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... fT was gratifying to see, on Thursday nigh!f, the very large 3 and appreciative audience which aeseurbled in the Music sud lal to welcome Signor AMario, who is corw onl lia last lire- lure fes'ioual tour in the provinceq. CertainlY no ainiger of tIre Irresent tlav is inore worthy to live in the grateful romeo0. brance of the public thon the great tenor, who h)as devotedl it lone lifetime to ...


... Tits: Asitumin Show of the Royal Horticultural Soc'ety of Ab'rdeesn sid Amaiteur aorttus Club was held on Friday li dud Satuirldsy, in the Music Hllm Builditngs. The exhibition | aNs a sislost entirely devoted to cut flowers, fruit, caid vege- S tabhls; plan's in pots being almost entirely confined to V suchl as wielr sent in for show, rather than for cempetition. al Tl, show weas undoubtedly ...


... ..-THEATRhE-ROYAL--ITALIAN OPERA. A brilliant audience assembled last night in the Theatre-Royal, when Meyerbeer's Dinorah was produced: for the second time by Mr Wood's Company. As on the first night of its representa- tion, the three leading characters, upon whom the success of the opera almost wholly depends, were sustained by Mdlle. Ihna di Murska, Mr Santley, and Signor Gardoni. As the ...


... THEAX*TRE.RROYA L-iTAMvAN OPERBA. Beethoven was accustomed to say, in his usual dictatorial manner, that Zaulberbltite was the most perfect opera that over was written. The opinion of the great nwaestro is one which is very .generally accepted; buit, on account of the absurd and totally incomprehensible plot Of Zauber- blithe, it never can have the popularity of its great companion ...


... THt INTE-EMN!ATTONATL EXHIBiION - I - : O:F 1871. ELtrINNG IN GLASGOW,, A meeting of gertlenen interested in arts, science, and mrenufactlr'55, convened by the Lord Provost, vists held yesterday ini the Conuncil Chambers, for the pu11osE of lecaerig an explanation by Professor Archers, of Edinburgh, of the objects and arrange- monts of the Intorneatiolnal Exhibition of 1871. The LORD PRovosr ...


... |: . . I :. .AGRIOURL B.; . C:'iATTLE SHOW AT DRYMEN. Yesterday the annual-tattle show, held under the auspl'c's ?? Agiultu&a So- ciety, took jplaee at ~Drymaen. The premiums [In ;offered amounted to £90, competed for in the Or district of Strath~stdnicl, comprehendium the ii, piisheg of Buichanazn7 AberfoS'Ie, -Port, Kippen, tic Dr ce,: Balfron,,Killearn, Strathiblane, 1Fintry, 33' ...


... CA1BNWAT:I CA'I'TE SHOW. This annual exhibition of the first of the flock iu several n eighboulring parishes took pla ce at Caruwath on Ftridiay. The show of stock waw niuch larg~er then that of any former year, the poultry excepted. A neuniber of influebtia] gentlemen have joined the in-dfilyklthei' dfe rexcehlle~nti qdalift4y ~nmdeiblgeodh ;,nodi- ?? ?t *2dl dated larg Thek l ~~Fbrt, tls n ...


... LITE.RATURR. 0Uotxs OF' CUlsiiS'rrAN DS;YOreON. rns~ated o from the Germ~an of A. Tholuck, ?? Profes-v onor of Theology in the University of Hlalle, z to. By Robert Mensies, D,D. William ilae.kwood &; Sons, -Edinburgh and. London. DRv0orIoNAL books o-oax a class with *shibh It is o rasely becoming for a stranger to intermeddle. They appeal to readers whose hensir are under. the, influenlce of ...


... 1, f TE IA TURN. IJ:;151 Fr, 'lF I O '1T ut ?? and SaperqifiO' I of thoe ('0m:1wi ?? ith) I-fe lfl(fOU i ' a14 BT ' I :Laelzii ?? . ?? Oan11Orl oni FcrgilIA'I, I *FS \ 8t St .N -:LI±c.t ;onIdon: It ;:Yo INlr I I Lane. IFoIA on p: Ii, 0ession ill ideas, 1)13jdlicoo. Cii Ic iii 0 ?? s crstoins1,, Ands 1irtu . Th>ade wi ?vc , e OVt tO t!I. I ,ier- 'ilti' (C ?? r OtrlllOy i i Ol ]Ol'CIiS. L a he ...


... LITATATUBEI. A Comcre. ?? OF THEt MOD~brN ROMAuN LAW. OV Bly Fro c J Tovnkiins, Esq., M.A., D).C. L., Be and II U'yI. Jencken, Esq., Barrister-at- Law. L,i' on :l~lutterworths, 1870. t IT was thu profound obscrvationl of D'Aguesseau tu that IItilt gratd (destinies of Rome arc not yet tb aocoraplidwil , she reigns throughout the world sr by hi- eaeu, ater, having,.ceased to reign, by.a her ...


... GLASGOW INST`TT or TI f FINE ARTS, The Ninth Exhibitioie of the Works. of Modern Artists; under the ausspices of the Glasgow Institute of the. Fine Ats, was formally. opened yesterd evening. The CorporationIGalleries, in which, as usual, the Exhibition finds fit'quarteraswero' ile.d with as very brilliant assemblage., The preceddings took the 'form of a eioversazione, andwe'ehgia about seven ...


... MR NIALLES OROrnSTRAL CONCERT. PROORAIlE. 24lrato ?? 3Veben 8 1l: Overtue. -:''rown Septet ?? ?? G , Behosu. Aild501 a , t aith !ssrclt °bettoatilt ^teau Coerarte. Violi - . 6 e, lesidolssh. 5lesriiC,) ;;Iron' la~l; jjajft * Beethoven. SyliolWilC IIbL~iOir. *XA;aceco°X''- . ?? Ov c rtItre.V ?? i: I 8 *^ ?? .. ?? Meudolsiolla, S idue,-1 4 } ?? , , ?? 'o l. ?? De rt Air tic Ai~nllMtssin do ...