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Perthshire, Scotland

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of which Earl Boss= made a dodoes don in favour of the tithe Catholic clergy, which wen also by Lord

... remainthe elm; and, Sadly, the amendment was carried against Govemment by 213 rota spinet 69. In this division a large number of Whig Peers voted against the Government. 17p to this point, then, the House of Peers has acted in sleet accordance with the Realties ...


... Warman Scotland is about to be Mowed with a State flearetary, and some Whig gentlemen is he rewarded for special Whig services by appointment to the mug berth, — and if so, what speed Whig gentleman is to he so rewarded, and what the said gentleman is to do ...

eselltrni /Intelligente

... 01. Oa nag psi were anted he daring day that est Fen II any, and were idea el hie debilitated by these • disiesse.-Nordens Whig. slab at nigh.. whist these who then accompanied Cl to Declarable 'oiliest was created Thursday wee mom so ma e a swan poetics ...

Pan Cram owls .] Loma. Tuesday. you may reed el pest dames. station Bleekkosth in support of Mr and against

... to literary and other% IV Ile that flu* anal& to with its national or add to it the ran and wear whisk often fw saki in The Whig bay the denying Mr has nand a paths but it would take erne slur to put as a proper intim without aid go down. Mr allover beet ...