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... Is A DEATH OF A inquest held an evening or two si|e; Srriek, coro- ner, ou the body fJIrs. jr^'arfjt Perrett, wife of the Kiate of a steiii%oa[, t.diAg fetween Swansea and -Liverpool. The ^inaii living a most intem- perate life for ptlet, one of the witnesses stating that one iy the had visited an ad- jacent public-hojj 11,) les tlijm iort.y-tjrues Being her heiirj^ xv-|ii! Oj^ned, and the ...

Published: Saturday 02 January 1869
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1733 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... Sites ta the hihrr. THE GAME LAWS. SIR,-Will you allow me space in your valuable paper to make a few remarks Ton the game laws, and the de- struction the rabbits and hares are causing in our country. F don't hesitate to say that they are destroying thousands of bushels of the poor man's bread in the county OF Glamorgv.11 alone; and what must they be doing in the whole of Eng- land and Wales ? ...

Published: Saturday 02 January 1869
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2809 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... A^QED ATTEMPT TO POISON A PARTY. ..jut l,4C-0 or 1.500 men, women, and cliildien assem- a bail on Monday evening, at Wolverhampton, at a Tel! tea meeting to Fiddler Joss and bis wife, on the ?°jd n of nine weeks' Revival services which they na\en ]j,]ding in t: at hall. Ample preparations were E}a^(1r s:itisfying the demands of the keenest appe- t^but no sooner had the tea been poured out, and ...

Published: Saturday 02 January 1869
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 575 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... CAIRA. CAB ACCIDET.-On Christmas Day, as Mr. Evans, of the Great House. Micliaelstone-super-Ely, was driving home in a hansom cab, by some means or other the horse fell into a ditch by the side of the road and was drowned. Mr. Evans and the cabman were not injured, and as the water in the ditch was but a foot deep, it is presumed the horse was stunned by the fall, and so suffocated. ...

Published: Saturday 02 January 1869
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 73 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: News 


... S'R'Knowing your anxiety, through the columns of the Cardat limes, to assist any eflort to benefit the inhabitants ot trie town, Will you permit me to call the attention of voor readers to the Bible class which meets every Lord's-dav after- noon in the Cardiff Town-hall, from three o'clock till a quarter-past four. The class is thoroughly unsectarian, and is c-omposed of men of nearly every ...

Published: Saturday 16 January 1869
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 165 | Page: Page 5 | Tags: News 


... A reporter of the Toronto Daily Globe newspaper, In- fluenced, no doubt, by Mr. Greenwood's doings as an amateur casual, managed to get into Toronto- gaol dis- guised as a criminal, and to spend twenty-four hours there in the character, for the purpose of knowing something of gaol life from the prisoner's point of view. How he managed to get in is thus alluded to in an article in a recent ...

Published: Saturday 16 January 1869
Newspaper: Cardiff Times
County: Glamorgan, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 633 | Page: Page 7 | Tags: News 


... At a Special Sessions held at the Castle Hotel, before the Rev. E. Leigh, on Wednesday, the 13th instant, a. case of felony and elopement was heard, and as the parties reside in the salubrious locality of Ebbw Vale, more than an ordinary amount of excitement prevailed. Mr. Rice Harris appeared for the prosecution. Charles Newth, haulier, was the prosecutor, and Stephen and James Holvey ...

[No title]

... It is stated that Lord Stanley and Mr. Gathorne Hardy have accepted invitations to a forthcoming banquet to be given at Cardiff to Mr. Giffard, who unsuccessfully contested the boroucch at the last Captoin Cowper P. Coles, C.B. has been making i experiments at Tortsmonth Dockyard with rogard to the bottoms of iron ships and the disposition of their guns and armour. He states that his success ...

[No title]

... On Saturday the Sunderland magistrates, at the t instance of the owners of the Monkwearmouth Colliery, fined 10s and costs a boy, named Richard Goldsworthy, who had been found with a quantity t of lucifer matches in his possession while working I in the pit. Ho was caught in the act of striking one, I contrary to the Mines Inspection Act. It seems probable that the 2nd battalion 18th Royal ...


... At Wigan, on Friday, George Makinson, farmer, 3f Upholland, was charged with having on the 14th inst. committed an assault upon Jenny Stevenson, wife of a machinist residing at Ashton-on-the-Ribble, near Preston. Mr. Mayhew prosecuted and Makin- son, who was in custody, was defended by Mr. Franco.—Mr. Mayhew said he had been instructed to appear on behalf of the Lancashire and Yorkshire ...


... The Bishop of Carlisle has addres3ed a letter to the Archdeacon of Westmoreland upon the course to be pursued by the clergy in consequence t.f th decision of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in the St. Alban's case. ilis Lordship says In the first place let me say how important it is that all the clergy should rememher that they are of a corporate body, and that, therefore, It IS ...

Published: Saturday 30 January 1869
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 577 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... The American papers g; Ve the particulars of a singu- lar railway accident which occurred recently. On the night of the 22nd uit., the eastern-bound train of the Sioux City Railroad was thrown off by a broken rail near Farley, and the rear car, containing about thirty passengers, was precipitated over a forty-foot embank- ment. The growth of young timber checked the vio- lence of the fall, or ...

Published: Saturday 16 January 1869
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 207 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News