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Sandy, Beds

... DESIRABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY, Comprising EIGHT Brick and Slated TENEMENTS GEN L'EEL RESIDENCE, pleasantly situate on the road leading from Sandy to St. Veots, Yy ILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, Messrs. ROB ARTS & SOW, On FRIDA J, the Zth day of 18/1, the Greyhound Inn, Sandy, At 6 o’clock in the Evening, order of the proprietor, In Three Lots, Subject to such conditions as will be then produced. ...

General News

... There were 2625 births and 1391 deaths regis tered in London last week. All the weavers of Bury have returned to work, but the spinners are still strike. A quantity of jet, said to worth ,£20,000 a ton, has been discovered in California. The Emperor William is now able to walk about the aid of a stick. Sir Job Barrington, J.P., D.L., Conservative, unanimously elected to be Lord Mayor of ...


... On Monday eTenir.e, April 24, a very interesting Juvenile Missionary Meeting—the first of the kind held here—took place at the Wesleyan School-room in St. Mary’s. There capital attendance, the spacious room being crowded. The chair was occupied by Mr. Nutter, of Cauldwell Priory, and from the Report presented it appears there are about 60children connected with the Sunday-school who collect ...