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-* Epps's Cocoa. RAILWAY TIME TABLES FOR JUNE. li 6 very agrreeftble C\. —. —■■ ■ ___ lered it favourite

... for ten harvest hands, did a two weeks’ washing and the milking, made a calico dress, practised her music lesson, went blackberrying, gathered a gallon, walked to town in the evening to attend a concert, and waited home again before bedtime. Here is a ...

OUR ARM CHAIR. I’M GROWING OLD JOHN G. SAXE. My days pass pleasantly away, My nights are bles-sed with sweetest

... for ten harvest hands, did a two weeks’ washing and the milking, made a calico dress, practised her music lesson, went blackberrying. gathered gallon, walked to town in the evening to attend concert, and walked home again before bedtime. Here is pretty ...