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... STRATIIHBOGIE FAT CATTLE SHOW. ON Thurzday, the annual spriog show of fat stock, and grainl, in conection with the Strathbogic Farmer was held in Ihulntle. Tibe cattle, as usual, wer ex i* on the Squiare, aod the seeds in the back-yard of the( Arns Hotel. TD. show of cattle this year waas sun!-:-. . regards quality, to that of last year, and grain wi i i'': good, both in respect to quality, ...


... I. I T E R A T U It E. A Ifamoooo'bs to (ho Boarod of T'radoe ldoaosiootiont of Akaso-to v and XMotms BY J. R0. JOmES, F.10,A.S., Head-Mooster, Board of 'Irado Xavigationi School, Aberdeen, and Agent p1 ait Aberdeeni for thre Meteorological Ohflice. Second edi- a tion. Aberdeen John Adams, 1870. Tttt is a 05seCond edition of ani excellent Handbooki, which c has Obtained very considerable ...


... , ENTERTAINMENT TO lR. M'OOMBIE OF EASTER I | SCKENE AND LYNTURK. THE tenantr on the estte of Lyntrk entertained their gr worthy and esteemd proprietor, Mr 'Cosnbie, to a dinner an' and ball on Fridny evening. The inner took place in a I very covenientand cofortabl loftdecorated very nicely T7 wit evrgrens ho, a Loer armownof Lynturk, and the allin he brn t te Hoe Frm.Tue Cosiimittcee'j of the ...


... PO0E T IY. C A 1f E. On tho head of thic savage. alikee with the sage Res.ts the pollledrous burdull of care, Alnl though less ol the yoiuthtLal thanil thosc of fall age, Its pressure is felt even there. Exemption exists not in csnutry or climne, From the celaseles ijt rusi on of car e 'Tis permittili by leaven, thrloigh the cycles of tinme, To peI ieate uverywshcre. While it farronvs the broh ...


... L IT B R A T U R E. Af~t ic'SOiif Sb'GCO'CoSyj itcilair, Burt. of Ulbster,. BY JAMES 0 GRANT, Author of ''Tue Great Metropolis, &C. it] London: Tinsley Brothers. I IT appears to uss that, for a considerable period, the highest I clazs in Scotland have produced comparatively fow men' that C have acquired for themselves coy personal eminence. Among the nobility there have not, we think, been ...


... POET h Y. LUX IN TENEBRItS LUtCtT. Lay ye dowl, outworn ald lVeary, DoneI youlr life Nvork, sore orld dreiry, feil nlld sin no more nay fcr ye Ol tlh s side toe ,Iave. Folded lie the orllis thrit ever, With at resoiluto Cradoavorun, Or. sill's I)cstilorLial river Str ng'lel with tire saves. Temiplied ry the powers iiifeorral Strong tI seill thy uloorn eternal, II rd iot the rueat owevor ...


... POETrIt Y. I N M EM Nt O R I A M. For that is nit a common chance That takie away at noble mild.'' All ! sad fir EnIgland that she monis to day The gonial tcndter helart, the roastor tejud That Spenlt tholselveg iora her ! t irXlorC ehll ncw finl One let like hillm )h>oil GOLI IlAo Called away? Who now shall wake ole laughter and our toars, And teach ns hollnill for the good aind great, Shall ...


... ON Thursday evening, a Concert was given hil the Music falal by a talented company of artist is, paresently onl a tour A orgatnised isy Mr Santley. 'The welcomeo reeeptios givein to il thorn, as evinced by tile very lar-ge and appjrecieativeT I audience-au unusually large proportion of Whois Icuiie reserved seats-was at once at recognition of thle famlle Of Mr Santley's company, anti an ...


... POETS Y. TUIE FISIIERMAN. IN C W (1Fioo thn Go,',ian of Goethe.) i The 010000s rii hod, tlie wittere swoli, A fislici sntt fthoeibi, Thought oin us hocie ih th Iis hottot whole- IHis sIni w itt' 'at oii tighi. Aind iwhilo hon oat andi whiile lie g-tzetd Andl t riaist Nvtier frizo, Thi An trog~i e ootn Ia ivl~t' raisedi port A lovely WNVIlititl ronnSe. andi She silg, ito hi al - she spokle to ...


... 1I1[OTICULTURiAL EXIIsTION. ;C first ehijbition of the Amalgamated Royal ,! I Srociety and Amateur Hortu.s Club. It was, I , g good and suecessful show. WC have seen wbere larger pliuts were shownw, but we hve e :. to where there was greater unitf tility among .. 11 iln mcpect to growth anld gelneral 1llltbthiness. ub e anid Stove Plants wen leoticad particularI . li Ioruiitiun Tenax ...


... LIT E R AT U RE. The Colonial Qiucstion, in Tlireo Letters. yaCLOIT 1870. i THESE ]ottere; appearcdit f ewe weeks aigo irs tho Timeit news- paper, and haive been re-printed, in Pamphlet form by deliro f Of gentlemsen interested in tihe Colonies, who believe that ait this great crisis wheni tim hintgrity of the Esupiro boo been brought into qiertiori, the views here so clearly and tersely sot ...


... s(Fromi Le Follet.) THrnE is a greater approach to simplicity in tho make of the toilettos in vogue this wvinter than Was seen last year. The voluminous tournure, the oxaggelatel bow at the waist, have disatppeared, or are much modified. Wo nosw even find the tight- tting tunic worn without any sash, and the bodies of dresses made merely wNith basquces or pointed. We by so moaus wish our ...