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December 1868
5 1-7


Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales


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Merthyr Telegraph, and General Advertiser for the Iron Districts of South Wales


... ADDRESSES. IMPROVEMENT IN DENTAL SURGERYI TE:OM:A-S H/B E S, dentist, 28, HIGH STREET, M E R T HYR TYDFIL. RESPECTFULLY announces that he has recently made professional visits to London and Paris for the purpose Q^^j^flgj^i^^etlT^WtliouVthe^^eMity^^reni^ving hidd^'stumpsj 0ery, especiallj those affecting the introd jIe w'ould especially draw public attention to these iin- provements, as they ...


... PONTYPRIDD UNION. SCHOOLMISTRESS WANTED. THE GUARDIANS of this Union an desiron: of receiving Applications for the appointment of SCHOOLMISTRESS at their Union AVorkhotue. The Salary will be per annum or such higher sun as may be awarded by the Poor Law Board on the repor of the School Inspector], with board, washing, and lodging in the Workhouse. Applications of Candidates, together with ...


... MONDAY, Dec. 21, is the LAST DAY for TICKETS. 1868.— EIGHTEENTH SEASON.—1868. ) ART UNION OF GREAT BRITAIN. ONE SHILLING PER SHARE. 1,i>i:J.89fj Tickets have been sold In the seventeen pre- vious drawings, and 18,852 PRIZES distributed, including 4,454 Paintings, in amount varying from 200 guineas downwards, being One Prize in each 83 Tickets. The DRAWING for PRIZES will take place ON ...


... WANTED, in Mt .tr'Iais, a well- established Retail SPIRIT BUSINESS. A liberal price will be given suitable place.—Apply to J. B. KELLY 104, North-street, Belfast. 1875 A LONDON LIFE OFFICE, of 15 years' ■i tan-ling, with & Capital of a Quarter of a Million, nqnih the services of %n Experienced Gentleman to •.ppeiat and .>up« r! ntend Local Agents in the principal tcmut or the w«hh Coast of the ...