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... '~volmune to his Storiesfrom Homer and Virgil. A Pamphblet by Major Osborne in defence of the frinpolicy advocated by- the Whig party during the Frenc War is in the press. The pamphlet has also a I cer-tain bearinig upon theEastern question. It is written ...


... a conclusion lils earnestly-written l/uqs on the life acd labours of Mazzini, while ina sequent article on Liberals and Whigs tics Hon. G. Breurick controverts the views recently urged by dir. Goldircuc Smith in favour of ?? two sections, and argues ...


... a total of only 1,642,000 square miles wcith a population but little over 17,000,000. Mr. Goldwin Smith has sn article on Whigs and Liberals in which he takes a by no means encourag- ing view of the position and prospects of that party. It has, he says ...


... age. I hadu knowu him in oppoeltiOlI. intimately for twenty-ilve years. NWo had once or twice nearlY split on ?? tL of his Whig-like adherence to that t ne ?? principle, 1on party everything, the country little or nothiug, ualesa seern hrough party ...


... Coitternprso,'Ryeiee ?? articles, most of them of considerable political or literary significance. Th1e opoeinii paper on Whig and Tory, the Two Root Ideas, by Udr. Montague Cook3on, is written with much breadth of viow and just estimate of the situation ...


... which it Mr. Bright once assured us were the legitimate weapons of corn- petition in trade, the thing might have passed, and Whigs might have said, Why did not the Tories think of it? They stole our ei Reform Bill, and scores of little shabbinesses in economy ...


... will have no difficulty in learning that it has a great deal to do with the mystery which at present surrounds the heroine. Whig Reviewers, as painted by themselves, is a piquant and entertaining notice of the recently published Selections from the ...


... the fourteenth Eonl of Derby, th Conservative leader, 'the Rtupert of Debate;' Lord ~t Taunton, so long connected with the Whig party as Mr. r LabsUchere ; the Marquess of Westminster ; two Eal of Kingston end tivi Earls of Crartotoun ; Lord Broughton ...


... airth upon the consistency of Mr. GldsAtonl. He has been all his life at political chameleon-by turns Tory, Con.. servative, Whig, Peelite, Liberal, and Radical-everything by turn end nothing long. Another ?? stronger dose is administered-, His extravagant ...

[ill] &c

... Still stranger, it is dead. My whole encircles many a heart, That pants for love or glory; 'Tis not despised by any man, Be he Whig or Tory. XXIT. Though my presence may often occasion you fear, You seldom deny me whene'er I appear Indeed, by the greatest ...


... of a family nearly every member of which eventually made his mark in publiclife. To u father, Thomas Wrightill,inpolitics a Whig, in creed ?? was attat time straitened in means, and in 1803 foenew a school in the suburbs of Birmingham, where Matthlew and ...