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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUIJNEIAL OF T1HE LATE MR. BAIRSTOW. The interment of the remains of the late Ar. -Councillor Bairstow took place on Saturday, at Knotty Ash Church. The deceased, who was highly respected, not only for the actsof his public life but likee for his private virtues, was followed to the grave by a very large number of his fellow- townsmen-members of the town council, the select vestry, licensed ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... !h'ttz, WI0geF, gu ยง2tS n- Nooie oftihte, Mrage, or Death an be t bo ?? aunounmoement of a masrrhage n, na subject 1: o pasent a8 for an adcr~sw mCi.: BIRTHB. a BARIOOW-lUec. 14, the wifebi Mr. John Barlow,of asou, stl~llol u.3 B1AOMGAIATFI-DeC. 14, at 119, CRown-6trOet, the wile of Rr. Alfred Baumgerten, Of a eOn. BlSA&DALM-Deo. 18, at 185, Weltatuliatorroad, Kirk- dale, the wife of Mr, Adam ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... % Nolotiief otBlrth, Mam 5aI , or ?? unless authenticated by Sho name aud addre3s of the pender. The words No card, or any silr addltlon to the slrmple annotuacement of a marriage or death, subloct It tm paymentc for suadvertemoant. BIRTHS. BAlITlrT-AUg. 8, at S9, Cannlng-street, 5re. William Bartlett, cf a son. BURNS- Aug. e, at 45, Racklngbant-stret, Otoat Romer- street, the wife of Mr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... II ?? No Notiee of Birth, Marrisae, or Death cmn be rteW unles aithentlcatea b the nuale and address of the sender. The ?? cards, or any similar addition to thoe smle announcement of a marriage of death, subject it to aent as for an advertisement. BIRTHS. AlTnERTON-Junc 1B, at 24, St. Georges-hill, Everton, the wile of Mr. Willia. AthertoU, of a son. BBrouVn-JUnn 17, lira. Thonias Drough, jun ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH' OF AN INTERESTING D HCHARACTER. I There died at Nairn a few days ago, at a ripe old age, a man who, while lacking the most highly. prized and essential endowments of humanity, showed manifestations of intelligence of the most surprising description, and excited very great interest before he entered his teens. His case at- tracted the attention of Dugald Stewart, Sir James Mackintosh, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 0,* NNotioe of Birth, Marriage, or Death can be inserted union authenticated bY the name and address of the Bender. The words No cardl ' or any simlar addition to the simple announoment of a marriage or death, subject It to payment as for an advertisetunt, BIRTHS, ADmEi1TON- Sept. 4, at Speke, the wife of Mr. Joseph G. Anderton, of a son. ArDR).ws-Sept. 6, at 31, Wealey-street, Higher Tran. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... %* No Notice of Dirwb arsa et f S 5t ne uthentic a i sender. The weldS oead0 n to the aimpln ot BiRTHS. s1Will, B EG3LON-fay 24, atSt. Martin's 4C, lug h h h t the wife O f Mr. . Q BigllodOn o f rheag CALVif o-may 24, the wife of captain IT A~veVt,0f COLIS&-MAY 27, thee vife of Mr. Rusase R citf a son. 9. b GO0CH--May 25 At Ba2ttsv Kky.Go d, Ohe wifo of R. D. boooh *eq., of a Orsy an heir ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? F1oNo5tioeof Birth, Marriage, ?? unless authenticated by the name and addreus of the sender. Tbe word No eards, or any asmilar addition to tho Dlriple announcement of a marriage or death. stih10e t 11 ,xuavmoent as for an advertsement. BIRTHS. KNna-July 20, at 49, Whiterock-street, the wife of Mr. Johii lcrr, of a EoD. 8NIHs-Jlly 0, ot. a, Ettiston-grovo, Claughton, the wfo of 3sr. 0. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... No Notico of Birth, Marriage, or Death cn h, Ini,-rf.!d uniecs authenticated by the name and a-dlrei ,,t thie ecunder. The words No cards, or any snhmilar a-l-liotm to the simple announcement of a mlarriage or 'teath subject It to payment as for an a&vort1?oiravit BIRTHS, BF.RLIN-JTn. 20, nt 2, Spekefeld Cottages, lh.1e 3ill, Mrs. Edward Berlin, of a daughter. DANSON-Jan. 26, tho wife of Mr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 'Adbot Ardavrot W POW.I .No Notice of Birth. Marriage, or Death can be lrted ?? authenticted by the name and address of the Bender. The words No eardo, orny similar addition to the simle Sanouseement t Of a m1rutagO Or death, ?? to vysnont as for an advertisement. BIRTHS. BUABLXY-Aug, 22 at Sutton Reath, the wife of Henry Beesley, Esq., of a son. ERvINo-Aug. 24, at 9, Little Woolton-street, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE ADMIRAL aRENF:EL oag Set, day morninm, John P. UWMd admiral of the Brazilndb navY, bn fo r many n ?? conedl at. Liverpool, died au Peidnc, isi -.spark, in the 69thl year of his ag.Hscareer (says the Times) was & remark, abl one. Hewa aeon of the late Mr. J. G. Grenfell, of London', and was bornt at Battersea in 1800. At eleven years of age be commenced IIf. under the East India ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? I Nifto Pardavo, a4 dat. 7 No Notiee of Bhttb, Marriage, or Death aan be Inserted wunles authentitede by the name and address of the sender. The words No cardas, oranystmllaradditlon to the simple announcement of a merrisgo or death, sub. eatit to payment as for an adverti3ement. BIRTIHS. . CAsKMENT-April 0, at 10,. Peel-ftrert, the wife of Mit. Johrs Casement, of a laughter. T CIIArsIAN ...