... soothed tiy silence where the living voice Had fretted into aneer. Long she knelt, 8trange suppliant in whose lineaments were stamped The light of genits and the mould of grace. Yet there was wreck of wondrous beauty, too, That once enthrotled the princes ...


... militia; that this feadal force literally survived by about half a centuryme m repeal of Lise statutes of armour; that its abolition lad the way to the establishment of ilisa modern militia; and that this force, organised in regiments, and called out pe ...


... five had-a stamp of £4500;. three had n stamp of £5250; one administration had a stanmp of £5625 one probate a -stamp of £'7500; :oue a stamp of £990; one a stamp,' £10,500, one a stamp bf '£12,000;, ohn a ...


... with the purest morality. Never, perhaps, were united in one man so clear an apprehension of Divine truth with the strong stamp of nationality, as in the German reformer. There have been men in whom the image of Christ was more clearly mirrored than in ...


... make him something infinitely higher-to make him a great constitutional monarch W, patriot king, after the notions of kingly duty which thle teacher had drunk in fron classical sources. lie proclailld the substance of this part of his teaching to the world ...


... Catholics, and representing thei4 feelings. While esteeming it his duty to look to th e interests of his co.-religionists, he states he shaU be none the less sensible of the grave duties he owes to eacx individual, without distinction of creed or seat ...


... of a serious diminution of postal revenue as had been predicted--although a loss of t50,000. was caused by the abolition of the newspaper stamp-while the development of the postal service has only been in proportion to public requirements. It is clear that ...


... o~caslon ? The Froth and the Dregs (published by Stan' I ford, Chariya-cross) is a pamphiet by Sir Edwtrd Sullivan on the Abolition 4 the Purchase Systeli. 1 Sir Edward is no friend tS the Abolitionists, ,. ie argues forpromotion by purchase and influence ...


... very little part of the early history of the Children of Israel from the time of their supposed expulsion from Egypt, has the stamp of historical truth. Bishop Colenso thinks with Professor Xuenen that there was some real basis for the story of the exodus ...


... find the merchants of London, with Baring for their mouthpiece, formally petitioning Parliament in 1820 for the abolition of all protective duties on articles of trade with alien nations, and so setting an example that the merchants of several other great ...


... -to continue in force for two years,-remitting all duties on materials carried there and employed in construc- tion; al d estimates that while the Government would not lose, by such a remiss on of duties, more than two hundred thousand dollars, the citizens ...


... struggling cleaves to it unto the end. Such is the sentiment of duty; the English say that in all degrees it is one of the essential traits of their national character. The English idea of duty probably hardly receives justice in the concluding sentences ...