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Advertisements & Notices

... hemnmedi. ready fcc use. fee . SPECIAL BARGAINS IN BOOTS. at Ar- i al of Tao Cosee and Hampers of Boots. bought a bar- cana and will bee void a. bargain. For exaunplt-Lauies,[ is! an, rand i.- ed Elastic-Siele Boots wilt be arid fors lo id mad is lid.M Lot of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... their Celebrated Oe 6d RID. WAl-KING BOOTS, jusa recelved from their lousR'. do to Douane. Paris. TheSe Gd Boots, for Styloend Qnlity, are quite a marvel. They are made on sa oItiY different principle to Ordinary Boots, and, without Painor d Pressure, adapt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ofthe Other. I, An Agreement dated the 20th of March, 1872, ?? Scaly James Best, Jamsoc John Holder, Robert Themses ~,Kent, Anthony Kent, ?? Chlsholml(thse WsdeOrel, of the one part, and Williaim Gibson, on behalf of the faens Company, of the other pert ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARE the CHEAPEST and BEST for the Tailor, UNSURPASSED for strength and beauty of stitch. especially recommending them for the Boot and Shoe Maiker. THE PERFECTION of their sewing, combined with their rapildity and duorsbility, place them as far pre- fecabletoany ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2Os., ellghtlyeoled, for le. 9d., ex J-DPdurlgtuthie week, to efect Oleeranc.-l-21 Sauchlehall St. *TRESS Boots-Ladles' Flrsetaaa White Boote, 4s. Cd.; tar aL. qualty, cheapest in ?? de,Paris,-271 Saaue-lsi haloreet, :J baiSre. F] 1 XCELLENT Used Shldo-Glaee ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , the Cheapest in thso City, from gid a yard. BOOT DEPAtRT~nNT.-Ladies Strong setes etan Moronco Laci Boats. at to lld. Ladies' ed ButtonLed Boots, s s,'arhlb Gtd; ?? abt i~s ~ld. Lot S1ghtly Soiled Boots. at 6o 6d to cleat' Ladies' Felt Slippers, Is ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 700_ yard 9 Lois Lot of Ladies' Fine d Boots, ?? that sell at 6G Gd now for is 11d. Lot of Ladles' Strong Walking Ditto, that sell at 8s 6d and 1hs 6d now reduced to 5s lld, to lld, dad Yu 9d Lot of Very Pne ikid Boots, with Hessian Tope, that sell at l 38 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... for 15s Gd a pair; perfect prico, 205 For fiull perticulars of This Week's Bargains In Costume, Fur. Milhinery, Dress, Glove, Boot. Lass, and Cloth Depart- ment, see Daily herald oi Friday. FAMILY MOURNING AND DRESSMAKING. IRON BEDS AND BEDDIXNe, dc. JAMES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PitOPEltTY NE&R DBNNY Kit Thererwill FOR SALE, BY PUBLIC ROUP. ?? j Tbaro wlll be exposed to Sale, by Public Roap, witbin the Ts o Golden Lion Hotel, Stirling, on Friday. 6th April, 1872, at An Two o'clock Afteynoon, tHE pro indivisokALF of-the FARM and TL lANDB ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O , rder. p gesaia erset ou tue I ;ea f STri favelo and liamG.S ?? ThIVEWS BOOK -! EMPORIUX' ~3lseoL 9 hs vea~ New M-Text Boots a £ull Clash Flutwc~sM o llfter Fits X £m mt Anlthm . 1d Chat Book for Ch; n A. & W. STElIOUS 0 Gale H11head. jjjILLHEAD SELECT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sparbled Sales, and Strong Iron Hoto-,.. ?? .. 4/8, 2/8 8/8, 8/8. Tire tarais Boot, ?? Soles anti Too-Rlates screwed on . /, 8/8,. J /8 8/ ci . DD SPPECIL. INFANTS' Warm. FELT BOOTS, for Winter, 6d. prr Pair. E. & S. SCOTT, FcsEs GOOnS Dys'AsRTaaENT, No. 8 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IN-THE SALZ-KAMMRGRUT. ee By Mrs Parr, Author of Dorothy Fox. ?? THE HOMES OF THE LONDON POOR. ?? By H, A. Page, Anthor of Golden Livs3. ) il THE WALTER IRESS. at By the Jousncymaii Engi seer. IT, NUXSLNG AS A, PaOiL'SSSIO FOR GENTLI- er WOMEN. Dy Florenee ...