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Advertisements & Notices

... for 8s. Od. each. THEATRIPAL FRENCH BOOTS and SHOES-- T THE PARISIAN BOOT STORES have just opened a London Depot at No. 4, CRANBOURN-STREET, where Artists will find, at very moderate charges, Superior FRENCH BOOTS and SHOES, warranted' made at their Paris ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Waistcoats, Pilot Jackets, Counter. panes, Blankets, Sheets, Drugget Carpets, Hearthrugs, Travelling Rugs, Men's and Women's Boots, Carpet and Leather Bags, Pormanteaus, Hat Cases, &c., &c.; also a large quantity of Miscellaneous Property, con- sisting of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ground, from 7s SCi en'h. AdidrOss aGO Fand SON (Late ?? aind Son), Nluroerymen and Seedrimen. 172, Old Kent-rd., London. P. O.O. payable at 170, Old Kent-road, London. CensUinef Goriioan Flower Soeds--lPost-frei i- TOOKiS twhite@, penile, scarlet, bood red ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MINISTER. At every Library inl the Kingdom, New Novel by tele Authors of Ready-Money Mortiboy, &c., THE GOLDEN BUTTERFLY. The TiitEs says: 'The Golden Butterfly' has added to the happiness of mankind; w-e defy any- body to read it with a gloomy countenance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ashoinr-one ohild-comlortablehob e.s-i. Irs. P., 6, The Pave- ment, Bromley, Kent. ' ?? A Sood NTurse TANTED, to take charge of three ?? V .2s, Upper Lansdown-road North, South Lambeth. Boot and Shoe Trade, XV ANTED. a Man (singlo preforredl to cut routigb otiffatnd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sussex Bover, kent St. Neows, Huntingdonshire Dunstable, Biedfordshire Sandwich, Kent Epsom, Surrey Sevenoaks, Kent Erith, Kent Sheerness, Kent Farnbham, Surrey Shoreditch, Middlesex Parninechine, Kent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... worgs iif ult-bleP. Tyler, Eeudot Boot and Shoo Trade. IATAI'ED Loaura n Wassn ?? Boat and ?? rXTANTED. Good Lestcrs, Finaisahrs. Seroond Hrande, SUnne YV iarkeri, and Clokera.-APlY to is. and AL Lion, o8 ?? 6mithied. Boot and Shoe Trade. TBTANTED, Mfeas ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Stamps. List of other works, One Stamp. H. JoNrs, 143, Park-road, Old Kent-road, London. COMIC ALBUM1. TLLUSTRATED, ls. Lists of othor works, One Stamp. H JJo2EB, 143, Park-road, Old Kent-road, London NEST_ OP IMT-1872 EDITION. ADESCRIPTIVE INDEX (20,000 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and Co., 7, Lower Park-roed. Old Kent-road. London. S.E. :IEOW7 G ET MXONEY QUICKLY; fR, Thirty Ways of Making a Forhtne. Post free, Seven V Stamps. List of other works, One Stamp, . R. JONEs, 14,3, Park-road, Old Kent-road, Londone, COMIC 'ALBEUM ILLUSTRATED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... StrongTrade.- W Apply to 3. and E. Reynolds, Boot and Shoo Manufacturers, Cheoharm, Bacse. Boot and Shoe Trade. ANTITEDI Sew-round Men ?? and Children'sWork.- W T. W. MteEwen', 22 I2, Barones s-road, Hackney-road. Boot Trade. W ANTED, a Good General and Steadv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Selseyj, Chsicehster.Mf THE RED BOOT SHOE COMPANY, aft 216 4 218, COMMERCIAL ROAD, LANDPORT, ran John All Goods 'Warranted to Wear equal to Hand Sewn, at less than Half the Cost. BEradle I I azg- MEN'S STRONG NAILED BOOTS, 816., GENTS,' ELASTIC SIDES, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... truth, and giving a sure scientific basis for the doctrines of Scripture. By WILLIAsI WOODS SMaTH, I-Ion. Secretary to Maidstone and Mid-Kent Natural History and Philosophical Society. London: H. K. Lowsts, 136, Gower-street. Just published, 8vo, is., DENTAL ...