Advertisements & Notices

... TO DIR. JABIES AUSTIN, CORN FACTOR, NECZELMS, BIRIMN&qIA M. Sl5,- W IE, the undersigned, being Burgesses3 in the Ward o v of Duddeston-cum-Nechells, respectfully inrite you to allow yourself to be put in Nomination to Represent this Ward in tho Council of this Borough, and we do hereby promise yoU our support and infuence. (Signed) Alilte, . kons, Thomas Bramrpton, F. io I Tle m J. Brunoser, W ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ES'granoger, ioe aisd Leather TPradea. -W AN tED. asO ec or Traveller; tlisrouglslv understands S ee es A. B., Lower Barren Street, Sp) eith ?? WANTB~h Sl'VUA[ON in ao Manuifacturer's or Merchantm ice Ali;Aged 21.Quick at accountso write S t neat lsa~l0~~xsdreferensces. and security it required N, ~itjct~eO o traeL-AdIresE, II. 3i. Daily Lost. eilzi Ab~TED, t a few 1 h Ir Celettg o sy other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Al toatlishe BneeBt. Ap'n 7exc ratll m *PI Tea and Grotery, a good kelowleg obth ?? o et ocu m ole None e Of o b eoroesnd R EtaL Buines 'ocliwho 1pronlu 1,b Years.-Addre8S 4411 al Post. 275Ze ONFEC TONERS -WNED Y lug a aot 18 ued5 C to the B ERBine05utii=,, tonA Y, r, res Street, Wolverhar-. ¶Lca mold ell N o~eron YOJT5, aout15; one who needappv,-f, Dgbeth. c9ll ANTEDa LA. tothe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BOROUGH OF BIRMINGIIAM T fE Corporation is prepared to accept LOANS of I £1CO, and titwarde, upon 8,-curity of the Rates ot the Borouzb. repayable at the end of Three, or ?? years and. Trano3frable In te meantiie. Inleret nO. per ceut, per aunuran, payable half- ycarly. Applications for these ercuritiib to be addressed to the Borough Treasurer, I ublic Oloice, Mottor c ecet: or to) IE. J. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED. .A N ox Colour-Sergeant, 21 years' Service, exemplarZ d1N £ Character,- and other Tostimoisials, 'wants EMIPLOYM EH. C Ls TIMEKEEPER, Storekeeper, or in any capacity of g eneal CIDEI ?? Sergeant, 4, Cogan Pill, Cairdiff. [1db of Koe, Leduie ~~ANTED, by a Young Man, a SITUATION to WY look after aL lorse urd Trap. Is 'willing to walt at table, f it required, and make hiiniself gea's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. THE ATRE ROYAL, CARDIFF.j LI-DY DC I in THE DAUJGHTER OF THE REGI31ENT -` Ci knd as U MILLY, in THE MKB~L D WITH 'THE MIILKING BAIL.- Tu--iIGHT.] -A:REWELL BENEFIT OF LADY DON, in _V onFRIDAY Evening next. LADY AUDLEY'SSECRET., hII Scotch Ballads with Tableaux, and Simpson anod Co. PI nc SALES BY AUCTION.__ Abertlare.-Salet of Horses and Carria~ges. he J.BAILEY aud ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A DVICE TO MOTHERS. -Are you broken fn your root by a slck child, ouiering wlt the ts, of cutting teethl Co at once tv a chemnist, and got a r ?? Mrs. WINSLOW's 800THINsi SYRtUP. It will - relieve the poor sutfcrer iniediately it. Is perfectly harbn- - less; It produces natural ?? eleep. by relieving the child froma pain and tho little cmsrnb awtakei ns bright as a buttou it has beers long ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAY. Mb fty (Thursday), the 17th Instant, at Twelve 0'ca ock, at s rEokern, Office 0 12, Exchangd-butldlntf W.. 22B e BkctsRoll AN NATTO. ex FIordC eOx. 7 Eltos. Ansoricass SUMAC. 7 J. H. RAYNER & 0o., Brokors. Mb Da aV Thursday), the 17th Instant. at Twelve dolock, at t e Brokers' Salerooiu, lJ. 1'Swtlg-ttreet, Is Jela 7 a American IBEESWAX, now ?? ox Prance. 181617 LZETR, POWELL, & ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N1OTICE TOAVRI tS I3SERTONB IsONE a 1011m i .MU week). O 1 a I ?? O thisclan that awe booked w ie tns1 ?? ano noan ?? sedU &lm~~fva~ Trety be Lek' WIante a to avartlsaente lo the 81WW mN PzlllalL Tho feb lo~r Tssa2D9 ~OON8 'efRedseeide, Mercury es. Ifl5 aro-9 c ra 1saweling advertieenes mud 1 W kaa te ro our office. .Addrin f5G$41 leitter and zowaber) Arerawufiome, . a e ar. bnd tos no ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OURVOISIER'S OOGNAOI 4TbO 0211 orka~ A ?? H. M. NapiloIoa III.} , .. Ifs} Winsnd frsudl 1 Merchat, Liverpool man . ,jiamheluors. Livkrpon1, baa imio .mvrgungomouwit] Soei bn ?? o't OQ)URVOIStlER ft OlJRLlll fflg3 ~by Wh1VI he had aeou1ro a oonstant 121pp11 or ?? inlirajixce. r~oC I wtc fes ree on mrnilsciation mwftjmly23 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OR Sale. afirst-clas AG O E with movable MR Pei-To bese ?? er oe. 7jo12 ?? Slda scon~hssd ansm CB.To be een atI sale, a Rasom ul As~Ya 3 Cauteon-atrost, ONSAE-n S~ ct; 0110 14 ?? FI 10 LondonrS.Ie 50 be Sod, chea, a Scc ndbid SPRtIGCRT- 31 sreci~trVet. lIe? rroe blda tne oun Black Retriever DOG .-Aplply at 14hands hih lv : YOa, speadh2gpoer. VU~b Bod, aF~lY iind Spohg UARtT.-AilpIY143, ~pleaid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAY. ?? SWedlesda.y) the 9ih instant, at Twelve 6oclock, at the Public 6alerooDJ, 14, Uook-Otri, 17 Bales S. A. ilorse HAIR, 1i11 Bales N. A. Pig HAIR. Apply to LEET10 , FOWELL, N ARNOLD. Brokers, ssS tth Brekor (tSwe,8 ?? g This Day U\ednedly)t 9th inUtant. at Twelve oclock, at the lirokero' G th ls O 12. Excht bkildtigaW, 7je9 J~a 5BR. S1. & & tEYS, Brokers. 'Thic Day we Als h th ...