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London, London, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... half-yeariy, on the ost of June and the ost of December, and redeemable at par within ?? years, by means of an accutmulative Sinking Felnd of IfS per cent, per annuem, to be aplied in half-yearly drawinlgs, on the e~tlt of March and msth of September, co ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at. 7-50 A. t, 7,55 AM. I, 2, E 3 Cl I A 2tt53 A.M. J1.20 AM. 2 & 2 Class 2.13 P.M. - 4. 5 P.MA. i & 2 Class} 7 M At. 4.53 r.M. s. o aPt. n&l Cl.,Ex. 7J. RETURNING from Newmarket to Bishopsgate and St Pancras, at 8.39 A.M, and 32,28, 4.23 and 6.o ratr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ovens, &c. 'The capital required is mainly for the purpose of sinking a secotod pit, providing additional machinery, ,and for largely extending the present workings. During the progress of sinking the second pit, it is -estimated that about Ioo tons of coal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... In conformity with the above, the formation'of the Atlantic, Mississippi, and Ohio Railroad Company was duly accomplished on the 12th November, 1870. By virtue of the said Special Act, the Atlantic, Mi- sissippi, and Ohio Railroad Company has been empowered ...

Advertisements & Notices

... andlthe reat Swn SATeRDAbov Lo, ndon AUR-bridge)ctbe, at 10,.am wat0rprit ting.,fm Weturning aton from Terc PeGavmesdamth (Th p rm.,)calln 12.13TEN ALWY P-..eunt0at26,etrmtntZ8 anhe h LAST SuAbi ton WEYMOUTH a ?? Bournmoug from Hamp- sonhire0. Tooayl, oymn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Potroleum Rai'road, the Pithola'Valley Railroad and the Shenango and Allegheny Railroad, now under agreement of loose to the Atlantic and Great Western Rail. road Conapny. In bonds to beare of 1,000 dols., or £200 each, repay able at per, at the holder's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Rusisien Governosent, dated 1.0hSpebr 1871. ISSUE of £210,0,00 SIX PER CENT. ODat0 e cent,, redeemable within twenty yeare by ?? Sinking Fuand. Mesrs..7.HENY SUROiERandCo.beg to announce that the ar AUHO~IISD t REEIV SUSCRIPTIONS for the abov LON a th prce f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 4'VTIfTE STXARLIrNE.- ool Srv to NE W V YORK from LIVERPOOL, via QJEN O N- ADRIATIC ?? ?? June 20. BALTIC ?? Juno 27. ATLANTIC ?? ..Thursday, July 4. OCEANIC ?? Ilnreday. JIuly 1IL Sailin- from NEW YORK every SATURIDAY. The W %hite Star' boats are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... %an let November. in London or Anosterdam. at the option of the M. holders. TheoCompany reserves the right ofincrelneigthe sinking is. fund. on giving three months' notice before the drawing takes is. ;plpa of the sum. whiob will be employed for the purpose ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C.i 1~'HIE TAR LINE.-W~ekidySeveto YOKfrom LIVERtPOOL, via Qt3EENSTOWN i ?? ..Tllursday, July 25. ?? Thursday, Aug. 1. ATLANTICThursday, August B. Sailing frmNWYR vry-S'ATURDAY. The 1 White Star hoats are luxeursously appointed tbroughsout: are ...

Advertisements & Notices

... America.Copyetalse It has further been arranged with the Great Northern Telegraph .Company that when ?? its p rejected North Atlantic Line, a joint purse agreement on an equitablehbasie will be made with this Company, with reference to North American truffe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of the OCEANIC STEAM NAVIGA- TION COMPANY (Limited), so oonstructed as to seoure qulik andregla Rasagi4will be demtoahed ;-ATLANTIC. Thrs- day. Feb.8. nALTFC .Thdrsday, Fe'b.15. Ca0l4lngat ueeoshtown on FRIDAYS to embark passengers These steamshps afford ...