... | ASrON CanSS GxouNs.-Onk Saturday upwards of 2,000 per- Sons wvore present to wvitnes~s the running of the 200 yards All. England Handicap, for which £70 is given as first price, £E10. second,£.M third, and £C2. ras fourth prace, and winners of all pre- liminary heats, not placed in the fial, to receive nl. Forty- eight pedestrians frons all Pacts accepted their starts. Tue Ub~tting opened at ...


... WEsnLEflos, Wednesday. This has been thd best' day Volunteers have hit'herto enjoyed this season for shooting. The heat weea not. so great; end fleecy clouds contributed tor screen Vhs butts froam the excessive glaero which has existed on previous days. Froim gan-fire until half- past folse the competition proceeded for the Queen's Pslze at 500 yards. The nusrber of shots 'his year allowed to ...


... SPOT Wrll+( bINTELLII'-ENCTCE. RACIN\G SEL~s2'i'IONS. The rains of thei piat weclik hiwt' p~it SIts( tickllcl.1 racecourse into exc~ellent order. aitd there is every cncotnirgeinent, to believe thle meeting appoitttedv for to-teerrow and the limit dlay will meet with at least an averag~e alisicitt of saccess. 'Alo patrons of the sport ?? lie niniityl',' made lip of titis M idland fatdernity, ...


... SPORTING INTELLIGENCE ]3RIGIITON CLUB MEETING. PROGRAMMIM FOR THIS DAY. The ao g sexoe ,CLU. STARS ~ss(lbndttce.]n)oi10 getos each, h itf with 100 added; wvifnners extra:;. to be ridden by members of the 7t1ib. 166froi 6lb extria; Bristol mile, 1S stibs. C by Bieadlnoan-, ObySaecharotretet-Sugertane, r yra Troublesomc, 4yrn Prescription, 3yrs John, 4yrs Shallow, 4 yrs Knutsford, dged Trombone, ...


... JEpNkIAIGENCE I ipf3, - C~, * I EA3 TOi2L KAUI5.M. - X ESTERDAY. liO r D anunmerous attendance to witness the sport, fv , iwos ,d3a or, peer ?? on, the mhneps bping few. tisoaer beneeyfora hacdc- p55,s br agO, The pa'$5iv opuil'ledtoouit fnor~tlsh el*3Iousoal, hut of .imdC5P'jaog cmtrhenjouC, as did Aldeitlty iinTueseday, ront Valerien to add another to his late §j, awabledwu ,on the Royal ...


... LEWES 2RAOES. PROGRMAMME FORl fTIS DAY. The Towrq PLATE (Handicap) of so sore ; winners after the pob ication of the weights Sib extra. T.Y.C. A SCRURY HIANDICAP' Of 10 savs earls, Is ft ; winners after the publication of the ?? 71b extra; gentleman riders, profe. sionals 7ib extra. T.Y.C. The HELTEn-SKELTER STAriss of 5 savs each, with 10 nddedd; two-year-alds 7st 71b, three Oat 21b, four Oct ...


... A&nuasnrToy .-This slay, February 22, Sherilffhales Tuiesday 23, (nosoall Station Tlsunidsay, 2, Churchill Station , Satarday, 27, Strcttorl, at 11. ATumnla-rVoN.-This (slay, February 22, Stapleton Village ; Wed- nesday, 24, Apspleby Fields ; Friday, 26, Newbold level ;Satur- dlaS. 27, Arlcy Village, at 11. COTbSwoi..-Tlsio da1y, Febrtary, 22, Charlton XIings: Wednesday, 24, Throuughat ; ...


... DONCASTER SPRING MEETiNG. I. I t f~r. Zl1M '1'ITTC III V - . . - | P14OGRARALt5 ?? 4Tlil DAY. The MeUNIcIPAL STAICES of 6 sovs each, wvith 40 added, two, year-olds 7st, threa Sat 11b, fousr 9st 121b, dve nnd upwards loit, In and g alloved Sib; winner to be sold for 100 Sov3: it for so allowed Slb, 50 lOlb. Five furlongs. The DOSNOASTER SWUNGES IHIANDICAP of 10 Sovs each, h ft. with CO0 added t ...


... RAOING NOTES. Jlow tho row began at, LIverpool over the seratching of Frmnleln for the Cup this niternoon I need not narrete heoe, for it IhB not onded yct, and It Is mufficlent that the remult or the great race leaves the next great hisndicap-thie Goodwood Stakea-lust nto it Was, Whether FranUelle will ran for to-morrowos Liverpool Plate ia the question, for she can ecarcely lose if nhe doe.s ...


... 0 SPORTING INTELLTGENCEI WARWICWK NOTE S. There waere apipsardaso n. hundred rrurnue-oat Warwic.4 to-dany for: tisa various evente, ?? ilfvstter dtays spar I haiss t bsees wit creiolle tides yer 'h c lts %lairs more Infa oure of'tire ?? Maisers than those.111311 de IIe provioi5J5ly. stud with iho victorieas of Ilesietrg iltotchnisea, 'To isissi. lid F~srdl Atholitoaa their ~jiick- IrIm S ati ...


... . SPORiT1NG.IN,,TQG, NER . eind -probably, Gaolorh obqljn ~ ra r~foe~gM colours, 'Th6 non of Dplunisme boet, q ~ongsoo aid F~uerjeIW in3 ,the commoneit of oenteie ar4 'liil'otnl Iniod'ahi~ii~l~fiNAa O1r~toluhe stheyer,'.by'hb flA120 ?? wfik~h he .dto~oeod ?? rl s ]o h ,btt ead).Itjlj~ul for. tklqa 'Jookeqy Cup, T inew Ci~Lar~n~ bnk Vsio tho iamlng rfot'~oou.e the beaob tHIED It ?? -Ae'v~t hod' ...


... SPORTIN7G INTELLIGENCE. RACING FIXTURES. JUNE. Ascot ?? 10 to 131 Newton.. 1S, 19, 201 Bibury Club ?? 25 Beverley ?? 11 I Hampton .. 19 20 Stockbridge.. 26, 27 Aldershot ?? 16 Odlhal . 2 ?? . 2G Windsor ?? 17, IS Newcastle 24, 25, 26 . 1,2 JULY. Carlisle J 2 Chelmsford.. 15, 16 Huntingdou.. 22,23 Nevosar cet.. I to 4 SuttonParkc. 15, 16 ?? 24 25 Nottingham- .. S, 9 Ipswich ?? 17 ?? 24, 25 West ...