... THE LAST HINSTREL. I ~(After Sctt.)0L TO BE 1LAYED ' NOYRMINU ut9 18K ORO th 1 lbs strects were dark, the ?? Was told, Is] r Lord Beaky was Infirm and old, DEr 2I His scaonty beard and withering curls 62 Scorned to have known some bettor twirls. 'K 2 Tin, pu-se-his sole-remeintng joy- WI I WEED easrid by Sir Stafford's boy. t I Icbe last of Premier bards was he e4 To beast of Great Economy. ...


... IVALE OF CONWAY AGIUCUL- TURAL SHOW. The sixth annual show of the Vale of Couway Agricultural Society took place at Llanrwst yester- day. Throughout the district the show has always been associated with wet weather, and yesterday fully supported the tradition, heavy showers falling at frequent intervals. Despite ufasyourable wea- ther, the show ground attracted a large concourse of visitors, ...


... PRINCE OF WALES THE.ATRE. The grand revival at the Alexandra Theatre furnished a subject for burlesque at the little house last evening, when Win. Brough's cleverly ,written burlesque was produced under the amended title of 'The Winter's Tale, or the Royal Milk- maid. Having resolved to run the absurdity at the asvre time as the original Shakespearian play, the management set about ...


... PUBELIC AM-GS-NTS. W)YAL AFiLEX??DRA THEEITrR. A season of Italian opera, exnding to^ niaa aightS, undae the alilliul gen'eralship of M5r. ?? e- son, was ceomenced :ast evening, at th3 }:lEval LAlexandraTheatre. and althongh II Trvatre' presented zoth'ig wvaich was very new, consider- able intereat attached to the performance, ie con- s.equence of the re-appeurance of Uap-d'e Titihns, after ...


... SCHOOL HISTORY OF ROME: Abri(lged from Dean Merivale's General History of Rome, with the sanction of the Author. By C. Puller, M.A., late b Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge. With si Thirteen Maps. London; Lon.-mans, Green, & Co. I This is an excellent specimen of what a school his- C: tory should be. It is no mere compendium of dry N details, but a graphic and well-written narrative of the ...


... ThP~e Jozrurnal of Jru?-?is9)ttdenCe opeons w)ith l an r. ]Irs e'tiole on Ti'lr science and art of jssrisprudernce, fine w' Avoltel, if not wrrithe ex pr-essly wi us reference to tli W.i address delivered by' Lurd Gifford it tthr. 'itcial 8icienrce tire a Congres.' iu S'eptcrmbur brot, will Ile foutnd a useful ofI 0 scqssal to it. 110 doCAlt exClusiVely With tire propos)0i- tiOii 8 tiorn, (1 ...


... L I T E RTU at- art lb. EXFFUIIIIIETS NVITH TuweNIr S009ns By -A. Stephen be( __ Wilson. Extractedl from the Transactions of the hie .Is Botanical Society of Edinburgh, Sesrsion. 1876-77. ta Edinburgh : Pri-nted by Neil & Co. i Mr Stephcn *'wilson'e. experiments in regard to ii hI, turnip Seeds will be found interesting not only as a W )S- ebntribution to b*otanical ]knowledge, but as a valu- ...


... M A GA Z I N ES. The nvitlilly part of Thie CA,-iejtfan Week forms per. the c,ll lhsps as sub-'tantial a supply of religious readilng As but p] patany pubioiati,,ic of its class. Indeed, it can scarcely AbC, co-be said t. heb'ing to ~he seine elame as our other beet, h ilent rcfligiolii periodiuals ;fur it combinestecaceroroln h,.ir Z journal of contemporary events in t2e religions and Ri ...


... M A G A ArI:N E S. 1Olo in inst Pl lAAood this month coruists ,hiefly of descriptive tL [ope writiiig. The serial tale, Jboiia Caldigate, proceeds I to atI. apacc and grows in interest,. There is a capital de. a ia tine scriptiin of life on shipboard' in the account of tha voyage of the Goldfluder to the Anti- W tol1 no en podes.. The passengers consist of the usual motley: Ht and varied ...


... THE ninth annual exhibition and competition, under the | auspices of the Northern Poultry and Pigeon Club, took place aI in beVoluuteer Drill Hall, lVoolmanhill, on Fridayand Sa- ti turday. The total number of entries, in the various classes was 579, being a considerable decrease as compared witlh last year's exhibition, but this was fully compensated for by the superior quality of the ...


... WORDS WORTH'S prose works have been edited by the Rev- A. B. Grosart, in three volumes. According to the Athi. 71iMMune the editing is slovenly. Several Lives of the Queen have bcen recently published in India, besides histories of the Prince of Wales's life. 'fhlie waxen tablets, recently found at Pompeii, turn out to he wvorthless, being all either contracts of loans or quit- tanees of ...


... STRATIIHBOGIE FAT CATTLE SHOW. ON Thurzday, the annual spriog show of fat stock, and grainl, in conection with the Strathbogic Farmer was held in Ihulntle. Tibe cattle, as usual, wer ex i* on the Squiare, aod the seeds in the back-yard of the( Arns Hotel. TD. show of cattle this year waas sun!-:-. . regards quality, to that of last year, and grain wi i i'': good, both in respect to quality, ...