lSuppi^A^\^0Cg AgD SHARE LIST

... lSuppi^A^0Cg AgD SHARE LIST. K(„w, S»«» 8r•GcS,hKS•lI'i«, So.. £ *3 and N'orth Western •• 98J „ Monmouthshire 100 •• 1444 Midland 100 15o 152 •> ™>ymney 100 124 125 8:: g 8 Tall Yale 100 59 61. Do Bo n'VS ™ •• 3 115 &S £ *JSSAAST?I: JS Monrnouthshire 5 per cent 118 120 Stock Rhj-rnney 5 per 5^™^ « ™ 6 Per cent, 1861 J22'-118 120 6 Per cent, 1861 ??? •• 134 J3« » Do 5 per cent, 1864 112 113 ...


... ROATH BASIN, May 14.—Zenaide ss, 534, Leray, St Nazaire, ballast, James Mallam ss, 659, Lunawell, Cork, ballast. ROATH BASIN, May 15.-Alexander, 898, Bulman, London, ballast. Acadia, 1211, Fowler, London, ballast. EAST BUTE DOCK, May 14.—Vuncenz Lavagno, 392, Lavagno, West Dock, light. Hampshire ss, 424, George, Havre, ballast. Carlotta ss, 388, Hunter. Dunkirk, ballast. Newman Hall, 1542, ...


... BRINDISI, Tuesday.—Peninsular and Oriental steamer Travancore arrived here at noon, and the mails left at one p. rIJ. for London, NEW YORK, Tuesday.—Anchor steamer Ethiopia ar- rived here at four D.m. to-day. MOVILLE, Tuesday.—Anchor steamer Aneiioria, from New York, arrived to-day. QUEENSTOWN, Tuesday.—Cunard Royal Mail steamer Batavia, from Boston, arrived here at 7.30 p.m. to-day, and ...


... ROATH BASIN, April 17.-Hallimshire ss, 874, Sander- son, London, goods for exportation. EAST BUTE DOCK, April 16.-Lavernock ss, 444, Boase, Bilbao, iron ore. Ocean ss, 509, Gamier, Bilbao, iron ore. EAST BUTE DOCK, April 17.-Lord Houghton, 497, Woodhead, Dieppe, ballast. PENABTH DOCK, April 16.-Prado ss, 676, Brown, Liverpool, light. VESSELS ENTERED OUTWARDS—April 17. Malta, Free Lance ss, B, ...


... VESSELS ENTERED OUTWARDS—April 17. Barcelona, England ss, B, 681, Hain, T Beynon & Co Rio Grand de Sul, Kosmopoliet, Hoi, 190, Wallenstine, Alfred H Tapeon & Co St Servan, Orange Blossom, B, 53, Elung, Rennie St Servan, Louis Marie, F, 82, Bertant, Budd & Co Reggio, Fabrizio, Iy, 449, Antolo, T Beynon & Co Point a Pitre, Anna, Nwy, 250, Michelsen, R Gething Coueron, George et Charles, F, 95, ...


... BETTING ON THE COURSE. CITY AND SUBURBAN HANDICAP. 5 to 1 agst Touchet, 3 yrs, 6st, t 100 to 15 Julius Caesar, 4 yrs, 7st 91b, t 1000 to 80 Balbriggan, 5 yrs, 6st 71b, t 100 to 7 Sign Manual, 3 yrs, 5st 131b, t 100 to 7 Warrior, 3 yrs, 6st 61b, t ...

---.-----------';'THE MONEY MARKET

... THE MONEY MARKET. rr, r THURSDAY The directors of the Bank of England at their weekly court to-day, deeded to make no change in the minimum rate of fer cent. Ihe return issued this afternoon «W8 t.e proportion of reserve to liabilities to be There ha, been a slightly better demand for accommo- dation oii-coinniercial paper to-day. Bank Bills. 2 and 3 months, 21 to 2 per cent; months, 2 F-er ...

[No title]

... MOVEMENTS OF CARDIFF VESSELS. The ss Silurian, Capt Collins, left Malta on Wednesday for Galatz, all well. The ss Cornwall, Capt Edwards, arrived at Barcelona on, rhursday morning, from Newport. i he ss Free Lance, Capt Pearse, left Malta on Wed- nesday for Galatz, all well. The ss John Howard, Capt HaIIett, was expected to leave Colombo on Tuesday for Calcutta. The as W. R. Rickette, Capt ...


... THE TYNEWYDD COLLIERY INUNDATION. The following letter from Mr W. Forsyth, Q.C., M.P., and dated Miskin Manor, Llantrisant, May 21st, appears In yesterday's Timrit in reference to the recent visit of that gentleman to Porth ir, -It may interest your readers to learn a few par- ticulars about the Welsh colliers of the inundated pit from one who is a perfect stranger to that part of the country ...


... Ladies'Handicap Plate, L4 >; City Members, 2.15; Juvenile Stakes, 2.45; Stratton Audrey Stakes, 3.15 Pridce of Wales' Stakes, 4.0; Stand Selling Plate, 4.30; County Cup, 5.0.^ NIGHT,g ENTRIES> Stand Selling Stakes—Saltier ( £ 100), Littleton, Half Caste, Darkie, Evening Star, Burgomaster, and Lady Maude colt. _T c • Juvenile Stakes—Kismet II., Summertime colt (each RIOO), Lord Orford, Homeward ...


... The Offices of the CITY EDITOR of the SOCTH WALES DAILY NKWS are at 3, ABCH'JRCH-LANF., ^^aud-STRKET, E.C. All communi- cations intended for °^r ^Jonetary and Commercial columns should be sent there oeioic 4 as appear next day. HERBERT RAKE, STOCK AND SHARE BROKER, Removed to BANK UILDtNGS, SW KEA (AdjoinirigWestof England ROBERTS & sl AD HARE BROKERS. 17, CHU STREET and VIENNA CHAMBERS JiuTE ...


... SWANSEA STOCK AND SHARE LIST, HERBERT RAKE. HA?K-nuiLDixas, S'.vA?'sEA. KAlLWAYg. Htock 100 Hay, :t:nt Brecon Ordinary 92 93 — J,yj Ditto ditto Preference M.. 94 100 L)aae)!yR.u:w&v:tnd DockCon:?? 138 13J ?. nX) Ditto diHo I!tit)C!-cc: ...