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... the community willing to admit that tho:ls wmay b‘r ; difl&ml mdndho‘f hmoldu' y for the Socialists and for other persons; a the notion seems repugnant and the Socialist m dultu-ul&l:l. L s i visited the commuuity yesterday, on explaining that I sought i ...


... ports for not having - ports. Amongst these were two Englishmen. gfl. therefore necessary for travellers to bo thus provided. Socialists are still being hanged, and large numbers sent to Siberia. Power is vested in the Municipal Councils to banish any inhabitant ...


... the religion of humanity,” a philanthropist, a saint of no sect, a protester against all priesteraft, a fntitudiuurizm. a Socialist, a Sabbatarian, a Buddhist, a Mussulman, a True Moslem, a Confucian, and a Pagan. Fourmen and one woman deseribe themselves ...


... GERMANY, The Socialists were m;l;h_tyi;;ad at the election of Herr Hasencleow to the Reichstag, he being an inveterate Social Democrat. Prince Bismarck is :{ .Kiuingen. and the King of Bavaria has placed horses and equipages at his disposal. R R CRe T ...


... part of the burden as they can. The suspicion, that the necessity for continued nncasiness throughout Europe as to the socialistic tendencies of the people, is the natural penalty of paying more attention to military and foreign matters than to home politics ...

HOW TO HATCH A REVOLUTION., ‘When Paris was in the hands of the Communists there was great cxc;tement among the

... that the title should be altered so as to express their Socialistic principles, but without the word * Socialism ’ appearing. * For,” said he, with the utmost candour, « e know that we are Socialists, and mean to spread our {u'inciplus. but it won't do ...


... promoters pcrhups contemplate. Tt is a challenge to the workmen which they may not be slow to meet, an admission that the socialist principle, that great solvent of society on the Continent, is to be brought in and domiciled among us. Hitherto we have kept ...


... Klap's business as | refuse goes. The simple remedy is to burn thiu’:l\\st. or, a saddler by calling him in the local paper a Socialist |as in Edinburgh, let it be placed in a box outside the agitator and a number of other bad names, Herr Klaps | door and a ...


... degrees, Nay, the present tendenecy of capital to become eoncentrated in fewer aud fewer hands was to be fostered by the Socialists, innsmuch as the diffi- \ culty of dealing with the holders thus became greatly lessened. The question of the indemuitication ...


... akd the 7ln England the Sunday is kept as a day fof and man, and sbove all for the workman, Ob, that our poor misguided socialists would come to & place like London in order to see how honestly, Muwz..rumuy. vigorously, and orderly work is carried on ...


... but acquitted two years ago. At their residences many Socialistic books and pamphlets were seized, also proclamations in the Russian language, Two of the most suspected leaders of this Socialist band are still at large. Tre Vacaxcies IIN PARLIAMENT. ...


... effects of unavoidable contingencies. But with all our Christianity and our philosophy, neither religious philanthropists nor socialistic theorists have fict been able to devise a perfect system of society. e only way to prevent the poor and shivering around ...