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Middlesbrough, Yorkshire, England

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•*** EDUCATION. Ci fve. *$v Academy, ~- vaTIoV HOAD, MIDDLESBRO ;GH. ■KJBWBATJy J, Wv GRrEVB , b.A., LL.&. ?? •

... the wood— Pale . . . Is 6d 18a Do do. —Golden- ?? Ik fid 18s 8 years in the wood — Pale . . . lafd 21s 3 years in the wood— Golden . . . Is .d vis* 4 years in the wood — Pale ?? Od 24s 4 years in the wood— Golden ?? 'is Od 24s 6 years in the wood— Pale ...

^^ EDUCATION^ ~ rrFYFJ-A^D Academy. MitoV ROAD, WDIM-ESBBOJGH. • >nrcll ? i-* ; ch Young Gentlemen Re*eir

... wood— Pale . . . Is 6.1 18s Do do. —Golden . . . ls 6d 18s 3 years in the wood —Pale . . . ls 9d 21s 3 years in the wood— Golden . . . ls 9d '21a 4 years in the wood — Pale . . . 2s Od 24s 4 years in the wood — Golden . . . 2s Od 24s 6 years in the wood ...

#**— -epTJOATIOIg. •frtr-TLAND Academy, 8.A., LL.D. Tri-^P 8 * eh young Gentlemen ReeeiTe *&*± fa-W ..

... wood — Pale . . . ls fid If* Do do. — Golden . . . lsod 15s 3 years in the wood— Paie . . . ls 9d 21s 3 years in the wood — Golden . . . Jp Cd ''Is 4 years in the wood — Pale . . . 2s Od 2_s 4 years in the wood — Golden . . . 2s Od 24** 6 years in Ac wood ...

frTrvtfiANT* Academy, LE 2nv KOAD MIDDLESBRO JGH. -rtW^DrSS GiiEVK, BJL, LL.D. principal- . Y oim g Gentlemen ..

... the wood ?? . . . ls 6d 18s Do do. —Golden . . . ls 6d ISs 8 yeare in thewood— Pale . . . Is9d 21s 3 yeara in the wood— Golden . . . ls 9d 21s 4 yeare in the wood — Pale . . . 2s Od 24s 4 yeare in the wood — Golden . . . 2s Od 24s 6 yeare in the wood ...

fWvEMXO Academy, fi JiAV TOAD MTDDLESBRO JGH. **!S2?5rW» &TCVE. H.A, LL.D. *S«rf »t which Young Gentlemen ..

... of Cord Trousers, Boys' and Youth*' Trousere Vest*, kc. The stock of BOOTS comprises Ladies* ElaV- tis Kid Boots, Men's strong Boots, do. Elastic, Boys' and Yeuths strong Working Boots, do. Elas ie, Girls' and Children'sßoos and Slippers, Ac. The DRAPERY ...

ED UCATION. Cleveland Academy, epoRAWW ROAD, MIDDLESBRO JOB. Pril \ j at which Yonng Gentlemen Receive eeieet ..

... and Youth*' Trousers, Vests, &c. The stock of BOOTS comprises Ladies' Elas- tic Kid Boots, Men's streng Boots, do. Hla-tic, Boys' and Youths' strong Working Boots, do. Elastic, Girls' and Children's Boots and Slippers. &c. The DRAPERY and ...

gDUOATION. Cleveland Academy, ?? EOAI) ' MIDDLESBRO JGH. : ° E pl.iP»l:l> rW - GBIEVK ' B - A ??

... of Cord Trousers. Boy/ and Youth*' Trousers, Vest*, kc. The stock of BOOTS comprises Ladies' Elas- tic Kid Boot*, Meu's stron;* Boots, do Elastic, Boy** and Youths' strong Working Boots, do. Elas'ic, Girls' and Children's Boo's and Slippers. &c. . The DRAPERY ...

Cleveland Academy, Ration road, middlesbrojgh. r0 ?? ■Dr WM. Gbievk B JL, LL.D. ?? 8t which Young Gentlemen ..

... and Youths' Trousers, Vest-, &c. The stock of BOOTS comprises Ladies' Elas- tic Kid Boots, Men's streng Boots, do. Elastic, Boys' and Youths' strong Working- Boots, do. Elastic, Girls' and Children's Boots and Slippers. &c The DRAPERS' and ...

Academy, ,aTI_)K ROAD, MTDDLESBRO'JGH. -OBW** 1 ,pr WM . Gbieve , B.A. LL.D. PriB ° I v lat which Young

... Boys' aud Youth.' Trousers, Vests, &c. The stock of BOOTS comprises Ladies' Elas- tic Kid Hoots, Men's strong Boots, do. Ela-tic, Boys' and Youths' strong Working Boots, do. Elasic, Girh' and Children's Boots and Slippers. &c. The DRAPERY and H&rfIERY consist ...

af^~ EDUCATION. Cleveland Academy, nation road, middlesbro 7gh :0K ?? •Dr WM. Gbtete. BA, LL.D. ?? at which ..

... Boys* and Youths' Trousers, Vests Ac The stock of BOOTS comprises Ladies* Elas- tic Kid Boots, Men's streng Boots, do. Elastic, Boys* and Youths' strong Working Boots, do. Elas'ie, Girls' and Children's Boots and Slippers. Ac The DRAPERY and ...

'Jr JEJJT7BATION. Cleveland Academy, JOBATION ROAD, MIDDLESBROUGH. Vmrnpi '■ Dr WM - GrieVE B,A LL,D ' Qffcool ..

... and Youths' Trousers, Vests, Ac The stock of BOOTS comprises Ladies' Elas- tic Kid : oots, Men's streng Boots, do. Elastic, Boys' and Youths' strong Working Boots, do. Elastic, Girls' and Children's Boots and Slippers. Ac. The DRAPERY and HOSIERY consist ...