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... At the Westminster Police-court, on the 11th inst., Charles Legg was charged with brutally assaulting his daughter, Mary Eliza Legg, 13 years old. The prisoner has been married three times, and the only child—that one in question—was by the first wife. According to her evidence, three years ago, when at Dorchester, he seduced her. This illicit intercourse has been kept up ever since, and seven ...


... + THE CARDIFF AND MERTHYR GUARDIAN has been Established upwards of Thirty-seven Years, and has a highly influential and ever-increasing circulation in South Wales and the West of England. As a Medium for Advertisements the GUARDIAN is unrivalled in the County of Glamorgan or the Town of Cardiff. Advertisements, letters, and other communications in- tended for insertion in the whole of our ...


... IF Mr. Bright could predict as well as he can predicate-that is, if he were as good a prophet as he is a speaker, or if his prescience were as re- markable a gift as his insolence—we should never have seen the letter which he wrote a short time since to his sympathising constituents. As if utterly to confound Mr. Bright, the Lords, as he calls the members of the Upper House in a some- what ...

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... Ijirtlis, -lila^iageji, anil BIRTHS. CORTLEL-On the 25th ult., at The Lodge, Beaminster Dorsetshire, the wife of Captain J. W. Costley, late Royal Welsh Fusiliers, of a daughter. LEWIS. Recently, the wife of Mr Thomas Lewis, en- gineer (T. V. R.), Treherbert, of a daughter. VACHIlLL. -On the 5th mat., at 18, Charles-street, the wife of Mr. William Vachell, of a son. MARRIAGES. GORDON—EDWARDS ...

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... ROYAL BOTANIC SOCIETY.—At a meeting of this society, held at the gardens, Regent's Park, last Saturday, a letter was read from the Prince of Teek, president of the society, nominating the following members of the council to be vice-presidents for the ensuing year :—The Duke of Buckingham and Chandos, K.G., Marquis of Bristol, Lord Caltlwrpe, Lord Ches- ham, Lord Tredegar, Lord Alfred Hervey, ...

[No title]

... FRUIT FROM THE PACIFIC.—The Pacific Railway is now bringing us fresh fruits from California, and the dispatch or a fruit car laden with plums, pears, and grapes for Chicago and New York opens up the pros- pect of a large fruit trade between our Atlantic and Pacific states. The California fruits are surpassingly excellent in quality, and we shall welcomo their con- stant arrival in our markets ...


... RELIEVING OFFICER WANTED. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Guar- _1_1 dians of the Neath Union will at their Meeting to be holden at the Union Workhouse, Neath, on TUESDAY, the 26th day of January, 1869, proceed to APPOINT a RELIEVING OFFICER for the 1st Central District of the Union, in the room of Mr. Jenkin Francis, resigned. The District comprises the Parishes of Neath, Llantwit Lower, ...


... TO THE EDITOR OF THE GUARDIAN.' SIR,—The position of the Canton Local Government is now exciting a good deal of attention. The law gave this Board nine members, but there appears to be ten persons acting as such, and either the whole of the proceedings must be informal or one of the mem- bers must have been illegally elected. As far as I understand the state of affairs, the returning officer ...

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... DREADFUL ATROCITIES IN NEW ZEALAND.—Adelaide, Dec. 8.—Advices from New Zealand state that the rebels had surprised the settlers in Poverty Bay, and committed horrible atrocities. Men were burnt alive, children muti- lated, and the dead bodies of women thrown to the pigs. Great mismanagement is attributed to the authorities. The Colonial forces on the west coast have retreated before the rebels ...


... ALTHOUGH we often boast of our high civilization. yet now and then we are reminded that vestiges of undoubted barbarity still linger amongst us. A correspondent of a contemporary recounts an instance of the shocking practice of stripping the corpses which are cast upon our shores after a shipwreck. While he was on a visit at a country house on the Pembrokeshire coast, near St. Ann's Head, a ...

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... RECKLESSNESS OF MINERS.—At the county police- court, Wigan, on the loth inst., Henry Robinson, pony driver, in the employ of the Ince-ball Coal and Canal Company, was charged with having unlocked a safety- lamp. The offence was acknowledged by the prisoner. In consequence of the danger arising from this prac- tice the proprietors pressed for a heavy punishment. The bench committed him to gaol ...


... DETAINING A VOLUNTEER UNIFORM FOR RENT. James Caldon, formerly keeper of the Clarendon Coffee-shop, North-row, Grosvenor-square, appeared before Mr. Knox, at the Marlborough-street Police Court, to answer a summons taken out by Mr. Nor- man M'Leod, adjutant of the 1st Middlesex Engineer Volunteers, for detaining a volunteer uniform belong- ing to the corps. Mr. M'Leod said that on the 16th ...