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Advertisements & Notices

... and 1 IPaurmure 01 thin lelaowfsebhhet 1o ?? I intame towni is better placed and enjoying; a largerUI4 inamed it is truly a golden oppurtnnimy, such as very seldom happens, and a certain source of fortunle infW years. Death of the ?? is, the c'ause of letting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ref reacod roqasre ~yIHtl etnspr Mars. 0b2 WAN4TED, zosed Genzeral setanta, able to wssh and 1 iron. Gfood ?? J. W.Jon-s - Golden Key, Ferndalc'. 12 lcd I'2 13 AN0 ?? ; early riser p W i sabo.-ppl 'Ms.H ant, 3, St, ~ Andrew's ple Paxrk prlce, Cacistb! ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cefroezeiis, to lthe Camerton Arats Htl wansea. lll 0ooK (good) rants a Situationi as above, where a Apa Li ktcjltoflflad is kent or assiastnce gi-en, Wge - froni £20 to £-25. Good chiaracter ?? addreas A B.,41, Argyle etreet, Swansea. 3737d13 a W ,& ED ...

Advertisements & Notices

... It5atapola' YL)U01 as Vl~prnotceto h Drapery.-Apply to sir. _ftha I IJUN4IOR HAND; Wolal. 'ndlpouoabls.aPP r t D. E. Thomas, Golden gey, Mountsin Ash. 11 Wa ?? yiiU1.0latlheb,; a 8IuOvEtB8 to the Drapery and Mliltlnery.- -ApyoW.B. Roberts, Oxeord-stroet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... aeeross the Severn to Wiles, by my eta-l) 2t11uneli, I propose to use it exttnsivoly.-Yoars, &c., W. Aeuslix, L E G.E., Old Kent-road, London.-A-gust, 15899. DS-kt SnR,-I have great pleasure in bearing my testimony to the valuablo Asphalte floor laid by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... valu-bh'cA 'aid FA1LMIING STOCK, CROPS, AND IMP.LFMENTS, A IUpon this farma, and also the Lo __ STOCK, CH30pS, AriDl IMDL&KENTS, L remnovd from the Cross Farm. _ La OATTLE,-14 head, of ablort-horn, Hereford, andI sut jU. cross-bird cattle, viz., 11I two ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t, 14 wport, 6811 L'Jj' huEA S HOP, PENBHIWFERi.-lHxteusive ore. Jinies well situated good ?? right oil.- AtpyWn Uoberts, Golden Age, Penchiwer, Peanty- priticd. lihS ~l0 be Let, withl early possession, extenaidvshhop and T Business Premises in Dukewatreet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COTTAGES NEAR , AR.MOUT7 . : R W, DEW has been instructed to SELL l BY PUBLIC AUCTION, in the month of AusUST, I 1872, at thse GOLDEN LION Hofi'E, Dolgelley, the VEEY DESIRABLE UPLA ND-FARB[ called NANT, GWY'RDD I)DAIL, I situate in the' parish of Dolgelley ...

Advertisements & Notices

... feriod.-Adtieus, in onn'5 husso' 'wsl olliroX Ogmnoro Vale, A :nd snslry aeqatiroed, S. W., 1. ' 451f0101 . f~ritlgesust.-itd boots.-&tp1ly A :1), a Boy ?? ejct, Cartditf. VIVa -,titjvurley Hjotel, CharieaS-'5 , 1620712') competent Chansllct171 ?? ;,tlfta~e ...

Advertisements & Notices

... '11NT2CD, ain-door Man 8eirant~ single handed; * TV end e single ~Uerdeuer,i capab, of serintend ing others.- Addressi P. W.-P, Kent House;Tenby. ?? ?? wRAPERY.AWanted, an experencedubng oman, an 2&,Imnprover, aiid .a femlale. Sprnie to A %T. VflOOT TRADE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... instructed to SELL by AUCTION, on ETI Ai* VtEDNE1i)AY~the 5th day of Jun, 1 Ott at p.m. in CAI the evenlingprecisely. at the Boot Ho111tel. Aberdlure, i A' lr the following Valuabl PSPST, nth oloin or such other lots'a shall be then deterrminead on (and'a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at~iii 2.r'r win ly hou~e,,yard, ir sb pping; goo'l haraoter - n. Addro;3 Alpha, .17, Treddgf;r terrece. bwan~ea. 11l17r17 kent ?? rANTED, by pres]bN ?? in Drspvr's ?? ?? det T( a making. GMo eecs-pi al ?? on, .. a 1. institiltion terae ?? o. 2;r4 51ICc ...