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Bath, Somerset, England

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The Northern Whig says that the office of treasurer and distributor of the Reguim Donum, vacated by the death of

... The Northern Whig says that the office of treasurer and distributor of the Reguim Donum, vacated by the death of the Rev. Dr. Cooke, will not filled Mr George Peabody has sent a cheque for £100 to poor of l°idAto^ the During the late floods upwards of ...

The Grand Protestant Association of Loyal Orangemen of England held grand lodge at the Royal Hotel, College ..

... physically, and the Orangemen must be prepared to do it. The Orangemen it was declared were not a political party ; they were not Whigs, Tories, Chartists, Radicals, Churchmen, or Dissenters; but they were banded together for the preservation of the civil and ...


... the service of Ireland. It calls upon them to reject the Whig candidate, a boy scarcely out his teens, son of the member who has just got his reward for years of servile following from the Whig Government. The People of Ireland, on the other hand, sees ...

The death is recorded, at the age of 65, of Professor Hengstenberg, of Berlin, who for 47 years was intimately

... possession, but this did not materially increase his income. Sir Robert succesf ully contested Nottingham in 1861, against the Whig party, who adopted Lord Lincoln (the present Duke of Newcastle) their candidate ; and again in 1865 ; but he was afterwards ...


... George without the Drag-on, Great on the Paten and the Flagon ; Charm of his friends around the table But of the Radicals and Whigs, And Rationalistic prigs, And lovers of Gladstonian rigs, A scourge unwearying and able. Amid the 'lergy Convocation, Witty ...


... honourable ; but all should be equally respectable. Hartley Coleridge. The English Radicals (said the late Lord Monteagle, a Whig) are dangerous only from their theories—from their ultra-democracy, and their ultra-prasimony. They are anxious for the public ...

The Right Hon. John Edward Walsh, Master of the Rolls in Ireland, died in Paris on Tuesday week, in the

... to the Whigs, carried the Church Temporalities Bill and the measure for emancipating the West India slaves, being then Colonial Secretary and member the Cabinet. In 1834, however, he may be said to have separated himself for ever from the Whigs ; when ...

University and Collegiate News

... school, .which lasted till Jacobitism became the Court creed, and Eton becoming the head-quarters of royalty and Toryism, the Whig? sent LS + rf + to^eSt^ mS ter - ThiswiU acc for the fact that the Russells, Petties,Pagets, &c, were brought under the shadow ...


... MARRIED BY MISTAKE. A correspondent sends the Northern Whig the following extraordinary story wedding :—On Saturday last a marriage ceremony, attended with very unusual circum-Blances, took place in a little town not twenty miles from Belfast. youthful ...

The Solicitor-General has returned all his fees in the Ssaurm case, believing that the plaintiff and her ..

... that elicited at the great Belfpst meeting. After Dr. Balls speech on Friday night in the House, it was stated by leading Whigs that some such compromise as he shadowed out-viz.. retaining the Establishment, but endowing Eoman Catholics and Presbyterianswould ...

The new branch railway now in course of construction by the Midland Company from Yate to Thornbury, is rapidly ..

... second, and defeating Mr. Protheroe votes. On each occasion Mr. Bright was brought forward by what was then called the old Whig and West Indian interest, Mr. Protheroe, his opponent, being a more advanced Liberal. At the election of 1 83 ...


... for Shaftesbury, who is another of the Government whips ; and Mr. Edward Ellice, M.P. for St. Andrew's, and son of the old Whig who so long represented Coventry. This is pretty well for a Premier who has not yet been one year in office, and who bas already ...