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East, England


Halesworth, Suffolk, England

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The Times

... the prescience of Mr. Disraeli, and which has not yet fulfilled the expectations of the prophets of evil. In this matter the Whigs were completely “dished.” the speech delivered in the Free trade Hall, the Telegraph says, it is like the speaker, wonderful; ...

The Times. HALES WORTH, TUESDAY, JULY 4th, I*7l. Englishmen for the last twenty years have been familiar with ..

... the charter, and this circumstance probably had some effect in bringing it into disrepute in the higher political circles. Whig Ministers set their faces against it like flint. Lord Palmerston pushed rt aside with that jaunty air of indifference so much ...


... Dresses fromuer yard tate B™“* ,nd a Mll ■ IliUlATia devoid ol any rancour born of political feeling, that at HAMEBTON ; I Whig and Tory, Liberal and Conservative, loved and Australian Glacies 6Jd. per yard honoured him alike. It was but the other day ...


... s may have had some effect in determining this coalition of opposite parties, it is not tho first time the older school of Whig politicians have shown that their sympathies leant more to the Conservative side than to that of the advanced Liberals. Why ...

foiibon BY OUR SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT. Our readers will understand that we do not hold outmlmS responsible for ..

... silver. Some foolish people have been wtitiag as if this matrimonial alliance had political importance; but this ia absurd. Whig and Conservative noble families intermarry constantly—as, for lastoncs, the other day the Marquis of Lansdowna was married ...


... coals and meat, say I, And a chance of a dip in the sea. ORANGE AND CATHOLIC RIOTS. ORDER RESTORED IN BELFAST. The Northern Whig of Saturday says : Belfast was perfectly 'iuiet yesterday; there was nothing in the shape of rioting, very little outward ...


... could not compete with either France or Prussia. If such be the case what has become of the enormous sums asked for by both whig and tory governments, and voted with an alacrity that was astounding Considering, as Mr. Richard pointed oat, the vast sums ...


... was proud to stand there, an, the same platform i st and biehop, and thank n no longer divided them, d cet for them what had Whig oppression, fraud, general election ttoro land,-on which the cry of e the popular and success* the Vaudeville Theatre, a the ...

Desirable Freehold Investment

... powers of detail exhibited by the premier eroked admiration eren from those who took exception to its principles. Everybody,—whig, tory, and radical alike—knew that there must be a new law regulating the relations of landlord and tenant in Ireland, and ...


... of the existing generation, pretty nearly divided England between the si, the Whigs aud the Tories —what were they originally bath of them but nicknames of contempt The Whig, as are told, derived his title from a Celtic word, signifying sour milk,” or ...