... Before M. EDWARDS, Esq., Registrar. C Allen v C Edmonds; goods, 42 14s—2s a month. Same v H Crane; 6s 5d—By two instalments, J Thompson v W Poole drapery, £ 1 2s—2s 6d a month. 1 Same v I Saunders; £ 2 13s 2d—6s a month. Same v J Smith 8s lid-Is 6d a month. R Bell v Mn Humphreys; drapery, Jil 10s lid-f. a month. { Same v W Humphreys; lis Sd-Bytwoinstalments. J Evans v W Rogers; grocery, 17s ...


... Christ Church.—Sundays. Morning Service at 10.30. After- noon Service at 8.15. Evening Service in Welsh at 6.30.— Wednesdays. Welsh Service at 7 p.m. Leeswood National School.—Sundays. Evening Service (in English) at 6.30.—Fridays. Bible Class a.t 7 p.m. Pontblyddyn National School.—Thursdays. Bible Class at V p.m, ...

(Lrickct. j —:—I

... (Lrickct. WREXHAM CRICKET CLUB.—The opening match of this Club will take place to-day (Saturday), on the Racecourse, when sides will be picked by the captain and secretary. Wickets to be pitched at 2.30 sharp.. VALE OF CLWYD CRICKET CLUB. |; FIXTURES., MAY. • 19th and 2th, v. 23rd Eoyal Welsh Fusili-rs, at Ehuddlan. 24th. v. Past aud Prseut of t. Asaph Grammar aclioool, at Khuddian. JUXE. 1st ...


... SPEAKING OF CHAPMAN'S ENTIRE WHEAT FWUR, a writer in the Christian World says— Many of the first physicians of the day are prescribing no other medicine for their little patients, and it is astonishing sometimes how children who have pined on a diet of tine white baker's bread, will thrive when fed on well cooked porridge made of this Entire Wheat Flour. Sold by Chemists in 6d and Is packets ...


... A Concise Form of SCORING SEEET, vitk Bowling Analysis, is published at the office of the W2-exh(,niGua?-difin. Price per sheet, ld; lodp- dozen, or by post Is. A neatly bound Score Book may be had for 2s. WREXHAM V. 'ALFAS (WITN DARK).-A match was played on Saturday between these clubs on the Whit- church ground. The ground was in very bad order, being really dangerous to tha batsmen, and ...


... LONDON PROVISION, MONDAY.—The arrivals last week from Ireland were 350 firkins butter and 3,531 bales bacon anet from foreign ports 14,591 packages butter, and 383 bales baconw The transactions in the Irish butter market are of a very limited character; the finest foreign in good demand at fall prices; best Dutch, 128s. to 130s. The bacon market ruled firm, ande sales of best Waterford made at ...


... RHYMNEY RAILWAY. RHYMNEY, HENGOED, CAERPHILI, AND CARDIFF. DOWN.- WEEK: DAYS. I SUXD 1,2,3. 172,3. 1,2,3. UUXI T,, FR0M »■ M- P- m. p. m. a m. p. m. 9 15 2 20 6 35 8 0 4 .K Pontlotttyn 9 19 2 24 6 39 4 llr P1»l 9 27 2 30 6 46 P l5 2 «! Hengoed j Ny A/ H- i •■ 0 50 • 59 8 25 4 43 y.m ..LJ.r!™IS iisi* »'*• ♦» Caerphilly ■1F. 2 7 9 8 34 4 54 Walnu tl'ree Bridge IN 97 F 7 8 44 6 8 Car JFL (Adam ...

----.-----.--------------., ! THE MERTRYR POST OFFICE

... THE MERTRYR POST OFFICE ARHIVALS OF MAILS. The London, South and East of England, Scotland, Ireland, Bristol, Glo'ster, Newport Mon.), Cardiff, Pontypridd, South Wales, and Foreign Parts 6.15mom NORTH MAIL. From North of Ens-land, Scotland, Ireland, North Wales, Glo'ster, Bristol, West of England, Newport (Mon.), Pontypridd, Cardiff, and South 12.50 after. From Tredcgar 10.30 mom. LOIfDOJf DAT ...