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... Mr Harris, the station-master at Pontypool- road station, met with a sad accident on Tues- day morning last, by which his foot was taken off. Mr Harris had taken advantage of an ear- ly train to accompany some friends off as far as Penpergwm station, about three miles this side of Abergavenny, intending to get back in time for the first up passenger train from Newport. A goods train being due ...

Published: Saturday 21 August 1869
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 225 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

llltstcIIimtoMS nttIligtnttt

... HOME, FOREIGN, AND COLONIAL. PRESSURE OF THE RATES.—A table, intended to exhibit the great decree with which the rates press upof. farmers a-, compared with other clashes of per- sons in agricultural districts, is given in the current number of the Chamber of Aflriculture Journal. Re- turns were obtained from sixteen persons, thirteen of whom wi re farmers, one a purgeon, one a general dealer, ...

Published: Saturday 13 March 1869
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 4384 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... THE DREADFUL CASE OF A MAN BEING KILLED BY PASSING THROUGH THE MACHINERY. We recorded last week the fact that a man was killed in the Blaer afon Forge in the shock- iJlg IlIallllcr above indicated. His name was Benjamin Ross, a roller, aged 47, and the par- ticulars of the unfortunate occurrence will ap- pear from the evidence given below. The inquest was Held on Thursday, at the Rising Sun ...

Published: Saturday 13 March 1869
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 564 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

[No title]

... LORD SOMERVILLE AN AUSTRALIAN COLONIST. The mail from England, which arrived here in (says the Sydney Morning Herald), brought news of the accidental death of Lord Somer- ville. The title has thus descended to an Australian colo- nist, who returns to England by the next mail steamer. The present Lor I Somerville has been for some time a resident of Port Macquarie, where he has been engaged in ...

Published: Saturday 29 May 1869
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 131 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: News 


... At the meeting of the British Association at Exeter, on Monday, the above subject was discussed-Sir Stafford Northcote in the chair. The Rev. J. E. Thorold Rogers said that to doubt that the wages of the agricultural labourer had fallen within the last twenty or thirty years would be to fl in the face of facts. In considering this question of wages it was important to take into account the ...

Published: Saturday 28 August 1869
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 1079 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... The Bishop of Carlisle has addres3ed a letter to the Archdeacon of Westmoreland upon the course to be pursued by the clergy in consequence t.f th decision of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council in the St. Alban's case. ilis Lordship says In the first place let me say how important it is that all the clergy should rememher that they are of a corporate body, and that, therefore, It IS ...

Published: Saturday 30 January 1869
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 577 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... The American papers g; Ve the particulars of a singu- lar railway accident which occurred recently. On the night of the 22nd uit., the eastern-bound train of the Sioux City Railroad was thrown off by a broken rail near Farley, and the rear car, containing about thirty passengers, was precipitated over a forty-foot embank- ment. The growth of young timber checked the vio- lence of the fall, or ...

Published: Saturday 16 January 1869
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 207 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... A complimentary banquet, wail given on the evening of the 29th of December, at in New York, to Professor Morse, the inventor of a system of electric telegraphy. Chief Justice Chase presided. Mr. Thornton, the British minister, Attorney-General Evarts, General M'Dowell, Goldwin Smith, ex-Go- vernor Curtin, of Pennsylvania, and Buckingham, of Connecticut, were present. After the first regular ...

Published: Saturday 16 January 1869
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 865 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... Before the Rev. J. C. Llewellin and the Rev. T. Evans. CHARGE OF EMBEZZLEMENT. James Smith, who had been remanded on bail, was charged with embezzling certain mo- neys belonging to his employer, Richard Clarke, at Cwmbran. Mr Clarke did not appear, and the prisoner was discharged. WHEN SHE FETCIIED THE CATTLE HOME. Ann Ihomas, of Upper Sovridd, near Crum- liD, was charged with assaulting ...

Published: Saturday 16 January 1869
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2870 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News 

[No title]

... The career of Mr. Benjamin Higgs may serve to point a moral or adorn a tale, but immediately and practically it furnishes work for the lawyers as well as the detectives. Who are the rightful owners of the waifs and strays left behind by the runaway? The Guarantee Society entered the premises and sold a portion of the property but in the meantime execution on the Tedding- ton property had been ...

Published: Saturday 24 April 1869
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 131 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... The following additional returns of the expenses in- curred at the last Election will be interesting in the respective localities :— The expenses of Mr. A. C. Barclay, at Taunton, are re- turned as £688 6s. 5d.-viz., printing, advertising, and sta- tionery, £.224 14s. lod. clerks, for writing, &c., £46 8s. clerks, &c., on the polling day, £13 13s. messengers, porters, and for telegrams, £24 28 ...

Published: Saturday 06 February 1869
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 2330 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: News 


... The first corps of the Turkish army is in position on the left shore of the gulf of Volo, not far from the plain of Pharsalia, and quite close to Zeitoin. It is 24.000 strong, and is composed of picked troops, well appointed, and provided with excellent artillery. If the emergency should arise, it will forthwith occupy Zeitoin and march direot on Athens, before which it would arrive in tour or ...

Published: Saturday 06 February 1869
Newspaper: Pontypool Free Press
County: Monmouthshire, Wales
Type: Article | Words: 74 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: News