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... I NATIONAL DOG ShOWX AT 13LRMIINORAM. The great National Dog Show for which Dir- rmingihsir is celebrated, and which attracts once a year a larger competition than any similar exbibi Lion in the three kingdomns, was opened (for judging only on Saturday. Several hundreds of entries had been refuse(1, and every inch of space is talen up by not less than 865 dogs and bitches. Sporting dogs number ...


... THE BIRMINGHAM MUSICALY FESTIVAI . - -- - I . - Auousr 30 AND 31, lND SETEM3BE I AND 2. In.regard to muaioal art, the inflhence of the' Birmingham Festivals has not been lees narked-than t~e important services theybhave rendered t lthrd' cause of charity. During the period of upwards of a ?? over which the FestivalAh~ave' nwvF:'ex, teded, they have given t6 the phbqc the choice masterpieces of ...


... A pleasant and pathetic story comes all the way rorn San Francisco, and all about two dogs. The people of Han Francisco, it seems, are proposing to erect 1 a memorial shaft over the hitherto negleoted remains of poor Bummer and Lazarus ; and the story of Bummter anud Lazarus is as follows :-One day a shopkeeper in Sacramento saw a miserable vagrant dog with a sorelv-wounded foreleg crawl- ...


... The annual show of cattle, horses, sheep, and dairy produce for the parishes of Klillearn, Strath- bIane, Drymen, Balfron, and Fintray, was held yesterday in a park above the villagp of Killea, kindly granted for the occasion by Mr John Buchanan of Carbeth. Tue weather ras exceedingly favourable; not a cloud was to be seen In the slcy, and the sun shone out bright and clear the whole day, so ...


... AGRICULTURER RIRKINTILLOCH CATTLE SHOW. The annual cattle show under the auspices of the Kirkintilloch Agricultural Society, took place yes- terday, in a field in the vicinity of the village. The weather was most favourable, and there was a large turn-out of spectators. Although the entries were not so numerous as in former years, still the animals brought forward were of a superior kind, the ...


... IART UAIO.N 01 G*L8GOW. * We have had the pleasae oL iupspetiugih the Galleries of Messrs M'elure & ,Sonsj Buchanan Street, a beri 0of 'four w'ater-colour' ?? ?? Bough, illustrative of Scottish lodli sden'ery, form- mig thelirat four of the Art Union, prizes to be balloted'for in March next; The pictiures repre-. sent nature in ?? distriet iiid'er'two aspects .-tbhe smiling and the' sombre. ...


... THEAlTR-ROYAL. On Monday evening the Drury Lane Company appeared on theboards of our Theatre, when Mr Edmund Falconer's romantic Irish drama, on- titled, The Peep a' Day, was reproduced on a grand scale. The piece is in four acts, and bids fair to'attract crowds of theatre-goers to the head of Hope Street. The time of action is that df the Rebellioii of 1798. One who still liveohas sung the ...


... . We returned to the Theatre-Royal last evening to discover whether the unfavourable impression with which we witnessed Mr Robertson's new coy play, Birth, on the night of its production, do: might not be due, to some extent, to the acci- wa dents inseparable from a new piece on the first titi night, especially when it is put on the stage by a pla mixed company, including a star of the ...


... LITrrATURB. ODY OX THE PROCLAMATION OF THEl FRCH s NI fEpuuLIC, September 4, 1870. By Algernon Charles Swinburne, London: F. S. Ellis, King WI Street, Covent Garden. ZIvR SwYINBURNE's Ode on the Proclamation of the wi Frenoh Republic is one of the least interesting of Ti bis poems. The subject is at fault, for it is too et, large for the poet's powers. Mr Swinburne's m successful poems have ...


... L IT E R A T U R E. The Life of Gideon illustrated cand applied. By the Rev JOHN BEIM~, D.D., Minister of Froo St Andrews, ati Ediunurgh. l Edinburgh :Edenonston & Douglas. is THE abovo Scripture life or memonir, issued from the prese Ist January, 1870, and is from the pen of tho rev. Dr Johnli Bruce, Minister of' Frees St Andrew's congregation, before whom it appears to havo boon preached in ...


... |THE IWNTBRNATIONAi EX ldITIO'N OF - I . 1.L - On Tuesday a 'number of gentlemen interested in the woollen and worsted trade met at the Society of Arts' Robins, Ldndon, to make arrangements for the exhibition of 1871. -Lord Halifax occupied the chair, and explained the general regulations under which the annual eihibitions are to, be conducted, and which have-been already published. Mr Wren- ...


... IITERATURE. CIARLEsKEMBLE'S SHAKEsrEARE RrnDisar S: Being a Selection of the Plays of Shakespeare, as read by I him in Publio. Edited by R. J. Lane, A.E,1t.A. London: Bell & Daldy. Wuo can tell the number of times that Shakespeare has been murdered and mutilated by actors, editors, critics, and commentators? He has been denied the authorship of hiq own works, famous forgeries have been ...