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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... gi Notict ot bltriatof f.d Thetie3 7re e tsfl ' , A'/TARRD, On the 30th lilt,, at St. Maryen. Cbsrob, in t. in bie lbe 1. CasnbG Barrett ) T2lnamt losseerON, boled , 2mw, to Almie JAy. 8iuDitES, dtb t i of Mr. ?? SihIey. ?? isopleor-lt mssanufacturer, of Bath S. t tir- (l tle 211th tilt., at itriet Church, ?? o: !9; CieG~rgoeio~ ge.i f!). Hr. sssw sTATiots, to IiA ).f7 N ?? of ?? VING, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... E BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. r Announcementu of Marriages can only be inserted when authenticated by the parties themselves or theirparents, or when they come through our recognised agents. O**No Nlotices of Birth, Miarriage, or Death, can be inerted unless authenticated by the name and address of the sender. The words No cards Deeply 'ameated, or any similar addition to the simple ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 14420 aiardafffoo Bad Raf * No Notice of 1rtb, Marriage, or Death Ban be Inserted unlese a tuticated by tho uane and address of the sender. The words Nocar'orrauysimr addition eo tho ?? anunoemeat of a maerriae or death r subject is to peyn;.ut ae for an advertaoement J BIRTHS. d CASII-Dec. SI, at 4, Harlow-street, the wile of Mr. r J. Cash, of a ddughter. t 0OOPBM-Peo. 29, the wife of Mr. ...


... v_-ยป _ SATURDAY, JANUARY 1, 187 a Bristol Scoab Market, Friday, December 31st.- [be brokers' offices will re-open for nles on Tuesday nexl during the holidays there has been some inquiry for raw md are very steady and firm. Refiners' produce is in ind regular demand, and prioes are firm. The stocks an irrivals are about equal to those of this time last year, an -efiners are now wholly ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTLS, AIARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BI-RTHS.? .i ?? Wi. o' I., 't1*lioat. n, 1 t0, LiiolDvm i.aqn-re, Iee0m. V. ;.RL 0:., iN .. .? Coniciandec, 1.N,, at Angleecs, lhoot ?? D hrn',l,. ?? Dflv?si, thy wvi'' of Mr. U., of Pontypool, flee. 81. ga, wile of r.h''redvrich, at ;5, Moray-place, lt.ddinbuygli, Do,, 27. ;Fr:aac'soN xvi! o(f Mr. F, J.,at 25, PalNev.gardoi:-ternce, l'en- A;d dcii, Q1O. .C. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIRTHS. At Bellevue Place, Garogad Bill, on the 31et ult., Mrs John Rae; a son, At 83 South Portland Street, on the 31st ult., Mrs Hugh Keith; a eon. I At MIauldslie Terrace, London Road, on the 30th ultlmo, Mrs William Rodger; a son., At 5 Clydeview Terrace, on the 30th ultimo, Mra Daniel Gray; a daug-hter. At 21 Claremont Street, on the 30th ultimo, the wife of t, C. Kerr; a daughter. : . At ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEAD! After a career whin embraced almost a fail cn tury, during which it occupied a high position aa tbe- accredited organ of the Tory party, the Morning Herald has cswedtoerist! The denaiseof sucha journal is sigrifcant ana saggestive; and though it may not fairly be consrgmed as the authoritative an notncement of ?? that party, which fr a peio of ninety years it 30 fithfufly represente snd ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATNH OF THE BISHOP OF MANCHESTER., We regret to hair of the death of the Bishop of Man. clester, Dr. James Prince Lee, which occurred rather sud- denly, on Friday night, at the episcopal residence, Mauldeth Hall, near Burnage. His lordship had been in gradually failing health for some years past, but had been able to attend to business with his customary assiduity, and had taken part in ...


... ER-RELL- On the 2% t nit. at St. Jaohs, Nohnueg, byls Be.WRr Iugtbos MA Wlliam, tid son otfr.Johnoastc ly to 15Uen, olyaugh r ot 3sshna Bloghaml. al ol Runs. e ?? 25th ult., at the Baptist Chbapel, Great G (eorrB~stre, Salford, by thae R1ev. J. L. Whlcly, Andrew Cainpbell,, 1y tosonz Mallry, second daughter of the late Wiia~m Hylop. re CAltveLBErt r-OQ the 22d nlt., at St. Mary's, Nottinghamn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? Announcements of Births are subject to a charge of 2s. fd. each, and must also be properly authenticated. The words No Cards, or any addition to the sempla announcemcnt of a Marriage or Death, subject it to payment as for an advertisement. All Notices of Marrieges or Deaths sent from a distance must be asithenticated by the signatuno of one of our Agents, or by that of a knowen ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIE'-, MBtA AG-3 ANM)_ZuATSB Charge 7or ,ererar rJ of M er , I o't, a? sed Deaths Is. Gd. tch; ne4 tc 4'rwe t c ' .-csei VAsrt, in ?? csts, hbe Prrid. MARRIAGE Dece;ber 99, by ?? ltcncse. st the Catholic church, Adase, by the Rev I FlanaE&an P P, Patrick J O'Shea, of this cdty, to Noreh TereaS, sixth d-ugh1ter of the late Michael (regan, Dfrraven Arms Hotel, adore. DEATHS December 28, et ...