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... full brunt of the westerly gale on Saturday, and was consequently detained. Her bulwarks were carried away and her coals ran short, and the crew were under the necessity of burning about a hundred pigs, out a cargo that was on hoard, to keep the fires up ...

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... In the adaptation of Schiller's btieutiful PoOm, THEE STORtM OF TlOUGHTS. Also Mr. Cherles Dickens' well-known Clhristmau story, entitled A IH A u N T E M N A Nl Concludinge with MAN'S METAMORIPHIOSIS! DAY EXHIBITIONS-WEI)NEJS),AY and SftRuDtAY at Two ...

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... E, In the adaptation of Schiller's beautiful Poeom, THE STORM OF THOUGHTS. Also Mr. Charles Dickens' well-known Christmas Story, entitled A HAUNTED M A N I Concluding with MIAN'S METAMORPHOSIS ! D.AY EN HIBITIONS-THIs DAY (WEDNEsDAY), also SArusirT.Y ...


... against Hodgson the stranger (laughter). That was on blue paper ; where did come from? (laughter.) Let them remember the old, story of the lawyer who was consulted by two clients as to which of them should have the oyster. Well, what did he He opened the ...


... advantage of being rather less easily disarranged. The tunic is of silk, made very short, and without basques front. Behind is large peuff of tarlatane, headed by a wide short bow matching the tunic, which trimmed with a plisse of white tarlatane and one ...


... blackened, who made them swear that they would give up certain gnws lands they had taken. The occurrence took place within a short distance from the police-station. Waterford Election Petition.—Baron Hughes commenoed the trial of the Waterford Election Petition ...


... nobleman referred to, was induced to go house ill-fame by young man, who had resolved to rob him. After being ia tbe hoase a short time one of the inmate* took all the money which M. possessed, without his knowledge. He then left, hut on discovering that ...


... those of Italy) the money would haae been paid and the prisoners set liberty. We anr come to one the darkest features of the story. Ik did not, it seems, suit the exigencies of the despacahls factions of Greeoe that the anair should terminate m smoothly ...


... CANADIAN STORY. Years ago, when Western Canada was covered with wild and unbroken forests, and inhabited a few white settlers, was travelling through the interior, engaged iu tbe then populai calling of pediar. Toward* he close a cold October uay, entered ...


... is a six months' notice to quit, and consequent ruin. —Birmingham Post. Improvement Repetition.—How a story improves by repetition was shown a short time s nee by the great publicist. Deak. He was said to have been in the Zoological Gardens Pesth, and ...


... Robinson as. election ajent The Liberal Association were in favo ar of Mr. Hodgson, and I had to organise a staff in r very short space of time. I hired from sixty to seventy clerks and messengers. The central committee was at Atliemeum. he branch committees ...

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... CUL'KSTIOCK.-DEvov. lit TO b LET, by Tender, from Midsummer fe To net, large MILL S consisting of' ii basement floor and three stories over, measureoient abortit SWft. by i32ft. within the walls, with al roomy, and cenrenient storage premises adjoining, situatod ...