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... [ THE BIRMINGIAM MUSICAL FESTIVAL. I - .- ?? - .- . ?? - - - - _ - ' , . I 'fLrom our Special earrespondentj Birmingham, 31st Aug., 1870. TIM town is gay in its holiday attire, and' is fast fillingwith strangers. . The festival promises to be highly successful, both in a musical and pecuniary respect. For. this morning's perform- ance, Elijah, tickets are all sold, at Xlils each, while, for ...


... LITE RATURE. ASClENT CLASSICS FOR ENGLISn READErS. 'Vol. I,, the Iliad. By the Rev. AV. Lucas Collins, MA: Edinburgh: Blackwood & Sons. Tills is the first of a series of excellent little volumes which promise to supply a really felt want. We have numerous translations in English of the Greek and Roman classics; but though each may possess some special feature of excel- lence, all of them ...


... ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS niilA Tn AM-Ti m s It would be difficult ton the musical public of this con t - debt of gratitude as to Signor Mnarie, adc indeed delightful to be present lastev e the Queen's Rooms, and Witness tho est 3 f reception awarded him on his farewdll r4 t inGiasgow. Whothathasseenthis great tr FauSt, as RaouZ, and as the reprsen tativetk e elsa other rolec, can ever forget ...


... LITERIATJRB, SCSl'ZfGEAVD.4Br ITEMS. (Wrom the 4ftAclem,1 A. STATUE of Sir James Outram i- t, be 1eIcj on the Thames Embankment, north. A Museum of Art and Science is Lia of erection at Barnard Castle, Darham, tt at of Mr and Mrs Bowes. r; ?? RAMON VILANOVA, a woll knovsD ?? n- of sacred music in Spaien, has just lied. at par- . 8: lona, in his seventieth year. are. e- Tas Rev. George ...


... It is scarcely necessary to remark that on Saturday evening the City Hall was crowded in every part, and that numbers unable to get ad- mission had to be turned away, a circumstance 'which always occurs when Mr Sims Reeves' name I is announced. The immense and increasing popu- larity our first (we had almost said only) tenor enjoys is nothing more than'what is due to his great talents, It is ...


... 86OCIAuISm IThD PA~tRIOTISM.,~ s snlvY age as Riehl days, shan its own' r 'ghost.l The terrorof our age is Sociiaism, with its sister the Red Republic. Shortly before the ncommencoment of the war the stream of Social- * ist principles was in full flood. The Emperor of- France, in order that he might unite the proletariac of Paris the more closely to his stan- . dardihad calledtogether an ( ...


... MRS STOWE'S DEFENCE OF T ST TRUE 'STOiY The following is a vidimuo of the new work , just published by Mrs Stowe in America. It was transmitted to ?? Mall Gabas per Atlantic Cable, and appears in that journal of yestorday's date:- *Mrs Stowe's Lady Byron Vindicate'd is pub- lished to day. It is disappointing, in so far as it contains no documuentary ovidence and few new statements of ...


... EXHIBITION OF WATER-COLOURS Messrs Jameas'Clure & Son, Buchanan Street, have completed preparations for their third an. nual exhibition of water-colours, which will be opened to the general public next week. The collection comprises in all 430 drawings and' sketches, a number of which arc by well-known artists. Perhaps the most striking work in the gallery is Saul and the Witch of Endor (275 ...


... MAK LEMONx. DORN NOVEMBER so, I1OD. 'Di n Mr.AY 23, 1810. Bo bad been absent: but weawith tu still In letters, messagse of wanted ehaer: We drank a quick recovery from - li, Il; -iked, and were aniwered, He will eoon be here, -fTl kindly eyes looked 6n us from the wall: LI spirit at our board he seemed to sit, Bock into bounds too recidese fimlth to coil, ;To quickon seemly fum and decent ...


... Mr Disraeli has written the following ' tencraL Preface to the collected edition of his works An American gentleman, with more than courtesy, has forwarded to me a vast number of notices of 'Lothair' which have appeared in the leading journals of his country. He tells me that, rrespective of literary 'organs,' ti Unon M Eg newspapers, and it is not imposse that Some notice of 'Lothair' might ...


... TIUE PlUNCE OF WALES ThEATE. ICElNSED CHANTED TO MR COLEMAN~t. A Special Justice' of Peace Court was held yester- day in the Court H~all, Brunswick Street, for the consideration of an application by Mr John Coleman for a license for the Edunce of WVnles Theatre, Cowr- caddeus. Councillor Mitchell presided; and there was a fudl hench of Justices present. Mr. Spenh, of M~eassr M'Grigor, ...


... LITER~lTURB. r Bv tie liglht. Ilon. B. Disraeli. l.ordotl PI1igulls. [..EceeNl) NxovrittE. trust that wec nmay be forgiven by a public ri We have learned from an authority a5 rlmlber of the Qrrarrterly ?? that evild3 tie1Z courtesy are on the increase, if WC nl a loving and gratefull spirit to Mr p raelis latest triunmph. The cares of life steo runny areotig Ues, and it is something to eW that ...