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... i- BEAUFORT. SUDDEN BEREAViiENT.—It is our painful duty this week to announce the sudden death of Sliss Lizzie Hughes, the youngest daughter of the llev. R Hughes, Carniel. She was in her usual health up to Tuesday night, the lifli inst., and had attended school during the day, but before retiring to rest she was taken with sickness, and next morning medical aid was called in. Mr. Todd ...

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... THE WIFE MURDER AT NORWICH.—The trial of Sheward for the loug-ago murder of his wife, at Nor- wich, was concluded on Tuesday nicht. His lordship, in summing up, laid much btre.-s on the importance of the official placard issued in 185L, offering a reward for in- formation as to the mutilated limbs of a body found scattered about in various parts of Norwich, which stated that they were the ...

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... ILLNESS OF UR. DISRAELI.—The right hon. gentle- man the leader of the opposition has been suffering from an attack of gout, which has prevented him at- tending at the House of Commons. COUNSEL IX THE YICE-CJIANCELLOR'S COURT.—Tho judge and officers of the Vice-Chancellor's Court re- tired at one o'clock on tho 19th inst. as usual for a short time, but the Yice-Chancellor returning at the usual ...

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... CANOE VOYAGE IN PALESTINE. Rob Roy writes to the Times :— Ten days of active canoeing on the Sea of Galilee enabled me to inspect every part of the shores very carefully, and to map and sketch all the ruins, piers, and columns visible under water, but not to be seen conveniently from one of the few fishers' boats still used on the lake. Some few of the results thus obtained are quite new, ...

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... ROYAL CHRISTENING —The infant son of Prince and Princess Christian was christened on Wednesday in the chapel at Windsor Castle, in the presence of HerMajesty, the Princesses Louise and Beatrice, Princes Arthur and Leopold, Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar, the Duchess of Cambridge, the Duke of Cambridge, the Lord Chan- cellor, the Lord Chamberlain, and a brilliant party. The Archbishop of ...

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... INCENDIARISM IN BELGIUM.—The Court of Assizes at Bruges on the 2nd inst. passed sentence on the pri- soners accused of incendiarism at St. Genois. Vander- putie was sentenced to 12 years' hard labour Virginie Takkens to 15 years' imprisonment; Van Over- schelder to ten years; and De Poorter to five years' imprisonment. TRAMWAYS IN LONDON. — At a meeting of the Metropolitan Board of Works, the ...


... TO THE EDITOR OF THE GUARDIAN. SIR,—Will you permit me through your columns to bring under the notice of the beuevolent public the efforts now being made to secure the admission of Mrs. Day, of No. 4, Luton-place, Adamsdown, into the British Home for Incurables, Clapham Rise, Lon- don, of which her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales is patroness ? Mrs. Day is a widow, fifty-nine years ...


... MISERABLE DEATH OF A UMAff. On the 17th inst. information was given at the Chester City Police-office of the disappearance of Emma Bennett, who had not been seen by any of her neigh- bours for the past three weeks. A detective at once proceeded to where she lived, in a row of houses near the Gorse Stacks, and broke a pane of the window, and on gaining admission was almost overpowered by the ...


... An inqnest has been held before Mr. F. Charsley, coroner for Bucks, at the North Star Inn, Langley,' upon the body of Mr. Henry Foyster, the landlord of the house, who was knocked down and killed by a Great Western train on the 10th inst. Amelia Foyster said she was the sister of the deceased, and lived with him at the North Star. He was 57 years of age, and had been landlord of the inn for ...


... PARISh -The parish constables for the parish of Morthyi* We hamlet of Brithdir were sworn in at the police court Monday. Mr. Fowler, after the oath was administered, id Mr. Supt. Thomas would pro-' cure the staves of the uut-going constables, and these would be given to those }{¡-w sworn in, as symbols of their office, and they would ret-un possession of them until their year of office had ...


... ACCIDENT TO AN EXPRESS TRAIN. On Friday ovening, at 7.5 o'clock, an accident happened to the Midland express tram which left Manchester at 3.30. At Wellingborough Station an engine was standing npon the up line taking in water at the very moment that the express was due. The express was to its time. On coming in sight of the station, a short distance ahead, the engine driver saw the obstacle, ...