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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , N~o Notfx of Birth, Marrage, or Desth can beinsestd authertloatodqb the Ame a fd d the sender. Tbewords a crdor ar.rns addition to the srannouement of a marrig or dedth, ubteot It to PSyDanIeR for an sdrertieemetb. BIRTH8. ABRoTT-Nov. 5. at Tuebrook, the wife of Mr. John S. Abbott, of a eon. BRSDELOW-NOv. 1, at to, Premler-street, Everton, the wife of Mr. Joseph Bendelow, of a son. CRowTnnE ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MISERABLE DEATHS. On Wednesday, among a batch of inquests which Dr. Lankester held at the College Arms, Camden-town, London, were two upon men of high acquirements-one of whom, a professor of modern languages, died from the effectsof poison; and the other, a Hebrew scholar, stated to be a graduate of a university, died from the effects of long-continued starvation. The first case was that of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *. .oIo oftihr. Ma e, or Deoah ibeloncee ender. The words *o car, ora ?? addition to bhe *hap=e anounceaont od a mrarriae or death, subject It b0 pament as for an advetisement. BIRTHS. ELLOWORTil-Nov. 10 at 44, Wilson-slreet, the wife of Mr. 0. llleworth, .Sa son, stillborn. MAcFIE-Nov. 14, at t, Aborcromby-square, Mrs. William M aefl, of a daughter. MARRIAGES. BARnYLAY-TSRMTR-Nov. 1S bspecial ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. At 29, Winckley-s uare, Preston, on the 1st November, the wife of R. Mc.Nab, Eu1., IJD., staff surgeon, of a daughtcr. t MARRIAGES. On the 30th ult., at the Parilsh Churen, Mr. John Snailham to Miss Elizabeth Nichols ; Mr. Join Edward Taylor ?? Miss Ann Stokes; Mr. Jances Bennett to Miss Ann Iddon; Mr. Thomas Brindle to Miss Mary 1.imson On the 31st ult., at the Parish Church, 'Mr. John ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... r No Notloeo ?? M Sneag. or DGhth ?? unlese ?? uticatod by the am e and address of tha Bender. Thewords No w edar, oranyiaraddition to the ?? announrehient ot a ra or deat, aubl eot It o payment as for an advertlaseent, BIRTHS. AuMN-Nov. 2, at 110, Paddington, the wife of Mr. James AustLn, of a daughter. DRAN-Nov. 1, at G9, Ii ne-Btroet, the wife of Mr. W. H. Dean, of a son. EvAjqs-NOv. 1, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Nirtho 31,-linoffi, and 'Pfath. % I No NoUce us ?? : ?? ?? or Deab osn bern unites authout;,. ~ 'si ad ades f h banndr. The a o any similar deatio to tble imple axIid.-' a ol a isirlsge 0z oae, nte, A Io nayme.n ir 111 ?? nt. .1 T'fEfR CASY1 .ZT Nov Z!, -I!;T %Vd of lr. Johb BL. Casement, Ss7, ?? I.T(,L ?? B~t~eJ ?? lYuv~ *, '0 !6 rhybi n-street, the wife of Mr. George BF;3 1 , Li d, UiWr. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE MARlQUIS OF WESTMINSTER. The Marquis of Westminster diedon Sunday night, at 2 his seat Motcombe House, Devon. The noble marquis,, who diez after a brief illness, is onily the second peer wh has borne the title, although the GrosvenorX have been a titled.fanily since the year 1621-2. The 'late marquis was born on the 27th of January, 1795, and suc- ceeded his father in the year ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF THE MARQUIS OF WESTMINSTER. The remains of the late IMarquis; of Westminior were consigned to their ?? resting-placeo in the family vault at Rcoleston Church on Mondey. The wishes of the deceased nobleman in regardi to the funeral were that no pompous parade ?? be indulged in; and, iu accordance with his expresseddesire, no plumes waved above the hearse and no stately procession ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... No Ntime of Birth, rigep, ao Deat can be Inut.d unless authentcaaed the nalme and address o the ender. Theworde Nu rds,or ?? to Ihe simple ?? of a miave as dedb. mubleetit to Pavienta F or an adtvertsement. BI RTHIS. CALLRIBDXn- Nov .4 uat *bevonslhlre House, Coughtoll, the vife of Mr. 1o'r CaUender, of ae son. GAO.IMORE-N(v 2i, ?? wvif of Mr. J. Gallimore, 157, Great llonier-ntreet, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE FUNERAL OF MR. PEABODY, The remains of Mr. Peaboly were yesterday ettee, noon temporarily buried in Westminster Abbey, T4 event was one in which the inhabitants of the me, tropolis showed much interest. Long before the hron at which it was announced the funeral would atwi crowds of persons, women largely predominatiag, ra sembled near Sir Curtis Sampson's dwelling in Estx Square, where the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL OF THE LATE MR. THOMAS BRAKELL. The remains of the late Mr. Thomas Brakell were interred yesterday at the Anfield Cemetery in the presence of a large concourse of mourning relatives and friends. The deceased gentleman was a prominent and respected citizen of Liver. pool, ned a number of our leading townsmen-of all shadea of religious and political opinion- were present at the grave to ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... o otiefnrh arriage, Rordea tth se olnre unles authnticaed b he na et and bres onf ethe ! - ?? D- . th mender. Tewrs? ad, raysmlradio ffalot bi suboec It to pa~mseet as for an advertkemm.- BIRTHS.* AE'wls-Octh 26, tbe wife of Mr. J. Banner Antwls, of a fI daughter. I BRowF-Nov S. at 28, Klalhaw-atreet, West Derby. v road, the wife of Mr. W .liaru Brown, of a daughter. b COOBA.N-NoV. 8, in Rice ...