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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... FUNERAL, O EARL tlU$> VLL. Yesterday, accordling to the expressed desire of the late Earl Ruscill, his remains Avcre d poiited in the family valt of Cilenies parish church, Bflnks. The hearse cbntaining the body of the dteceased earl left Pembroke Lodge, Richmond, alc at dezytrcld, au-n. after a hadt, reached Chenies rcrory shortly after ele-eu o'clock. Maniy of the chief mourners and ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... a Nirfbs, '4Uarriage, and {1 eats. %*.No _Notice of tBirth, Marriag, or Death can be Inserted unless anthen Iicae by the name antr otcdees of the gender. The words 'Nosards, oraary.snailaradditron to the Slrm,-Io announcement of a marrlore tic deathh subject 'to tearmolnt asfor an adrerticmerren BIRTHS. Ant a $--ejit. ?? at 33, Gladstone-road, ~a unit-c, tire wile of )i ilt~isin F. Allen, of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE Tl1OMAS BULLEY JOB. Another of our borough magistrates has passed away. M1i. T. B. Job didl on Saturday morning at his residience, 24, Devonslire-road, Prince's Park. after a long period of declining health. Deeeae?l n'as well known in mercantile circles as a membel of the firm of Job Brothers, engaged in the trade with Newfoundland. For some years he represented the firm in that ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... rthx, , aarria u, nd eaihs. b *. No i i Marriage. or Deat i ?? C unless authenticated by the name and addrese of th eender. The wor Noars. any imilor addition to the simple annonecement of a, marriage or death, . subec et t to paymentoafor an advertasmenvt. BIRTHS. AArTIN-SePt. 28, at 2, Claremont-terrace. 5 , Windsor- street, New Brighton, thie ife Of W R. Atkin, of Beocis-Sept. 28, the wife ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? ,,?TIhS T-Rrriaytts, =4g Path 2C Sntle a Birth, Marriage, ?? belnserte8 2' n bilhs 'uthited by the name sod addreas of the cas. Tee words Nocairds, or snysinadditon iu StMple announcement of a marriage or death, ?? paisment as for an adeerileement. BIRTHS. - . at 22, Rembwszreet, thqe wite of ?? - 'f arsn. 7,S a' The Em'n, Litherland,the wife oi I%:e't.rtson Cowie. (ci > daughter. Et T. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Mit a. lrriages, and aeathti s-v.Tewords Nho cards, ?? adt & tothe simple announcement of a df BIRTHS. Bv~sreJan. 12. at IS, Hur-treet, Parkiehli-read. ioaseli:-parli, the wife of James Bows, of a daughter. CuANTRnacL-Jaii. 13, at 49, Engot-street, Wavertrse. theyv ifs ofl3iijor F. 5. Chantrell, of a son. OrsAcax-Janl. 14. att 61, Great Mersey-street, the wife of Rihevrd C. Cletuves, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Airtho, anrriag , atd #eztho. No*Si Notlee of ?? fel erJ nnlses anthentaed hi the name and address of t tender. The w= ~.110onis Ito c or ay ?? addition to the sml n~aeete aie rdah nblwet It to PsYment ar for an dvarts smente e - BIRTHS DUBaIme-Jan. 8, at Thor°nheld, Maghull, the wife of Mr. James J. Durant, of a daughter. ECK~ursTEIN-Jan. 61, at 7,Bertram-road, Seftonl Park, the wife of W. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... '~rtfts, ~jtarriaqr,5, and t-lnth,5 N. o Notice At Dirth. Mar-ri age. or De-.tbh a ti c'r. unneas ?? by tk:! rr.nam an~ . sender. The words No carcip, or io ?? tO the IITLM4C ano~unc nt ci a tuoee. cc dft- o meeft-t it to l~aylenitasn for Ur. aidVer.e~no,. I BIRTHS. BflADLEY-4UI~y 2t). at E, Mary Arioteqrr.,r. ?? the wife of Mr. ]vi in Brnidley, .4a ,~j BRaOtor-Mfirelb In, at Diniedinl, N Z¶ ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... girths, Warriagp0, and Peaths. ' No Notice of Birth. Marriage, or Death can be Inserted unless atheutibat=d by tbe n.ame and address of the ender. The words No oarde, or any similar addition to the simle announcement of a maniage or death. subject it to aent e for an advertisement. BIRTHS. CaEAYLR-Feb. 6, at Mill-bank, Anfield, the wife of B. W. Chanler, of a SoD. CoTTzmR-eb. 2, at 40, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ,No Nlice of irth Marrige, ?? esawbeslu o0 -imlc ?? by tfhe nae and addrs. of the fu sender. The. wori i.ocarts,,: or any in1addion YA to the ple announcement of a m-eb ?? dh. Z :nleat-t to pafontas for an adereent, :: as in 1n0OxDnenU`k h 22, Iat Prk-etree, Bootle, the wife to Willia-.- Brooker-i of adanohtt.o CT-Marh 31, at 6, Mrydfield, the We of ?1r Thea. hi Catry, of a daughter. . 7o ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... w irthi 3 WJThiajq{$, and Deaths. **I No Notice of Birth, larrtaee, or Death can be bacned uniess authenticated by the name and address of the tender. The w:ords l.e rdo , or av Isr addit he to the eimple rnonnmcerent of a mai-rrige or death, in U ?? it to trayment ra for tin adrnrtisement. ng BIRTHS. ?? Bhaor-Sept. 3, at IS, Alexanderastreet, the Aife of as licirry- J. Barge, of a daughter. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 9rWhs, Warriage~s, id eaths, *. N4o X oiloe of Birt llne, or De*th can be inserted ?? authenicated b eh name and address of tbe seander. The words sNcarda, or raimil addition to the siaple annonoezment of a marriage n death, sublect tt to pasmont as for an advusemesnt. BIRT1S. BAmFORD-Dec. 2, the wife of Mr. J. Bamford, of a son. BAW DE-Dec. 7, at Martin's-lane, Liscard, the wife of J. T. ...