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Belfast News-Letter


... NEWTOWNARDS QUARTOR SESSIONS. [F&OM OUR ONWN RPOBRTH?.3 NZWTOWMAaDS, FRIDAY. I Tnt 3 morning, at ten o'0o'ck, ROBERT JOHNSTON, 0 Esq., Q C., Chairman of County Down, took his set P in tae County Court House here, and resemed the e hearing of these Sessions. a WX. WOOLE3Y AND JON WOOLSEY V-. R. .v. Ii71 SReRIFF FOR COUMTY DOWN. This was a process brought to recover the sum. of £20, for that the ...


... COURT OF BANKRUPTCY & INSOLVE CY. DUBLIN, TUESDAY. [(ROM OUR SPECIAL REPORTER ]t IS BeNKRUPrCY. [Before JUdge MILLER] In re JOiN GALLAGER. 1 THE binkirupt was a spirit-dealer in the Main Street, Donegal, and the meeting was for final ex- amination. Mr. Davoren appeared for the assignees, and Mr. KeDny for the bankrupt. Mr. DAVOREN statwed that be was not instructed to offer any special ...


... ASSIZE NEWS, COUNTY OF ABMAG. [FRO M O3C 0 itY S REPO5T XIU] A:MCv oAE Ni. I Tnh afternoonfl, at three oc th, the gight Hon. Justice L 'wsos, who 1wal iccon panied by the High.Sheriff (Ralph Smith Obre, Esq., J.P4?, entered the Crown Court of the County Conrt House, and proceeded with the buainees of these Assizes. The Commission having been read by WILLIAMs DoBorm Esq., Clerk of the Crown, ...


... LEGAI NEWS. J U D G E S' C HI A M B E ke !DPruo, FtlrAY. m( I [PFOf OUR SPrCIAL REPORTSR ] JUDGE LA wsN sat to hear motions for the three WI L1aw Couns. Jo VALENTINE RYAN AND ANOTHER V. JOHN Cc 'PRAT1. !B Counsel applied in this case for liberty to renew tir a writ of kabere, on the gronud that the defendant's tenancy had not in any Nvay altered sirce the in, execution was issued. The hiaherc ...


... ?? Jmorning,st ten o'clock, JOHN HASTIXoS £ 1viAY, Esq., Q.C., Chairman County Antrim, took his Beat in the Town Halt, and proceeded with J rcv;sion of the list of voters of the Borough of I r. Jolin Coulter, ?? for the Con, lie following ward agents were also present:- M ,-rs. James Connor, James Larmour, Willtam . iy, James Blake, and James Clarke. I no Libarals were represented by Mr. John ...


... LE( AL NKEWS. COURT OF BANK£IUPTY & 1NSULVENCY. DnaBLie, TuESDAY. ?? OUR SPECIAL REPORTER [Before Judge HARsms,]. l; ,i. yROHBERT ?? The banikrupt -was a boot and shoemaker in Pe] fast. I'e now surrendered, and, on the application of Mir. NEILSOSv, an assignee was appointed. Mr. ?? appeared for the bankrupt. Iii re THOMAS MI 'LEE.R The banrkrup' was a merchant and ironmonger, residing at ...


... COURT OF EXCHEQUER. D UBLIN, WEDNESDAY. [FROM OUR SPECIAL RIPOROTER] SITTINGS AT NISI PPIiS. [Before the LORD C3ISF.BARON and a Special Jury. ] GIRDWOOD o. TUDfUSTER. THE hearing of this case was resumed at the sitting of the Court. The crcsi-examination of Mr. Girdwood wash postponed until a later period of the triaL. -Mr. William Wilcox FeLn11, of the firm of Wmi. Watson & Co., Liverpool and ...


... BELFAST POLICE COURT-YESmnMDAY. (Before J. C. O'DONNELL, Esq., R.M.; and E. ORME, no Eaq., R.M-] Ur MR1. REA AND UR. COATS. he AT the opening of the court, Mr. RisA said he begged. to intimate that, at the b end of the custody cases, or after the summona an cases were disposed of, he would make a respectfulo application to the Court, founded on an affidavit, Cc requiring the Court to return Mr ...


... I COURT OF EXCH EQUER. DUDLIE, TUESDAY. rzI ?? AFIER S1T!iISGS. [3eioie the LoRD CHsFyBAsRoN and a City Special Jury ] e GIrDWUOD V. TODUUNTER, S VENTUI DAY. Tnr fdllowizg is an ample report of the latter part of this nise:- 'Mr isrsicy resumed his reply on behalf of the plaintiff. At its conclusion, iiiq LORLISum charged the jury. He said the plaintiff brought the action agaiost the ...


... IN the Court of Probate, on Thursday, before Lord a Penzance, the further hearing of the case of Goss v. e Hill and others (Whitaker intervening), which is an inquiry into the validity of the will of Mr. a Moreton, a solicitor of Liverpool, who died in March ' last year at the age of 70, was concluded. Sir J. B. Karalake, Q C , Mvr. C. Russell, and Mr. Bayford 0 were for the plaintiff; Dr. ...


... THE KELLY DIVOBRE CASE. LoNDON, WIDMAo DrAV.-This morning, in the Court of Divem and Matrimonial CAuses, the case of thes Rev. James Kelly. the 'ficumbent of St. George's, Liverpool. e04W on for hearing on appeal to the full Chakrt, from the decision of the Judge. Ordiarny. The Court was compoeed of Lord Pen. zance, Baron Channel, and Mr. Justice Hannen. The petitioner was represented by Dr. ...


... YxwrnnDAY morning, the usual Petty Sessions for the district of Ligoniel were held in the Court House-Dr. MtsRE J.P., and SANUAL &RCHEE, Esq., J.P., on the Bench. WMA. SMrLE iV. JOHN O'NETLL AND WILLIAM JAMES This was a summons against defendants for an assault alleged to have been committed on com- plainant on the 26th March last. Messrs. Harper and Dickson appeared for the complainant, and ...