... - - I. -- SPORTING NOTES. § eb 7ite tho failurn of the Great Mstropolit;Pa j stakes :o attract more than a couple of runners, I of which e Yankee-bred Parole maiutained i i ,filoriCea crs-,r, the sport was good at Ep3om on i thesond day ,and it shsould be intereottig also . at Sandown Fark5 where there is sure to be some further interesting u arket movements. Too meeting begins tedsyp The ...


... I FOOTBALI MAT-CIL WEST OF SCOILlND v. LlVERIPOOL. J A mntoh between these5 clubs wan played yester- day before a large gathering on the gronrld of the l Liverpool Uricket Club, Wavertrec-road, buu the hardness from the froat somowhat interfered with r the plays causing several of the players to slip. sj The following were the eldee:- I LivFvurOOI.-A. Lyon and W. E. lemoh (backs), J. 1. Hay ...


... ._ Am vid eo' SPORTING, IYM_, Eil I SPORTING, ] frILIYER~POOL'SPRING MERITING. Cie Bltwards i Bar) or Sftfco, Duke of Ujest, Eari of Ayies. raff f Iai0 tafodadWrlgon, Vifcount; ijer.; Sr 0.Kuget, Brt.;Sir , Sir tt- 'it. d' Traft.:rdye. Cerk roi rue The lileatirt. Topherm have iteued a firsb.olass me' programme for to-day, ?? of the groat p tuitional event, and, judging from the great nuem- ...


... I ~ I I__ _ _ _ _ _ LONDON BETTING.-YESTRDAY. CITY. BiAND 1'RIZE OF PAWS. 60 to 44) on JoDglenr. t & 0 3 to 1 aget Verneitl, o; take U0 to 3) S to2 ?? o; take 7 to I ASCOT STAKFS. 7 to I Cbypre, t & er 8 to I Finds, t 8 to I Wh itebait, o i lot to 6 First Spring, t & w ROYAL HilUNT CCP. In to ] Cradle, t & o Ls to 7 Jeser, o; 100 to 9 Tetrarch, o; after 100 to 8 t talke 100 to 8 1.;S0 to 30 ...


... SF1OIRTIN~G. LlYJERFOOL ~JULY MEETTIMG EtewAr:, tua of Patton, Earl flowe, ii~r: of 9tamfotd era n ?? ~ct, lion. W. G'arrd, Wr Ii. d' Tr~rd, BetSrG heiVynd, Dart., Sir C. Egsr~i. Ba ?? Iali Mlet.Topharn, iuega and clerk of the ScaLEN, Mr.- X'George, starter. THE CUP DAY.-THURSDAY, JULY 12. Natnre~lv there wag a ?? improvement in the attendance Mv the last den of the meetiaeg, when the Cup ...


... SPORTING NOTES. Prirce George won the principal handicap on the Buwex ground on the second day with a deal in hand, but Chypre's breakdown was unsatisfactory, and the place backers of Hampton and Pageant were unfortunate, as the' latter pair were not ridden right out Whitebait did not disgrace himself, and we may find the latter a prominent runner next week for the Brighton Stakes, the ...


... ?? ta LOYIMJY BE17TING-.-YEOITRIJAY. IS to i ?? It, 731rso's nosulisatiteD. t ; Q to t Lgar Mr. C14- 1n a o.t:1n tIatlo, t sis Lo I hgrt Kr. D~rlicocx's ovota.uo0G, i if to I 3ge: lMr. LX:& apI nontsirs.ttOu. C lQO to I Agdat Kr. flai 1ving'a osralosiuoo, t Clis(yl)5 11U?.txk RACB. ld to I s1 B Efpert to I , e0 sg t hlnioorae, TWO T1O1.SANI' GufNtlt'A. ' to t bagst Bearl cde, t EE S R It i E ...


... SPORTINGi. 1iNGSBURY MEETING. FRIDAY, TANC-ARY 4. A HeNTna.2' FLes LtoCs: t -5 aots. each, 2 ft. (to the fundj, with 40 added. Allosaccee. Winners estra. Gentitmenriders. Tao mlles on the flat. 11 12 Mr. E. Wood!a-n's S~Attc gelding 4yrs., Mr. E:. P. Wison 1 £2 7 Mr. E. Woodlantd's Hrntingflpld, 6 vre Owner 2 11 1 Mr. J. Davis's Alpha, 5 yri..Mr. J. Ty er, jinrt. 3 Betting: 4 to 1 on Sutttee ...


... SPORIL~NG. SPOETING) YOTE$. Bla'nton eptroiie:,i(- another good : it at Sanciowe Park vi ste tns- afternoon en Le Cc 51ilv who won t1cc- valuable, SandeJAwee titica- bleating good winn,-rs in axtoaniaea. YTraz, and Leer own Festaole Companion ift c> Hecp spr won the big hurdle~ race. desit Ii S r and it is quite time 'lie horse had a 7 feat~ure~s of the City and Suburban b'etting Weerqe kj ...


... m ?? -Novis v. REir.-This match was ?? .± Canterbtmy en Saturday. Score- !NOTTS. Sbrewobnry, c Marbcooze, Wrizlt. c earne, b b O'&batlogrey ?? 34 Ifrhanghoc'sy ?? 13 Cfcroft. lbw, b ditto ?? 140 Mills, c StPenmb ?? iti Selby, i: Ingram. U ditto.. 72 A. 6haw, e Abuol-rs, b blowers, c and o Itarner.. 11 O'Shanghoessy ?? Barnernotuout ?? 1 iy,not oA . T. Wild, c Ingram, b I ORfhl-oghliepsy ?? S ...


... Theshotin inconecton iththe19th annual ~ pizemeaingof hisassciaionwasresumed at Alorrneysera.Tewahrwas not so t oda twso h rvosdy h wind blow. bi rmteesan hr en rqent showers r The Cotton Brokers' Prize, open to all corners, aat three distances of 200, 1500, and 600 Yards- First prize £20, second £15, third £12, fourth £10, sixth £7, seventh £C6, and 14 prizes of £a, ten of £94, tenof ;C3, and ...


... rVT ISV I 'T MNTbruits N'Tfi AM&COT HEATH MEETING. FRIDAY, JUN-E 13. The ASCOT PLATE of 300 rons., added to aY high-waeight Hanuicap Swoepstakos of 15 sues. each. Winhners extra. One nile anden qarter. 7 ,r Sir J. D. Astley's Drunhead, ii yrs ?? C. Wood 1 712 Mr. F. Grettohis Hnrbioger, 5 yrs ?? Fordharn 2 7 10 Prince Batthyanya, Cerberne, b yrs ?? Lake 3 The folloIA lng alu ran: -Cie:ai ...