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Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Qirth%, Marriatgs, and Pr&th ?? 8h Notice of Bith, Marriage or Death cm hh unless butiontirotd bI the name and addita d b srnder. The words 'o carda, or 503 =r to tho simple aunooneesnnutb of a cr ii subject It to payment ot for an adsvetldsouih BIRTRS. BRAsso-At t0, Piekwlek- treet, th6 wife of Robeht I Barr, of a son. CANT-JUIy 18, at 110, Salisbury-treet, the w1tA 4 William Cant, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... girth , Vtiniats, and Reath.. *.t No Notice ot Birth Marriage Death Del bo taeeri np~ athenti hrth name and ddrm of the ner. 'oardr, No orrd o y a imilar ditia so thhe de Cille d non ntr m eda. alble oa t Me foe oa ad BIRTHS. VArr-Mne 8, at t0tCDDrby-road, the wifeof John 3. OR] ay, of a eon . LIoLu-Maroh 2' at2t,10rucnwt-streetArdwlek-rees, ManShester, the 'wife of Thoms Coles, of a eon . ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... Pirhs, Varrbat, and Penths. O's No Notice Of Eletbs MaradoM or Deoath canl be Inserted unlcee authenticated the name ail addres oi thei sender. The words !(o esrd or any eiilr aition to the sienple announioaeni of a manrlrae or death, subject It to payment ae for sa'adverisemeak VIRTlOO . . BAL.-MaLf;, at 56, MaIon-tret, Edgehill, the wife of Mr. W~illcam Ball, of a daughter. COATES-MOy 16, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... 5 ?? afria~*B, ?? @eaths, *sa s~O Sotti at irh, ^Heria, ?? o&. o , i uie aauuienfeatsa 1~O aron D&and addrooa o The wod5 a ch ordi s . or n sim ar x~tt oteO slas plO annctiem~ od a ro~rsisge ore-, wl~ee& t! gvreniltU f or an adrstle rn BIigTH. ?? It. In Bonndery road, Bldston, the wth of Mr. latthew Clorer. oa a daughte. CowniC-Moe-hb 16, at . Upper Parylsment-dtift, tbe Wfe of Mr. Reter ...

- -- SXW( il 'Notlee

... :ot' Birth, E'a~ aSW e . sde. h ~ors b. th a as a at AtW~foef-i~nbe4! No 7 etc~xd8,5,er hts sbimiles dition tthsipeanflonase rda ~o t'cargeo deah Atsuo-.Ththwef sltm1.i I ot aa 1on, ?? Wife of-7M ?? tenry'Aete, Uof 4a en t r .th - r, yi-3 tre1t,-at 'lohop66 Wr e Wilte4, thew, ?? Bayly, Bradnowoa, iirwlfe ?? 16, the wlife ofdil W iam'.M DsI 4 , son. eOtIqvau, sit00 277, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? Fo Notlhe ot Birt, Maige, or Death can be in-arted rmless authenticated b the namo and address of the sender. The words No cards, er nyclialler addition to the imple annoencemeat of s, ?? or death, subject It to payment Be for an advertisemeont. BIRTHRS. EVASB-July 2, at 7, Camm-street, Nr3. Clement Evans, of a daughter. HILL-July 1, the wife of Mr. Henry Hill, of Hnyton Quarry, of a ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~ir~hz, arriages, and aJitht. *. Ifo Notlce of Birth, M&arriag, or Death can be Insertt unless authenticated br the aame an ddrb of the sender. The words No cards, or any smilaradeiea to the simple announcement of a marriag or deat&. subject LO to varmebt as for an advertisement. BIRTHS. BLArIn-Dec. 14, at 82, se. John's-road, Kirkdale, tho Wilfe of Mr. John Blair, of e. daughter. Blov Lsn ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ?? Ho Nice tnitnaea, and e Pathcb . .0. Iql~eteo can^ldgc tleiheo bs twtc ailour iuetontl o br iPT ho ae asd addreht of tbe sMnder. The ivrrla R earde, or any eim aar edd iloo to She eluplor rnoennasmenof a macrring or death. zothfoc It tc aamaanbisu for an a~~dineieoat . BIRTH&. Divoaa-Jon. 29e the wife of Mr. Morgan D&lAeA, t2, Pfloesncesnee~t, Walton-lane, of a daughter, stillbora. D.kY ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... iirths, Warriay~s, , Pnt ffis~z. ?? No N otic of B irtb. Marriago, or Death can be Inserted niless saleas athetat bt re a nm e and addrerfe of the ucuader. The worua No carldF,' or any ooallar addition to the simple aowaninroemet of a m arriage or death. sadbiet it to payment antor an advortlaement. BIRTES. BnAinxl-Jiuo 18, at 38, York-ternae, Regont's Park, London, the wife of George L. ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... ~jirlhq, W narr ipe, anld @ nfat . o.* Notie ot Birth Mrpge, or Death can be lonred uniees at ie.Iated by tho name and addren of the Bender. Iho word d No carde, or nylmtlraddrs~dion I to the oinclo amnuossnomenkt of a nmarriage or death, sulneot Ito payment boafor an advortisenont. BIRTHS. Afne~TOlrlm-Dec. IE, at 8, Marmonde-6treet, the uife of Mr. Wlillam, Aoinvworfb, of a son, BUfalNoT ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... frts, waiages, ad Peaths. n *.'0No .otice ofB ?? Death ca be inserted h unless*ntheneic~edby te nname and address of the eeder. Ibevord*Nocards,or anysimlraddition to the simple sannotcement of a marriage or death, P subject it to Fayment as for an advertisement y BIRTHS. a DALY-Feb. 6, at Bemahague, Onchan, Isle of Man, the wife of Francis D. Daly, of a 60n DANssB-Feb. 6, at 159, Great ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE WILL OF THE LATE MR. HUGH DAVIES GPIFFITH. The will of the late Hugh Davieu Griffith, Esq., who died at his Carnarvonshire seat, Caerhun, near Conway, on February 25, was proved in the Bangor district court of probate on Monday by the execu- tors, Mr. Michael Hollins, Stoke-upon-Trent, and Mr. Thomas Gold gdwards, solicitor, Denbigh. The instrument bears date January 9, 1877, and the ...