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Aberdeenshire, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... LADIES' . o and GENTLEMEN'S DRESS and WALKING BOOTS and a, n SHOES, made of the best Materz'al 4nd of their own JanefeaI ac. I t.r7; also, to the Leading Styles in the bect Franceh end 8hfeel makes. i -- LASTS and BOOT-TREES for Ladies and Gentlemen, iade t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Debility, Loss of Mnseular Power, &c. Iend two stamps to Mr Ji3ALCS, 40, Addison Road, Konsington, London, for it. Old Established Boot an4 Shoo Business FOR SALE. O TMIE STOCK in TRADE and GOOD WILL of U the BUSINESS, (tgother with Lease of Premises), so loug ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I consider the Pilisrauost valuable Medicine A CLEaGYMAN'S TESTIMONY.-The- ARev. John Sheward, of Milton, Sittingsbourne, Kent, writes, Oct. 29tb, 1878-I have been a sufferer for many months from extreme diar-- rhma, great weakemess, and severe mental ...

Advertisements & Notices

... not had a single attack sinceI first took them. CLERGYMAN'S TESTIMONY.-The Itev. John Sheward, of Milton, Sit- thigbourne, Kent, writes:- My nerves viere so shattered that I dreaded the simplest duties, and lost all energyandplea- sure in the purformance ...

Advertisements & Notices

... China Din- ner Service, in good condition; Indian Dessert Servico; Set of Bloc and Gold Tea China ; Crystal and Glass WVare; Kent's Pat nt Rotary Knife-Cleaner; Box Mangle ; Coodking Utensils; Table Cutlery Linen Presser; Japanned and Dinner Trays; Lamp; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... used them long cince.,' Your clrens hove proved very belneficill to severale titebers W. w T IlOLCROIl' Isq Slicitor Sovenoaks Kent., ritel- of our family, SlId I ltall lhave much pleasure inl recolnllil- .o1d0 . S itig tht , I have derived miterial obnefit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... fvou rmerly of Leiaster ward TCrm;c, lisle Pa'k, in the Courly of Middlesex; and of ldys 1,.1e, near Uantorlcsy it h Ionty of Kent, afterwards f~j B'alan ('title, enear Ilittattall, in Rtoss-ebire, in North Britain, btue ite f httd teticRl atude, near Turhsi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 8-45 A.M. 4P.M. I 7 pm.. WM. BA1N. D CO Loeb Street, and 44 Union Place. A Notice to Debtors sad Creditors. r G EORGE MORRIS, BOOT AND SHOE MAXER, Cumiaestown, Monquhitter, having granted a 'T'rast I Deed for behoof of his Creditors, all parties having CLAIMS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B.C. BBa Williamson, Miss Eliza, 14, Golden square, Aberdeen Ba r- Williamson, Mliss Jane, 14, Golden square, Aberdeen Be Williamson, Miss Margaret, 14, Gol en square, Aber- r- deen Wiliamion, William, 14, Golden square, Aberdeen, Bo sOap and candle ...