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Derby, Derbyshire, England

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... intelligence of the present day. The Radical t faction is only powerful in proportion as it is helped by Whig support. There are Whigs and Whigs, Liberals and Liberals, as there are Tories and Torles. It is for the prudent and sensible of these various ...


... pleasure from alar. ap And keeps Auld England in a scare? Our William. fee 'Whla left the Tories 1in a pet, fee Denounced the Whigs, a thaukless set, ro: And's now caught In tbe ftads wide net'? a ...


... have tee for a bride, Rldo over yonder plain, sod bring Your flask, full froin the Musgang spring; Fly, fast a. wveterni v ?? whig, O'er the Llano Estacad I Fe heard, and bowed without a word, It Is gallant steed he lightly spurred; lie turned his face ...


... safegttard to the young which the Band of Hope movemleit was. The newspapers vere now engaged in showing whai had spent the most, Whigs or Torie8, bitt they oughtto let the temperance people show a few figares, and they would soon shame both sides. What were ...


... and its tone is ad- O.W mirable. We quote the following, to show the estimate put st upon the Itbours of men of genius by Whig lordlings :- L Qhen Lord Melbourne was In office, Faraday waited npon him at t re 'ireasury (by his request, as we heard though ...


... with certainly numberless poetical beauties. Milton was a Whig, Ul end, in my mind, an Atheist C.) I am persuaded bis Poem L was composed to apologize for the Devil, who certainly was the first Whig on record. A Cynic appears as the author of an exceouingiy ...


... Baxter traces the lead- Aig questiolls of internal progress during the last two cen- .'lllios, *hd the courses taken by the Whigs and Tories re- -,kcwilg thema ; and shows by what mistake the Tories descellded from the commanding position which they had ...


... as little favour upon ilthe military as upon theoclergy of the Establishment. lBed coats and black costs, said an excited Whig orator in 1869, - 'are the curse of the ounntry. :And eccording to Lord r I'Albermarle, himself a soldier in 1814, red coats ...


... ho is not without sose, hope of obtaining a one, for he ivill go in against constructive legislation. it He raises the old Whig standard of laissse-faire, tlie banner r,1 of content, in opposition to strong legislation Against liquor. disease, and ov ...


... careful to give only such n extracts as cannot wound the susceptibilities of either the e staunchest Tory or the sturdiest Whig; and Mr. Trevelyan I has added occasional notes of real value, wherever they were ; needed for the elucidation of the text ...


... exposing the fallacious arguments used in defence thereof, and urging Td powerfully the argumnlots on the other side. Great Whig landlords are proverbially more stringent in ex- acting political allegiance from their teiiantryttitan tories. The Ballot ...