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... her ide, 4evero ker laws, Forsiheshall win, And conquer siu Men shall be fee for ' Truth makes free, And eau't be held In slavery; Do uot despair, The earth is fair Good holds sway in spite of evil, God's supreme and not the devil. Take eonrap yo who foreosmt ...


... resitet! show yosr Indigna- tion All noble heart3 and oll lofty spirits will H On your nide. The slavery of blnck women iD abolished in America, hut the slavery of white women continues In Europe; and laws are itl mads by men In order to tyro=n he over women ...


... beauty and of grace. A spirit firm, erect and free That never basely bends the knee; That wvill not beatr a fetter's weight Of slavery's chain, for small or g' reat That truly speaks of God witl in, And never makes a league with sin That bllaps the fetters ...


... you may sit alene, Yon sit upon a throne. Lax indolence and luxury Will drag the foremost muortal down, In chains of anject slavery, While self denial wears tho crown. The prophet's mantle fell On Ole it fitted well: One not unused to toil, His plough could ...

From Punch

... must, my good creature, bear in mind that, while the Government under which I serve desires to mitigate the horrors of slavery, yet her Hajesty's ships are not intended for the reception of persons other than their officers and crew, and hire we ...


... which he might he supposed to be heat of acquainted. H~e had no idea of heiag ashamed tof ther gentle crft. ied SLAVERY IN EGYPT.- Slavery is abolished in Egypt? nt But what is this mysterious merchandise which is being ver disembarked from the boats ...


... Hall, joyous, jubilant home' as he no pathoticaily apostrophised It in that speech, the scene of so many of Anderson's anti-slavery andt other triumphs, where 1 the bigger brethren with their olarionots might dlieconrse sweeter music, and yet where, as ...


... held as slaves in his dominions. Some of these have died since their arrival from the horrible treatment received while in slavery. The tardy justice of this liberation, if intended to soothe the Russian temper and mitigate the coming revenge, can scarcely ...


... the baser ?? Hepwort76 Dixon's Two Queens. .. SLAVERY S L; AsnAET.-Slaves are made in a variety Of ways. Prisoners of war, if not executed, become slaves. a Misconduct and debt are fruitful sources of slavery. But from these causes many are slaves only ...


... William Anderson, with his genius, his warm heart, and his eccentricities. Forty years ego he threw himself into the anti-slavery question with might and main. Thirty years ago he was one of the foremost In denouncnlug the immorality of the corn laws. ...


... their imaginative faculties. The ssory is founded on the career of Hermean Wolff, who, while yet a boy, was carried off into slavery by a band of Turkish marauders in 1762, and in 1771 beceme an ofcer of high trust in the service of Alee Beg, at that period ...


... the Rev. J. May, a negro minister from Sierra Leone, who described a number of incidents in his life when he was sold into slavery and rescued by a British ship. He testified to the value of Good Templarism. Addresses followed by Mr. E. J. Darke, G.W.C ...