... SENRATIONTAL LITERATURE. At the Guildhall police-court, London, on Thursday, M r. Superintendenb Foster, of the City Police, and a superin- tendeut from Bow-strect, attended before Alderman Lusk, M.P., to obtain his opinion as to the character of a publi- cation which was being extensively sold in the streets. The printer and publisher were both present, and were willing, if his worship should ...


... FASHIONS FOR MXA11CH. Woe lerii from Le Foilet that co3tunme dres.zes are more thain evvr in reiue4t. They are sominthies miade teo diset; the length shioul(l be n-t su-nltieenit to ?? tie grouin l, Nearlyg ll nae -olnlposede of two skirts, or li e double .kihit is initnitld by a trim icing. The Iater i, jierIlap. the more de-irnble for Iti5fIll Hiilres, yet it -Carcely plrodilees [Ile 4tyli-l ...


... PVBLI AMUS]& cI Pl7BLIO AMTUSBMENT,,3, &a, Eoyal Alexandra Theatre.-A Oomedietta, and the Pantomime H1obin flood. oyti Araphptheatro.-Barry Sullivanu Money, and Barah's Young Man. Prince of Walei; Theatre. -; H1nted Down, and the Burlesque 1Uluderelia. Zoyal Coloseonm Tboutro.- Ernent Mantravera, The ,Labouire ofe ercules and Ban the Boatswain. Dangler's Grand Crque. ...


... ROMANTIC STORY OF A FRENCH TUTQR. The Figaro (says at Paris correspondent) supplies very curious details respecting the cause cetebire nowpendingbefore the CivilTribunal of the Heine, and which strongly resembles some of Charles Reade's lunatio asylum novels. It might, indeed, form an episode in Very Hard COah. The ose in question is an action for Isequestra- tion-the French for illegal ...


... I I aeon 'e 13 GREAT MEETING IN LIVERPOOL. rch A meeting, convened under the auspices of the ยข lu National Emigration League, was held laet night the in St. George's Hall. There wee a large attend- the nece, thoce present being ehitfly working ?? the HHe Worship the Mayor (Ar. Alder~auan ?? the preeidod, and there were also 7rcrseuit Sir GeOrge Grey, Bart.; Win. T. M'Co nlughorrons MLP. ...


... I Any temporary loss of popularity which the postal ser- vice of a country may have suffered through its recent mfsalliance with the telegraphs ought to be in a great measure repaired, so far as this locality is concerned, by the excellent concert given in the Town Hall, last night, in aid and inder the auspices of the Postmen's Provident Society. Such an entertainment makes amends for a great ...


... DUELLING PAST AND PRESENYT IT may be useful at the present time, when ?? seems to be more fash ion:il'IC en the Continent than for man~y ycars past, to inquire howv it is that public oplinioll iin this subject in England should be liametrically opposed to that prcvaliling io a imost all other countries. We can hardly claim any general superiority in in) ras to the rest of the world. Criminal ...

Published: Saturday 09 April 1870
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2184 | Page: Page 13, 14 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... I THIS is rather a curious little book. Its theme is as old as the appearance of man on this planet, nor is there any- thing novel in the line of argument adopted ; still there is a certain freshness and liveliness in the manner of pre- senting this argument, which will induce people to read it, and possibly profit by its teaching, who would carefully avoid taking up an ordinary serious ...

Published: Saturday 11 June 1870
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 919 | Page: Page 10, 11 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... A HARVEST HYMN FOR 1870 FAIR. moon, that o'er the golden grain Dost shed thy frost-like light - On many a field of woe andX pain. -_ Thou lookest down to-night. Amid the whispers of the grass I seem to hear a cry; Amid the breezes as they pass A wail of agony. And then in fancy I behold That radiant span of light; The vision Jacob saw of old, With angel-forms bedight. Kind messengers! they ...

Published: Saturday 03 September 1870
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 170 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... THlE READER IF the reader wishes for a lively and entertaining book of literary gossip, we recommend him to take up Mr. S. C. Hal's new volume, entitled A Book of Memories of Great Men and Women of the Age; from Personal Acquaintance (Virtue and Co.) How these memories have been retained for so many years we do not pretend to say, for Mr. Hall states that neither he nor his wife (to whom ...

Published: Saturday 31 December 1870
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 2443 | Page: Page 14 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... V The Mayor's request that employers would close their is places of business on Monday in order to give their 5' epo a holiday, was very generally complied with ; and h the closed slhops gave the streets a Suridaylah appearance e which, the gay and pleasure-seekdng crwsth dta versed them strangely belled. Skaters were able to e'njoy their elegant exeroise. on varlous poole, though a mild thaw ...


... STRATIIHBOGIE FAT CATTLE SHOW. ON Thurzday, the annual spriog show of fat stock, and grainl, in conection with the Strathbogic Farmer was held in Ihulntle. Tibe cattle, as usual, wer ex i* on the Squiare, aod the seeds in the back-yard of the( Arns Hotel. TD. show of cattle this year waas sun!-:-. . regards quality, to that of last year, and grain wi i i'': good, both in respect to quality, ...