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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I~Q~Obi~~u RdnJ ?? . = SIR AUGUSTUS WILLIAM JAMES CLIFFORD, C.B., was born in May, 1788, and had therefore nearly completed his eighty- ninth year at the time of his death. He was educated at Harrow, and entered the Royal Navy in 1804, on board the Tigre, and served wvith Captain Halliwell under Nelson. He saw some severe service, particularly off the coast of Egypt in 1809, when he was sent ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ROBERT NAPIER Dicd' Junt 23, aged 8g HARRIET MARTINEAU Died June 27, aged 74 OUR OBITUARY RECORD ROBERT NAPIER, the eminent engineer, was born at Dum- barton in 1791. He was the son of a blacksmith, who, conscious of the value of education, not only sent him to the grammar school of the town, but also had him instructed in mathematics and architectural drawing. At the age of sixteen he was ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE LATE MR. VINCE. I MEMORIAL SERMONS, YESTERDAY. References to the death of Mr. Vince were made at various places of worship yesterday. Yesterday morning, at Graham Street Chapel, the E1ov. Mr. MtLaren, of Manchester, delivered ar d scourse in re- ference to the death of Mr. Vince to an immense congrega- tion, every available space in the building being occupied, and the worshippers ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... WHIZ RETURN OF BIRNIS & DRATMS IN THE BOROUGH OF BIRDIN9A&M 52ND n WKr, 1870, In the week ending last Saturday, 4,432 births, and 3,710 dleath; were registered in 17 of the largest English tows, ncudie ondn.The birhoa exeded by 121,andl the deaths by 653, the average weakly numbers la the ten 7ear 1851-60, corrected for Inmrase of population tote middle of this yewr. The deaths showed an ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 9W Notices of haniages and Birth ere amcarged Ic e , prepaW. BIRTHS. CRESSWELL-Oo. the 16th irst,, ut Edgbagton, the wife of Alfre& Nevo Cresswell. of a daughter. HoDosoN-on the lith inst., the sife of Mr. Thomas Hodgwn, o£. Stour Hill, near Stourbridge, of a daughter. DRIED. BAsRroE-L'On Mt ',he 13th Inst., at St. Aston Parkobg. r edrick Bartonn, forel erly of Thrarton LeiceF, A&hir to Susa, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... W o NOe Of MUarrage ?? E'thMs ge chargS IR, le.cb pre . BIMTHSS. z Ontho8thirna, at The Distriot Hose, Smethwiok, rs8.TH1oMAs nENE, of a dauiater. On the 8th inst., at 2, Summer Row, the wite of D. 0. LLOyD OWSN of a daughter. OD tale Bth I ut, at Kenley-in-hden, the Wif of W. ENDALL, of R daughter. UARRIE. h On the 7th inst., at Edebaston Pariah Chureh, (by the Rev. Isaas V SpFaser, ?? 1dr. J ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE FUNERAL SERVICES OF AUBER. The Paris correspondent of the MJorning Post, writing on the 1ith, says the funeral services of Auber have been to. day performed at the Church of the Trinity, where the remains of the great maestro had been temporarily deposited. An immense concourse of the literary and musical professional world of Paris filled the church, all admitted by special invitation ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... GENERAL NEWS. IPRS ASSOCIATION TELeGRA{S.J DEATH OF MR. JOHN SCOTT. Mr. John Scott, the celebrated trainer, died yesterday morning, aged seventy-seven. THE TIN-PLATE TRADE. At a quarterly meeting of tin.plate workere, at Newport, yesterday, it was resolved to maintain the present standard of prices. AN INSURANCE AGENT CHARGED WITE FRAUD. Henry Alexander, agent to the Alexandra Insurance ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... MAILRIAGE OF MISS- IS-ABEL DEREJ Tics inchabitants of the sninai licicuist of laiirtl n thle neiglibouring ricof Coleichi li aicci Mhwortic ye'-3I terdicy indu~lgc( inl Ic tinasunc burst of oiexcicctoth occasion of the inarriag sof ISatbel, younes a igtro the Elight Hon. 5cr C. B3. Adderl-1Y, M.P.3 to Vauncey, elde-st son of Sir Tohn Hapi or Crown., Bart., Of Calico Abbey, Deribyslisi a (Iiu ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BItTHIS, hlARRTAfES, DEATFS.-A charge of Per .81U:N.. pressi, tant Two S5IMLLIXGOO LI booked. is male f, : r.oimi =eistaof Birtlin, Marriagas, and Deaths. All such ame;- msenti ?? be authentieat -d by the nname 00d adidlcf 51 i Nsader. leostags stampp nosay be sent in paymeut .BIRTHS. Amrs.-On tlie 5th inst.. at Albert Drive, Cro;hlli, MinagEor, M. Johll Arlm, of n daulgl~tcr. Brlrrox-on tbe ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BIR'tHS, afAflTtLAi;ES. DRATITiI.--A churie of ONyE 5i11ttlt' ie.piu, 12' Tro Sn.n.tsea if mentorS, in b :re t ndit irielntnl ni llia'tiaa, fitasr~ietlr;, cant 'le:.a D tlt'.A . oul ?? invidi ulls), be authetictleatt b)y the nuni and adtdret - - stuider. PItustiigr staiips n ay be telt in payluelit. GninyFty.-01n tile iI'U ilt., at i fil Huie, tlattbrrlt c nife rt X F. (4ri. .t I' of ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... BITIHS, AX AXI6, DEXA'IfS.-.- ehnR ot ONE SITl.LLING ?? if4 and Two 61tiLJINGS if bookai, is made fnr rmnoi:oae nteal of£ Birtihs, Vlarriag, j, anld Deaths. All ruch unnewirce- rit-nts must be iatthetucateil by the name and address of Ite sender. ?? stamps may be seit in paymentut. BII.TU. VAmn.-On the 13th ingL. at Liud nhurjt, lioeeley, fMmt. (Ge-ri, Zlkir, of a xot. N AREI{ID. LieerAls-HoT ...