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... VI (VOttrv. DLACMBERRIES AND KISSES. Blackberries! ripe blackberries I Will you come and seeeP Over all the woods and lanes They are running free. Blackberries ! ripe blackberris I Will you come and eat ? Nature bids you to the feast, Spreads the wlid ...


... 4VtrQ. WH1EN BLACKiBEtRRIES SCENT TIHE AIR. We gathered the blackberries long ago, My sweet little Katie and I, In the woods all bathed in the autumn glow, 'Neath the blue of a cloudless sky v That ever seemed fair; but now I know, b As the shadows all ...


... Vattxg. II BLACKBERRY GATHERING. In the ?? davs of autumn, when the sun glows on the trees, Th0 ?? of chfldren's voices echoes upon tbe breeze As to the tangled hedge6 a scoro of little feet Hurry along to search once more for berries ripe and sweet. ...


... a lift from the bull there. 'Tis delightful to range the woods when they change, And the nuts get riper and riper, And blackberries sweet invite you to eat, -If you don't get a bite from a viper. It's charming to float with the tide, in your boat, When ...


... lift from tho bull there. ' is delightful to range the woods when they chauge, AtiLd the nuts get ripur and riper, And blackberries sweet invito you to eat, -If you don't get a bite from a viper. It's clarming to float with tho tide, in your boat, When ...


... the little laggard stay ! So swift of foot as she ever has been It is not so far, by the meadow way, To the lane where the blackberry vines begin. Her mother stands in the doorwaaFtbere, Shading her eyes from the setting sun, And up and down, with an anxious ...


... design, in which Miss Frances Field in the elementary stage, has gained the first prize with a very truthful study of the blackberry, which is a specimen of flower painting we have rarely seen surpassed by a stu- dent. Miss Florence Spiers carried off the ...

Literary Extracts

... by Sterne, by Walter Scott, by Thomas Hughes in Tom Brown, and by many other British writers of recog- nised position. Blackberry, as to which Air Bartlett says that this term is universally used in the United States for the English brambleberry, has ...


... kind : the tale of the Pioneer's Cottage, though somewhat dawdlingly treated, is original, graphic, and mildly tragic; Blackberry Farm (describing a site which Nature reclaims as her own) is naive and amusing. The fable about the narrator's Pegasus ...


... forget The least or thy sweet trifles I The window vines that clamber yet, Whose bloom the bee still rifles I The roadside blackberries growing ripe, And in the woods the Indian-pipe? Happy the man who fills his field, Content with rustic labour I Earth does ...


... boy pulls forth a mouse's nest. And then the tempting bramuble-wreatths invite the babes again, Their pretty mouths with blackberries so sweet and ripe to stain; And many as brown nut slips its sheath to share, poor ittle thing, A burstingpocket with a ...


... lover oi coursethe dlvine art can never be -out of season; but, then, genuine music lovers are not exaotly as plentiful as blackberries, and the Towii Hall is a large place to fill. Need we add, that it ,was not filled on this occasion? The audience was ...