Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... llAtzlageoi, 0Aav2n -PML8woner.-Dee. 28th, at the ?? ohureh Wcst Bnt. terwiek,by the Rev, 1. B ALeraoft, -er. . Carver, of West Stocrk with, to Sarah Ann, only daughter of Ar. Thoma rillsworth, of Weet Butterwick. K~gmutx-SerA.-fle5. 20th, at St. Mary's church, Bryanston. sqaure, London, by the Rev. Frederick Daweon, rector of Basoot, Becks Cal. Sir Arnold Remball, Royal Artillery. EXO.8.L, C ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATHOF SIR T. ESMONDE, BART. (FR031 OUR COREESPONDWT). WVEvxos54THUmSDA..-The death of this highly- esteemed genzthman, which occurred at his residence, Jonstown Ca8le, a nine o'clock this. morning, has plunged a large family circle and friends innumerable into the deepestmnournimg. He bore his last illness, which was painful and protracted, in the spirit of truly Christisn resignation. He ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BI RTHIS, MARI'AGES, & HAIRS. At NEWCASTLE, at JIldon1 Place, on the 25th ult., the Wvfe :if Alt Jerrncs ;Irostrotig, of a son.-&t Vic. turia, Tec -cee, onl the -()lti ult., the % lie of Alr Chas. E. Urignutu, of a ?? Swviclmune Place, ol the 29th hit., `tie wife uf Air (C. fibbert, of a ?? ,o-ovo sliect, coci the 27th ult., the wvife of ?? Ucorge Aliccil, of EL diuughiter. At HAlrTLlit'oUtL, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... A MARRIAGIES, & DEATHS. S z, I n'kO of BiRTHS, XAPRRIAGMS. atd DMAre Isnest be -5 :. r s^*oted E by the lam awnd Addresa of t.; Sender. BIRTHS. CsTY 2r.i-D0cember 27, at Scarborough, the Countess Cath- ca, oi n -danbter. Frltt *,;;Dcc~nlter 27, at Prince's Gate, London, the wife of ;,; . the Hon. t!. W. A. Fedin g, of a son. - e- 2-,mber 0at Grosvenor RoadWest, RPtlhigs, * 1s' ; iob e'or ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. The Charge for the insertion of announcements of Births is 2s 6d each. Announcements of Marriages and Deaths, properly authenticated, are inserted gratuitously, except where special intimations, such as No cards, or Friends will please accept this notice, are added, in which case the charge will be 2s 6d each. MARRIAGES. Anderson-Peckitt. - Recently, at Holy ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .Y No Notice ot Eirth, Marriage, or Death aa be Iserted nlss31 ?? by the name ad sddrem f the Render. The words INo cards,or any similar additlon to the simple Fxnnouncernent o amrrage or death, Rabteot it to paymeat ea for an aetsement. BIRTHS. tALDnwni-Dec. 30, at Miller's Bridge, Bootle, the wito of Mr. Peter Baldwin, of twin daughters. CRNLLlN-Dfoo 25 the wife of Mr. Thomas Creainn, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MXRRIA GES, AzVD DE ATHS. BIRTHS. SONs. BRADBY, Mrs. E. H., at Haileybury College, Dec. 28. CALVERRr, Mrs. C. A., at Regent's Park-terrace, Dec. 30. CECIL, Mrs. C., of Dronfield, Dec. 25. ]DOYNE, Lady F., at Grosvenor-square, Dec. 30. DuNN, wife of Rev. J., at Clifton, Dec. 26. HALsBY-At o03, Bdlgrave-road, the wife of Edward J. Halsey, this morning (Jan. I). tJUGLisroN, wife of Rev. J ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... AUt Notices of Marriages or Deaths sent from a distance must be authenticated by the signature of one of our Agent. or by that of a known correspondent, those left at car office, by the sender. Announcements of Births are subject to a charge of 2s. Sd. each, ant must also be properly authenticated. The vords No Cards, or assy addition to thss simple ennouncrement of a Herriags or Deato, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... CLERGYMEN MARRIED. Oct. 14, at the Church of St. John the Elvangelist, at Brisbane, by the Lord Bishop of Brisbane, the Ven. Benj. Glennie, B.A., Archdeacon of Brisbane, to ?? Brougham, only surviving daughter of the late William Crawshaw, Esq., of London. Dec. 18, at Chipperfield, Herts, by the Rev. Canon Woodrooffe, uncle of the bridegroom, assisted by the Rev. Francis Boddington, cousin of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF SIRI IRICHARD MAYNE, K.C.B. It is withi reoret that wve have to record tile death of a pablic sernnit, vldisc name has been intimately associ- tod with thoe nardiamlibip of London for nainost forty Years. Sir Rliclind Mn no. Chief Commiissioner of Me- tropolit in Polie, died oil Siturday nigljt, at his house in Clster squire, ]iaving recently undergeone two opera- tiolls th it ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... A IIA N R'OAkST.ED T 0 D PA TH. A mamn Ymolmammm J );lBm i tt (tam mir to hiis da-imtb an St tmimday Miahl1,:tX W iilitomafltl. lie'., mind er tie~ miitst i~mmmile umtrama--.m~ca-h. ivrtimig liven literaklly o-trireri atie. Wail a, Wi,0111,aria Itat J. V. hi,31 & £ ?? a trlii( Troll Ia'm11iimr~~, a Ml, lie fitj l -i -imala.a mar -iait ai~i. Ti ha l-aa-m imetadiy, am- mri- iriamamLiia,. Ira d r ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF A WOMAN IN A POLICE CELL. On Wednesday an inguest was held by Mr. Hum. phreys respecting the death of a woman named Saunders. The deceased, it was stated, had at- tempted to commit 'uicide on Saturday night, in that part of the4 Regent's Canal, which runs throu h Hackney.- A policeman named Robison, of the S division, heard a splash in the water. and succeeded in rescuing the woman. ...