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Belfast News-Letter

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... C- MAIRIAGES, & DEA1H. M .r Sarnagfe, an Deat1 cannot be r{1 a~n ts the pcrtis sending them are keoh n at tS.r tract the autit-ut'C cnit arc 5u4(Wnf wailed . .-,r our aentS. BI T rlTS. .- - O:t S- lt.etm. ld StretS, Dublin, the, u .iritet, hr-. o a son La lSStrttt. Ormciun Road, Bet- '..t halori lkii:, LInncaslhiro, the wife of a i. . > :n.!l F:.q .,o *, .&~u; ,ter TOT - At , ;: tvtSu Str-t, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?. QTHS 1ARRIAGES & DENTHS, | . , I .t Birns, AMcarriajrs, and Dceats camnvt Ic r,.-:r; * ' 1C tIC parties scNad tn thet a-e knoicn of .; o er tha a t Pit7jzlilcrncintz are authenttcattd s- tc .ur atCrlds. P. i:T S. ,- i. I 1 ii, 0 ,:O i ::i lt-U , l -l, 'e~t!a ii e * , ' l !, ! i , *- ! 11, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FLTNERAL OF REV. S. Mr. f,, D.D., LATE PRPOFESSSOR OF THEOLUGZ IN MAGEE COLLEGE, DEIgRY. [FRno OVR OWN CORRESDONDEST.] LONDONDERRY, SATURDAY. TuE remains of the above deceased gentleman were removed this morning, at half-past eleven o'clock, from the family residence, Brae- Braehead, to their last resting-place, in the New Cemetery. The relatives of deceased were accom. panied to his grave by ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, DEATHSS. 5eiacu of Birth. Afarriage*, end Deaths Cannot be asertMe unless the parties sending them are knmwn at our office or tht the annonraurocer4ntI ar5 atuthenticaed by joimt of Ou'r agents. BIRTHS. Co: -Dece mbher '2, at The Cotta-e, Templepatrick, the wife of Mr. Jhn Cx, oa adaughtcr. Ewrv~sali~ecewirif 21, at the residence of her father, 6f, Thotnaitor Strc-et, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... nThSa MA&RIAGES & DEcTHS, n P or BortkL, Mcrriitif, and DeTth cannout be .rr' orsU IA&tepartia sending themi are known at ; fii ~ crr cha tth tannoUnuCMi93Tli are authenticaedI ,~~~~~I TE rt !er . l t *i- f; i ! ' a. FO.'' olei'ar Sailitfield, Co. Down, Mrs. i. ;1, r' .:]; 4i. , E.:obaeuugh Terrace, Mount- I 4 I Mr. John HuLzhsin, of a r.iFFX Strect, Dublin, the v ife i vf ih Ir l& Strcet, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... |DETEE OF A CLERGYEMN AT A PUBLIC I A mnzna of the Liverpool clergy of all deno*sina- tions and lay gentlemen interested in the promotion of the Hospital Sunday movement, held in tbe 'j Town HaU, Liverpool, on Friday, waa abruptly I b broken up by the sudden death of a clergyman of t the Church of England while in the act of moving t a resolution. The meeting bad been convened by his ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 3IRTHS, MARRIAGES, & DEATHS. ,,5g:eJs of Births, Mnrriagee, and Deaths cannot Ie ,,, frtftti unless thr parfics sending them arc known at, or that tt anfonounnceriinis are authcnticetcd iqy s /Qc of our agfcia. It I Ft T It S paya-i --te iller 2'i, at- it al'i'., 1. t -IIt tin, tIhe cif, tfi;tiner A. T .1 it, IN i t lit' I tilvcr iiF~iliir-Sct Czr e'', :' ti. '1!. ii ,. .\Ac,'l, the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... , MkR>iAGEs_& DEATHS. e-j Jtk5,8 Afarriex9Cs, and Deaths cannot we C, . he parties jcndng them are knowrrn at or wa , tt i aeheann ientf areautken1tcufed , 6-; ur ajgnts. - t ,05-Aurgat 1, at ',le Roes, suibury, Sau!)i, the rs; tr 3ar.,a. 1,t. of a .,i kj 1-,.It a.''.'b *&o itohd, Bat ,eiat r, L .,alXm, thv -j, . nptilkee, K.';-, tIe1 uG:caucs, tfu. WIcelowltv, sd a I gi a 4 at ,w-vtfh, ttne ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... sBV , EMARRIAGES & DE&THSa -*: '. oIrrths, Mia~geS, an Deaths ccannot be ' t~s tle patrtie serding7 them are knenom at ; .~,,or :Mi toe anrzosnsccfef are authenticated BIRThS. -sic-3,.; A ',- Tr'f s 11a'1 StrHl t, EnullS..Imf1, the L , t ..I r rir ha, Priuitive N esly)' uiiMI- in 'Itl r. . ' 45, bl yiFinpiu Street, Eellait, the vite of I.,'o '^ ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B1iRTH MARRIAGES, & DEATHS Kotscea O; Ertha, Mar s, and Deawhs cannot be inserted un , thep rt i ending thm are knn at our offlce, or Scat the anneuncemente are authelhated bt omnC of or agents. BIRTHS. IlANySAi-Jcne 20, at Mill Streot, C.unbUr, the wife of Mr. James Hannah, of a eon. Ln-June 30. at Woidbhine Cottage, Asitrim Road, Belfast, Mrs. Isaac Le, of a daughter. M'CCrLY--Jnue 29, at ...