Cgorlton.uvoc. * Madlook, to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I THE LATE REV. HENRY COOKE, DD., LU), OF BELFAST. )D, WHITE'S SERMON. Last Sunday evening the Rev. Dr. White preached, in Islington Presbyterian (3huroh, with special rt fer-cnco to the life and labours of the late I)r. Cooke, of Belfast. Ho took for his text Zech. xi., 2--Howl, fir tree, for the cedar is fallen. Having traced the connection in which the words occur, he noticed, first, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? No Notloe of Birth, Marwriaso, or Death can be inserted Aix msloaa authentlaedti bj the Damae and addresr oS ?? sexsdar. Tho wordo NIo cards, or any siilar addition to the simuple aunounnaentn of a marrae or death, lU} sub loot It, topayment as for anf advrtisemesnt. Owv Ca BIRTHS. He i ttuJN-Nov. 20, at 8outhport, the wie of the Rev. An SEamnder TAshv.wor, oi a daughter. AWet ?? 24, at 1, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... unless ournt -elijte at a iid dheli o te sender. The wo ytN oee ant' ninils 'ddi= tothe sit.l. aiit itunesn t of aR noattii eet AI sublilet It to toovuist afor atead ruii-ttOn'lt. nBIRTHI'0. AlfS1ll13IteC. 2, sit LTghthttrta 1.IVestaOO the ovife of Aytner Ainslie, lteq . of A eon. Bianyl-flece6. iat 4, Olbeon-stroct, the wife of Mr. 'f W. ?? ItexIler. of a mon. BHeyitituiY -Dea. 3, at 28, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... of 3Birth, ?? a Ol 1)oSth q the it10 8thrntInellt &y tpo ame Sad el t I l ?? atrdetu Be e W or ?? JtV. 118ta 5 n tunleeo rf* ?? street10 olv~cbX Lti tGroh-treet, tho 0 V',,]rXzjDee thefetof th wifi e of . g, at ptilor M, tbeeerew sedeagbtr eatu ?? al,os dielghtse. Queen An~te~jfO of M~r. P. Jones,AmriD 8t a@'t Albert 110000,- lter. .K tf^>lrolhe vl Rev. J\fllstowreetl Birti'~ M y heDe. i 13. i ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEA.TH AND FUNERA.L OF JOHN BA[RSTOW, The illness from which Joiin Bairstow, Esq., has bqen suffciinz, terminated in his death, at a quarter past nine o'clock, on Monday morning. His lifo had been one of much usefulness. From all accounts Mr. Bairstow has boon a muniticientsupporter of the church, having endowed entirely St. Luke's in this town, and he was the patron of the living; helikewise ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... No Notice f Blirth, Marriage, or Death can be inserted unless authenticated by the name and address of the sender. The words l No cards, or any similar addition to tho simple announcement of a marriage or death, subject t topayment a. tornt advertisement. BIRTHS. BARKVn-DSc. 11, at 11, Osborne-road, Tuebrook, Mrs. D. C. Barker, of a daughter. LiMIGHEroN-Deo. 9, at 26, Harley-street, Bow, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE ENGLISH BAR AT M. BFRRYER'S FUNERAL. A deputation from the English bar attended the funeral of hM. X3erryer, at Angerville. They met with a most gratifying reception from their French brethren. The Paris orrespondent of the Express, writing on Tuesday, says:- The soolety of the Middle Temple happened to be hold, Ing a parliament en Friday, and the benohers at once appointed two of their ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Atntho jnan'tAgeo, and Leztuo. . No Notloe of Birth farrisee, or Death OaN be Inserted unless authenticatd br the name and address of the sender. The words INo eards, or any similar additlon to the almple ancouncement of a marriage or dcath, subt cot it teo pavment as for an sdvertiserneet. BIRTHS. ENES-DOo. 17, at 41, Wynne-street, Wavertreo-road, ra. John George Barnes, of a son. LIg-Dec. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... eh't fiai Ariaot, Bud@atz No Not Ice of Phrth, Marriage, or Death can be Inicrted uld unlessE authenticated by the name and address of the he uender. Tbe words 1No cards, or any similar addhiion Ild to the simple announcement of a nmarriage ox d&atb, trig E~subiect It to ?? es for an advertisenmet. BIRTHS. CAI'.WITYEN-Iec. 11, at 19, Tftlow-street, the wvre of Mr. n. Carwithen, of a ...