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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... A-Wo Anigot ad Paw>. ?? No Notice of Birth. Mars age,or Meath can beinserted unless authenticated by the name and address of 'be sonder. Thewords Nooards, oranysmilar addition to the simple announoement of a marriage or death, ?? to rvyment aa for an advertleemeub BIRTHS, GIrVES-March 16, at Havre, France, the wife of £1r. Samuel Ciles, of a son. H BiHssRT-Msarch 17, at 86, Dlgbeth, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Mot wardagoti 404 L09460 %* No Iottee of BrI4h. Mariae or cth can belnset uneac authenticated by the ame and addr of tho rendor. ThOwOrda a eardaor radditon to the smple announement of a nage or ?? subjeclt it o paynumtt aa tor an advtiement. BIRTHS. BROW2-March 80, at I, Blephanterrace, Douglas, Isle of Man, the wife of Ur. J. A. Brown, of a daughter. COALFTrb-.March 28, at St. John's, Isle ...

BAnrRTe- 8wNL.-On th

... e 18th [mst., at St. Dvt Cu~h Chrh 8ue' Park, by, the Rev. itobert Mitche IJ MR. James Bouton, formerl Saffron-Walden. to Louisa, sixth dauighter~ of Mt. ThomasJomn, of Corporation-etreOt. BZAY9,17-SATCRZrjL-~On the 10th Inst. St Chrust Churcb. CIRCAgh toej by the Rev ir. liaee er jaley, of Hankoi~~lw l to Jane Elizabe onl, a daughter of Themes Henry roatchbii. BZIX-WODCOoL.-On the 9th lost. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -iUAREIAGES £sM ro)XL.BR..Law5he l., Mt the ChgeafelChurch. ,eRvR, Mitcheli. Benl BattIOy Ashton, of Quknfcrlko ?? Anoly daughter of the Into0 ?? Lamb, of Mount Plees&nt, Lockwoodt JohnkthreB~lt ,DAEEO.~V Es -on.O the lot lust.. at St JoMr. atits JBAKR-WLLIld -0 .Mr.Gloa3h4ll John, youniost, sn ?? irsoby the GluetrhiO ?? lyol Themas Baker. of Windeuch.GluetrheoElnLoyny ?? Mr. Williaza williams ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... AaEL~r-HINIBlf -Ou the 12h Inst.,at the Cathedral by theUeT. 3. L. iv'. r. ~wza ?? Emnms, elder daughter Of J.eS Elat r. ~W Rewne BJnime, c=m ?? age:1t, GU of this bity. ?? ear5. -On the 12ti Insh,. at the Independent Chael, Omavn tr eadly by the Rev. T. Willis James Wlepd, sorsenldetsnif l. JTames Beredard, to Ellbabtl1 Ann, elidest edaugte son Mr Ohin Rtoberts, all ot hIsI city. eldeshe ?? ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... pirtuot wardageot mA egatuo ?? No Notloao, Birth. Marriage, oreathsbeinted -nWess ?? b the name 'ad addres oft he sendor. 'Te words No OCeeds, or au smilar additlon to the slmple announoent oY a marrage or eth. ?? to DaOment as fee snadvereiiement. BIRTHS. RA t-Jhn. 80,. ate, Moss-street, the wite of Mr.Willacn B. Bsrr, of a daughter. HnEINIKER-Jan. 24, at South ChavIton Vicarage, the wile ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... NO No 1 0bfo Of 11rth. ?? or Deth mun be Inserted unies au0henticated the name end alrn of the sender. TheWord I ?? to the simople anuonoto1meut of a marriage or death, subject It to Pasmet as for en advertmenent. BIRTHS. BATTER-Feb. 4, at 1S,We~lllngton-road, N~orth Egremont, the wife of Mr. George P. Batten, of a daughter. BarnumoT-Feb. 4, at 112, Went Derby-road, the wife of Mr. Elss ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... IAirho Vadfagfo, no' 4 Lpath 4N' NOiObetof B . ?? heduetted unjlam au'thentiwate b tho nname an addarau of thie sander. The worda Nuot03do, or any similaraddtion to the simpla amounooment; of a marrite or death, s!lbltaetlS tooymeut a for an advertsemnent BIRTHS. AUSTIN-Feb. 13, at 60, Smnletdown-lane, the wife of Mr. Eidward Austin, of a son, HO13ON-Feb. 13, at 45, Copparasohill, the wifo ...

1 Airtuot ?? geanto

... Na' Fo Noblce of lrtb Marrjgse, or Death can ble Inserted unless :authenticited by the namte vtnd address of the zolldes, Tho words ' No ca ,'or snysimlar eddltion to the aimple anouncement of t marriage or death, mubjeat It to Daement as tor an advertlsement. BIRTHS, ANDESEON-April 18, at 0, Liveraidge-road, Tranmere, Mrs. D. Anderson, oS a eon. BLAVD-Apyll 17, at Quarry Bank, Allerton, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTH. (oil tie 11th illSt., at Parlic buidgc, UL'kdiale, tre wirfc of alter Weld, ?? of a d:Lghter. MA I A ES. (tIn theo 4th inist., it the Pelri.b Cliurcl, Mr. Joln Hcslketh, to Miss Esthier Slrrler; ,3II. .Tarici, Swilf tor ,%ites Ellen Cireet- liar: MIr. Th(omas Wi lkilseiI, to :lis- Saralh Ja;nc Wilkirson; Mr-. Tanice Saltlhrile, to :Miss ilary Yates. Onl tire Lth l st itt tile P1arishr ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MARRIAGES. On the 12th inst., at the Parish Church, Mr. Robert iowarth *o Miss Elizabeth Leech: Mr. Joseph Chamberlain to miss Ann Ogde! Mr. JatesCorthwaito to Miss Ann WatHinson; Mr. Henry Cross to Miss Elizabeth Gardner. on the 13th inst., at the Pariah Church, Mr. William Nelson to Miss Ann Harrison; Mr. Joseph Hrardman to Miss. Martha On the 14tb inst', at the Parish Church, Mr. John Rigby ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... All AUGA~rF-A~b~&_0nthe 2lod fon,., at GOnhnuO4tife ofio 1115. Birtbosbm, bythe ev.l. Vince ALA.. Wr. EL m r 115 ?? woollen crae Olneapsidrbln. a I s lds .he tlangiter of hbpie. k~ Sanders, ?? 'V ton hami and of Alien and C., M~aiIICd.l 3ARZIX-?z~a=_.-On the 16 b WnAt. at, Plt_-o~ Ch1mlb, Md-f field, by the Roy D. Ford, 7d. .E. Becrker. Ditchloghank Brod 101. Wrave Road, Sheffleld. 5t(h CtbdJl ...