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... PO0E T IY. C A 1f E. On tho head of thic savage. alikee with the sage Res.ts the pollledrous burdull of care, Alnl though less ol the yoiuthtLal thanil thosc of fall age, Its pressure is felt even there. Exemption exists not in csnutry or climne, From the celaseles ijt rusi on of car e 'Tis permittili by leaven, thrloigh the cycles of tinme, To peI ieate uverywshcre. While it farronvs the broh ...


... L IT B R A T U R E. Af~t ic'SOiif Sb'GCO'CoSyj itcilair, Burt. of Ulbster,. BY JAMES 0 GRANT, Author of ''Tue Great Metropolis, &C. it] London: Tinsley Brothers. I IT appears to uss that, for a considerable period, the highest I clazs in Scotland have produced comparatively fow men' that C have acquired for themselves coy personal eminence. Among the nobility there have not, we think, been ...


... POET h Y. LUX IN TENEBRItS LUtCtT. Lay ye dowl, outworn ald lVeary, DoneI youlr life Nvork, sore orld dreiry, feil nlld sin no more nay fcr ye Ol tlh s side toe ,Iave. Folded lie the orllis thrit ever, With at resoiluto Cradoavorun, Or. sill's I)cstilorLial river Str ng'lel with tire saves. Temiplied ry the powers iiifeorral Strong tI seill thy uloorn eternal, II rd iot the rueat owevor ...


... POETrIt Y. I N M EM Nt O R I A M. For that is nit a common chance That takie away at noble mild.'' All ! sad fir EnIgland that she monis to day The gonial tcndter helart, the roastor tejud That Spenlt tholselveg iora her ! t irXlorC ehll ncw finl One let like hillm )h>oil GOLI IlAo Called away? Who now shall wake ole laughter and our toars, And teach ns hollnill for the good aind great, Shall ...


... ON Thursday evening, a Concert was given hil the Music falal by a talented company of artist is, paresently onl a tour A orgatnised isy Mr Santley. 'The welcomeo reeeptios givein to il thorn, as evinced by tile very lar-ge and appjrecieativeT I audience-au unusually large proportion of Whois Icuiie reserved seats-was at once at recognition of thle famlle Of Mr Santley's company, anti an ...


... Mr Disraeli has written the following ' tencraL Preface to the collected edition of his works An American gentleman, with more than courtesy, has forwarded to me a vast number of notices of 'Lothair' which have appeared in the leading journals of his country. He tells me that, rrespective of literary 'organs,' ti Unon M Eg newspapers, and it is not imposse that Some notice of 'Lothair' might ...


... TIUE PlUNCE OF WALES ThEATE. ICElNSED CHANTED TO MR COLEMAN~t. A Special Justice' of Peace Court was held yester- day in the Court H~all, Brunswick Street, for the consideration of an application by Mr John Coleman for a license for the Edunce of WVnles Theatre, Cowr- caddeus. Councillor Mitchell presided; and there was a fudl hench of Justices present. Mr. Spenh, of M~eassr M'Grigor, ...


... POETS Y. TUIE FISIIERMAN. IN C W (1Fioo thn Go,',ian of Goethe.) i The 010000s rii hod, tlie wittere swoli, A fislici sntt fthoeibi, Thought oin us hocie ih th Iis hottot whole- IHis sIni w itt' 'at oii tighi. Aind iwhilo hon oat andi whiile lie g-tzetd Andl t riaist Nvtier frizo, Thi An trog~i e ootn Ia ivl~t' raisedi port A lovely WNVIlititl ronnSe. andi She silg, ito hi al - she spokle to ...


... LITER~lTURB. r Bv tie liglht. Ilon. B. Disraeli. l.ordotl PI1igulls. [..EceeNl) NxovrittE. trust that wec nmay be forgiven by a public ri We have learned from an authority a5 rlmlber of the Qrrarrterly ?? that evild3 tie1Z courtesy are on the increase, if WC nl a loving and gratefull spirit to Mr p raelis latest triunmph. The cares of life steo runny areotig Ues, and it is something to eW that ...


... SOIRE ES, LECTURES, CONCERTS, &c. a CORPORATI6N GAS EmPLrvEs' SOIEac.-Yester- rday evening the first annual soiree of the employes (connected with the Corporation Gas Works was held in the Choral Hall, which was cbmpletely filled. Bailie William Miller presided; and along awith him, on the platform were Bailie Burt, Coun- cillor M'Laren lir Foulls (manager), Mr Ross, Mr Baynes, Mr Russell, Mr ...


... tIDAL~t~ NW 100,K.BOOK. -. ?? i.ontitlc( The w0X Lv Gneral aribaldi, entitled The The fiv el, Molke, as published by Mfessrs Cassel1, p Gler & Galpill, on Friday, from w take the I, Bowing exracts : IALIANS AND THS POPP It is thetI1 Vileb0£of the slaveo onspire against ii '1 e, This is Gods gift, and his ?? ? 87 f libertfo Italians of the past thebirthl'lsvtlfl ?? their various sotvitiides, ...


... BIGaGAR CArTLE SHOW. - I. ?? IA-- - LLI' 0- - ?? ;r The fifty-first annual Show of the BiggarFarmers' y Cunb was held yesterday in theanuctionmart, adjoin- m, lg the village. For several reasons the show has it not been quite so successful as on previous 3- occasions. The early harvest necessarily con- Af fining tbose who take a large interest in such B- exhibitions, to their respective farms, ...