Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... girtt , Wwarbg0, ?? Newt. , No Notlce of Bicb, Marrage, or Dcath eon be Inserted unless sthentlestod by the name and address of the sender, The words No cards,' or any similar addition to the simple announcemnct of a marriage or death eubjeet it to payment as for an advertisement. BIRTHS. BEsowgN-Fob. 9, at Douglas, Isle of Man, the wife of B. C. Browne, Eeq., of a daughter. Bucmlcsr-Feb. 12, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? N7o ?? of Blirth, helarge, or Death can he Inserted noises authenticated by the nane and aeldeeea of the sender, Thevordan oeeYds, oany ehdr addition to the aimpleanouncement of a marrisge or doath, siubslect ito payment as for an advertisement. BIRT13S. BARTON-cMarbh 15, at 265, Brook-road, the vwife of Mr. Edward Barton, of a daughter. CAMPBELL-March 18, at 2, Grove-park, Mrs. George ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ., lo Notlce of Birth, Marriago, or Death can bo Inserted Usnesa authenticated by the name and address of the sender. The words o cards, or any similar addition to the simplo awoinouneeent ot a marage or death, subject It to payment as for an advertisemeoat. BIRTHS. ASNOLDM-Fob. 7, at 6, Oxton-road, birkesnhead, the wife of Mr. D. T. Arnoldl, of a son. BiLL-Feb. 6, at 63, GreyroOk-Btreet, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ge* No Notice of Birth, MarIe, or Death can be inserted uniess authentiated by the name snd addreses of the sender. The words No cardor ansimir addition to the simple announeoenot of marriage or death, subject it to Payment as for an advertlement. BIRTHS. ATsRIs-March aO, at i1, Darlinlgon-street, Egremont, the wile of Mr. H. N. Atklins, of a daughter. 3lerKETT-April 12, at Blandell-eands, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NoNotofo' Birh, Marriage, or Dathcanb elnseirted unless authenticated b the name and address of the sender. Tho word Io oas, or any ilmilar addition to the imple announcement of a marriage or death. soblet It to payment as for an advertsement. BIRTHS. BATF8-Sep6t. 8, at 10, Leee-street, Mrs. William Bates, of a daughter, BRIDGMAN-Sept. 6, at 14, Great Mersey-street, the wife el Captain ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... jv9 i1 a~i~gfianid pyaflmc, ?? No Notice of Ttis, Marriage or Death can be inerted urmi1me ai.h7onticatod by tho ;Iwno al d nul.iree of the sender. The words 'No cards, or any linilasr addition) to the Simple asenounceasent of a r;-rislgo or doaih, subject it to payment as for an adtvertistinoet. BIRTHS. AINSwoST1I -Jan. 2, at 13oghton Bank, lloghton, the wife of Mr. T. WV. Aiisworth, of is ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DFlSERTION AND DEATH OF A CHILD. At the Wandsworth police court, on Tuesday, Jane Nicholls, areepectably-dressed young woman, who was described as a servant, living in Spring- grove, Isleworth, was brought before Mr. Iughamn, charged with deserting her child by leaving it under a seat in a railway carriage. The child died in the prisoner's arms shortly before she was brought intothe ?? Crook, ...

girth, A1449 404 7

... 1atuo ?? No NoilGOOft IBtt M&Yrt550 or Death:^ ?? ?? barrod unlosS ?? bentleeted by the namee and a I ?? of the nuoder. The words Nooards, or ay rrlm: !I, Wadition 2o the simpte annousconaint of a 'CP.rrise- .r death, .I, It Ii m ha;unqut I,, :on W.1 Bli ?? :i S. Bt'.;-Oct. 20, at =7, Nuijw~.d-roJ, tho wifor t Mr. (I:orlee IL. 1, 1, of a otaig'.ter. BLAKMEOP.N-Oct. 81, at Bmirutead, the wilf ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... '0o Iohoceo Bth, Marelsge or Deathoanbe ,; ?? e ?? ,3t thle na3ne and address of o sonder. Tbe words - , ltd sn ?? to the ?? announe ent os a macsiege or doatb, sublootit to payment e for anadvertimement. BIRTHS. AIILE-Selit. 24, the wile of W. B. Arile, 8, Alton- terrace, Oxton, of a son. ABIrIIALL-Sept. 2f, Mrs. RMchard Henry Aspinall, 1, Leece-streot, of a eon. ATRIX8so-Sept. 23, at ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE DEATH OF DR. JOHNSTONE. We feel wellassured thatthe news of the death of this esimnable gentlermanwill be read with regret by the citizens of the town among whom he so long lived and practised. Four years ago Dr. Johustone retired from the General Boupital, and this step was followed two years afterwards by his relinquishment of practice and departure for Lea- nington, where he died on the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHIS, MAERIAG' ES, AND DEATHS. _ EBURTES. V CA~cO.Wife Of ?? at Nec -raOe, Oct. 2-1. Slarcy, ic f H., at; Berlin? -)ct. 1. F.;;o vri,'ife of 0 . T. VL ctt Portmau-acpmrctt, London, Oct. 27. tice;tlY wfe f so t* .5. ?? pacc, S.W., London, Ocet. 2-5. Slucaielll, ifeof I, at U-Tnterbnry, Oct. 21.I Lrnuo wfe of ev. B B'r, Bath, Oct. '25. Locc-eri;, wufe cif .1. ;. at ichley-rocd, Oct. 25.F ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... to be the DIRTI-S, MARRIGES, AND DEATHS. pYr1 ~ 0 two year BIwRTHS. shire Jaii On thle 12th 2fey, tho wile of Mr. J. Drelge, of thc Angel Mir. C (a il II, jjytil wfeof fr. Septhin;e Cole, Viqdnct Wok h de Crnslin, Of R. soi, stilibern. 'The C] LI the Gill U.ey, at Lowishunt, the wvife ofT. II. Alotirilyan, Elog. all reei proaliustiruly, oi aL daughiter, stullbarus. a, it Yo Ou lice 8th- M'ary, ...