Advertisements & Notices

... :s. PUBLIC AMUSEMENTS. the CARDIFF AN-NUAL REGATTA. The above lrGITYTA w'l tahko nilce Oil A7 )EDNESDAY, the ?? INST., th When Prizcs, open to all WvI eC O' YACHTIS ANDI 1'iLu'l BOATS, El will be Compljwed for, fit wife A COMMITTEE MEETINIG will he hold at 'the 'IVINDSOR gl Olin IloTE1, en WEDNESWAY next and Evvry .Alt,'~ruato Day until et tile 1.1th. co lii,, A toll Pro.,1ramme. withi latest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sol, SK-IPPINXG N'OTICE:4. sowV - Bl)RISTOL AND CARDIF Fii DIRrCT, coil N SEPTEMBER, 1869. 1' THU CAIJDIFI AND POIITISIIEAD STEAM SHIP CO.'S Tee STEA'1111S. TAFEF AND Y E, Gso. DANDOi, Master. Joi., LLoyi, Masteor. (Or other saitablo vessels), UColtse preveted by any unforeseel occurrence, ale intended to o SAIL during tLIO Monlith of SIlfl'Mi1El:lit, im4, With Passengers, Livo Stock anud ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. The KBJUOfr ~SBIHinteALYM - OIURBY of 1'IIPAI D Y'1)ADVE ETIS 1 RS(nt3'oedn threlines to ,'len1W, referring to Situatonlioesa Person ,1~rpe~tyt ?? ?? Aptens ansi all the f~slsse0l0ne'll.s Wauta11 of the HIXI'JONUE Thehrgfor THlRENt COOSllouT1V DAIL.Y INSERITIONS Is ONE SiII8INli-for SIX INETON o sotS ok, 11 HI LLING sad SIXPFNC Adtvcreuiets of this olaw ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A DVICE TO MOTHERS, -Are you Lbroken in yorre t by odk hild, suffer with te of a cuttlni teethf Go at Onee to a chemist, and get a tct le of Mrs. ?? SOOFHINU SYRUP. It will relieve the poor sniferer immediately It Is perfectl harm- less; it dluces natural quiet sleep. by relieving the chilO ?? paln and the little hearuo t-kiea Ia 'mrigbtfs at buaton. It has been long in usue inS merfes, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ~5old a vey ole DRAWING ROOM S3UIE.-- ?? ?? X 14,_ tc - SEWIG M&HINE sale, a good Second-bolnp oriude PBANOv a atog~bs Bet i Lanmbe ret, London-road. 201e75 - d.-to be Bld, a Slui5e PIANO.-APIYftoJ. is 15 is, Mimer,wilre worker, 227,bSnltEdown.Iane. y ?? Iett Lon don mabko, uew three 6 sooks agon. tobe p Sgold for half its vue.-22, Norton-street, honden- 2Ose23 patent LOk-stitch dllWING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ! ? TIUS DAY. .Tisi fbi X~hu 31aoj3Bhs~ 2nd Instant, at Twelve dolock, at Bl0B, ~ ~ ~ ~ ig 47BSdB $rl DL S.Per Ivanhe, P 'Ibl Day IT ol2 a ~ rokere' O~oe, tkas SmIb ubb. and Co merchants. P Memo'' IjH. LxrTT1OALig a CO., Brokers.. Day 4Th I~ the 2d Instant, at Half-oast Twelve a IINSELO D ER tiee lsroeay erDlreadno% ght. __ rD H.Uk B. &AsE k ao., iXokerO. a o, D i araday). Beftenber 2, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Su'z bp 2mftn. IiU RCH FARM, CHELWOOD, SOMI IRSEIT 1MI wLLINIWN will SELL by AUOTION, on W '(`ESDAY, September 14th, 1865, at Half-past Twelvo o'olock :.t >,on The r;iltY COW3, HEIFERS BULLS, SHFEP, PIGS, IIOIISM4, I'OLTS, CORN, HAi, ORASS. IMPLEMENIS, DAll'Y UTESILS, lOUSElHOLD FURNITURE, CIDER, CAICS, And Effects of Mrs. Mary Sellick, declining business. See Bills in circulation. Fartinlton ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aleti bp Andion. IMPORTANT SALE OF FIRST-CLASS DRY TIMBER. TO CABINETr MAKERS, CARPENTERS, BUILDERS, AND OTHERS. (EORGE STANDERIVICK respectfully an- G iourices his instructions from C. Hengler, Esq., to SELL by AUCTION, at the DrILL-HAL1,, top of Park-street, Bristol, on MONDAY, October 4th, IS D . The wvholo of the Valuable DRY T'IIMER, nowv forminig tile F ittinigs of the Cirque: All of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'THE MOST RELIABLE FRIEND! o HOLLOWAY'S OINTMENT. e TTS SEARCHING AND HEALING PROPERTIES a I ARE KNOWN AND RECOGNISDTHROUGH- OUT THE MVORi.D-The number of years this invaluable Oint. a meet has stood the test of publlcopinion (and the longer known the o better appreciated) is a testimony of Itself more coovincing than I anything that could be written Its praise of Its truly wounderfol heal- o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... [Advortisement].-HoIloway'a Pills and Oininrent.-.Dyspepsia, Jaundice.-Tbese complaints are the restrlts of a disordered liver, whiclh secrtes bile fin quality or quantity iticapable of ligestingfood. Digestion requires a free fow of healthy bile, tS insure which Hol- loway's Pills alid Ointment have long bees, fareois, far eclipsing every other tneatiinuo. Fool, irregularity of living, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n THosE Lsdies aho hare not yet used the GLENFIELD n STBeCH1, are respectully solicfted to give it a trial, and li carefully follow out the directiocs printed on every package. r It is rather more dibieult to mke than other Starches; but when this IS overcome they & wilt say like the 4teen's Lan dress-that it is the finest S-Arch they ever used 7458 r pHE New Vade Mecum. (invented and manu- 1. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOS T. DTOPPED FROM A CAR, ON THE EVEN. L ING of WEDNESDAY, the 22nd inst., be- tween Dunmurry and the Steamboat Quay, a BLUE OVERCOAT and a KNEE RUG. Any one having found same, and returning them to 8, DONEGALL SQUARE WEST, Belfast, will be lewarded. 9636 LAW SCRIVENERY OFFICE. T H O AL A s K I L M A R T I N, 21, KING STREET, BELFAST. A select Stock of PARCHMENT of various sizes, Ruled and ...